議会 | ぎかい | Diet, congress, parliament | |
議員 | ぎいん | member of the Diet, congress or parliament | |
議長 | ぎちょう | chairman | |
議論 | ぎろん | argument, discussion, dispute | |
記憶 | きおく | memory, recollection, remembrance | |
記者 | きしゃ | reporter | |
記事 | きじ | article, news story, report, account | |
気温 | きおん | temperature | |
気候 | きこう | climate | |
機械 | きかい | machine, mechanism | |
機関 | きかん | organ, mechanism, facility, engine | |
機嫌 | きげん | humor, temper, mood | |
機能 | きのう | function, faculty | |
期待 | きたい | expectation, anticipation, hope | |
期間 | きかん | period, term | |
企業 | きぎょう | enterprise, undertaking | |
効く | きく | to be effective | |
岸 | きし | bank, coast, shore | |
生地 | きじ | birthplace | |
技師 | ぎし | engineer, technician | |
傷 | きず | wound, injury, hurt, cut | |
帰宅 | きたく | returning home | |
貴重 | きちょう | precious, valuable | |
きちんと | precisely, accurately | ||
きつい | tight, close, intense | ||
気付く | きづく | to notice, to recognize, to become aware of | |
気に入る | きにいる | to be pleased with, to suit | |
気の毒 | きのどく | pitiful, a pity | |
気味 | きみ | -like, -looking, -looked | |
記入 | きにゅう | entry, filling in of forms | |
記念 | きねん | commemoration, memory | |
記録 | きろく | record, minutes, document | |
寄付 | きふ | contribution, donation | |
希望 | きぼう | hope, wish, aspiration | |
基本 | きほん | foundation, basis, standard | |
決まり | きまり | settlement, conclusion, regulation, rule | |
奇妙 | きみょう | strange, queer, curious | |
義務 | ぎむ | duty, obligation, responsibility | |
疑問 | ぎもん | question, problem, doubt, guess | |
逆 | ぎゃく | reverse, opposite | |
キャプテン | captain | ||
キャンプ | camp | ||
九 | きゅう | nine | |
旧 | きゅう | ex- | |
級 | きゅう | class, grade, rank, school class, grade | |
球 | きゅう | globe, sphere, ball | |
休暇 | きゅうか | holiday, day off, furlough | |
休憩 | きゅうけい | rest, break, recess, intermission | |
急に | きゅうに | suddenly | |
急速 | きゅうそく | rapid (e.g. progress) | |
急激 | きゅうげき | sudden, precipitous, radical | |
吸収 | きゅうしゅう | absorption, suction, attraction | |
救助 | きゅうじょ | relief, aid, rescue | |
給料 | きゅうりょう | salary, wages | RS 17.06 Plat 91 FG 22.04 |
供給 | きょうきゅう | supply, provision | |
器用 | きよう | skillful, handy | |
教師 | きょうし | teacher (classroom) | |
教授 | きょうじゅ | teaching, instruction, professor | |
教科書 | きょうかしょ | text book | |
競技 | きょうぎ | game, match, contest | |
行儀 | ぎょうぎ | manners | |
強調 | きょうちょう | emphasis, stress, stressed point | |
共通 | きょうつう | commonness, community | |
共同 | きょうどう | cooperation, association, collaboration, joint | |
恐怖 | きょうふ | be afraid, dread, dismay, terror | |
協力 | きょうりょく | cooperation, collaboration | |
強力 | きょうりょく | herculean strength, mountain carrier-guide | |
許可 | きょか | permission, approval | |
局 | きょく | department, bureau | |
局所 | きょくしょ | section, affected area, region | |
局部 | きょくぶ | section, affected area, region | |
巨大 | きょだい | huge, gigantic, enormous | |
嫌う | きらう | to hate, to dislike, to loathe | |
霧 | きり | fog, mist | |
切れ | きれ | cloth, piece, cut, chop | |
切れる | きれる | (1) to cut well, to be sharp, (2) to break (off) | |
キロ | (abbr) kilo-, kilogram, kilometre, 10x3 | ||
金 | きん | (1) gold, (2) gold general (shogi) (abbr) | |
銀 | ぎん | (1) silver, silver coin, silver paint | |
金額 | きんがく | amount of money | |
金庫 | きんこ | safe, vault, treasury, provider of funds | |
金銭 | きんせん | money, cash | |
金属 | きんぞく | metal | |
金融 | きんゆう | monetary circulation, credit situation | |
金曜 | きんよう | (abbr) Friday | |
近代 | きんだい | present day | |
緊張 | きんちょう | tension, mental strain, nervousness | |
緊急 | きんきゅう | emergency | a150 |
禁煙 | きんえん | No Smoking! | |
禁止 | きんし | prohibition, ban | |
筋肉 | きんにく | muscle, sinew |