後 | ご | afterwards, since then, in the future | |
後者 | こうしゃ | the latter | |
語 | ご | language, word | |
語学 | ごがく | language study | |
恋 | こい | love, tender passion | |
恋人 | こいびと | lover, sweetheart | |
濃い | こい | thick (as of color, liquid), dense, strong | |
幸運 | こううん | good luck, fortune | |
講演 | こうえん | lecture, address | |
講義 | こうぎ | lecture | |
効果 | こうか | effect, effectiveness, efficacy, result | |
硬貨 | こうか | coin | |
高価 | こうか | high price | |
高速 | こうそく | high speed, high gear | |
豪華 | ごうか | wonderful, gorgeous, splendor, pomp, extravagance | |
合格 | ごうかく | success, passing (e.g. exam), eligibility | |
合計 | ごうけい | sum total, total amount | |
交換 | こうかん | exchange, interchange, reciprocity | |
交際 | こうさい | company, friendship, association, society, acquaintance | |
航空 | こうくう | aviation, flying | |
光景 | こうけい | scene, spectacle | |
攻撃 | こうげき | attack, strike, offensive, criticism, censure | |
貢献 | こうけん | contribution, services | |
貢租 | こうそ | annual tax, tribute | |
広告 | こうこく | advertisement | |
工場 | こうば | factory, plant, mill, workshop | |
構成 | こうせい | organization, composition | |
構想 | こうそう | idea, plot, plan | |
行動 | こうどう | action, conduct, behavior, mobilization | |
強盗 | ごうとう | robbery, burglary | |
強情 | ごうじょう | stubbornness | |
幸福 | こうふく | happiness, blessedness | |
公平 | こうへい | fairness, impartial, justice | |
候補 | こうほ | candidacy | |
考慮 | こうりょ | consideration, taking into account | |
越える | こえる | to exceed, to cross over, to cross | |
コーチ | coach | ||
コード | code, cord, chord | ||
氷 | こおり | ice, hail | |
凍る | こおる | to freeze, to be frozen over, to congeal | |
ゴール | goal | ||
誤解 | ごかい | misunderstanding | 1487 |
誤植 | ごしょく | misprint | |
呼吸 | こきゅう | breath, respiration | |
故郷 | こきょう | home town, birthplace, old village, historic village | |
故障 | こしょう | break-down, failure, accident, out of order | |
極 | ごく | quite, very | |
極上 | ごくじょう | first-rate | |
国語 | こくご | national language | |
国民 | こくみん | national, people, citizen | |
国家 | こっか | state, country, nation | |
国会 | こっかい | National Diet, parliament, congress | |
国境 | こっきょう | national or state border | |
黒板 | こくばん | blackboard | |
克服 | こくふく | subjugation, conquest | s1206 |
克明 | こくめい | detailed, elaborate | |
穀物 | こくもつ | grain, cereal, corn | |
穀粒 | こくりゅう | kernel, grain | |
ここ | ここ | here | |
腰 | こし | hip | |
個人 | こじん | individual, private person, personal, private | |
越す | こす | to go over (e.g. with audience) | |
骨折 | こっせつ | bone fracture | |
事 | こと | thing, matter, fact, circumstances | |
異なる | ことなる | to differ, to vary, to disagree | |
断る | ことわる | to refuse, to decline, to dismiss | |
諺 | ことわざ | proverb, maxim | |
粉 | こな | flour, meal, powder | |
この | this | ||
好み | このみ | liking, taste, choice | |
好む | このむ | to like, to prefer | |
コピー | (1) a (photo)copy, (2) blurb on a book jacket | ||
塵 | ごみ | dust, dirt | |
塵箱 | ごみばこ | garbage box | |
小包 | こづつみ | parcel, package | |
小麦 | こむぎ | wheat | |
小屋 | こや | hut, cabin, shed, (animal) pen | |
ごめんなさい | I beg your pardon, excuse me | ||
これら | these | ||
頃 | ころ | time, about, toward, approximately (time) | |
殺す | ころす | to kill | |
転ぶ | ころぶ | to fall down, to fall over | |
今日 | こんにち | today, this day | |
今回 | こんかい | now, this time, lately | |
今後 | こんご | from now on, hereafter | |
混雑 | こんざつ | confusion, congestion | 1240 |
混交 | こんこう | intermixture, mixture | |
混乱 | こんらん | disorder, chaos, confusion, mayhem | |
こんなに | so, like this, in this way | ||
困難 | こんなん | difficulty, distress | |
こんにちは | hello, good day (daytime greeting, id) | ||
コンピューター | computer | ||
婚約 | こんやく | engagement, betrothal | 798 |
婚礼 | こんれい | marriage ceremony; wedding |