Kanji   Kanji Level 2 (160 kanji)  
1037 かいしゃ 会社 kaisha company, corporation 696 697
3150 ~社 ~社 ~sha company, society 697
3153 しゃかい 社会 shakai society 697
3154 しゃかいかがく 社会科学 shakaikagaku social science 697
  しゃかいがく 社会学 shakaigaku sociology 697
3160 しゃこう 社交 shakoo social life, intercourse 697
3165 しゃせつ 社説 shasetsu editorial, leading article 697
3167 しゃたく 社宅 shataku company-owned house 697
3303 しゅっしゃ 出社 shussha arrival in a country of work 697
3405 しょうしゃ 商社 shoosha trading company 697
3579 じんじゃ 神社 jinja Shinto shrine 697
  きる 切る kiru to cut, cut off  
2926 しきる 仕切る shikiru to partition, to divide 697
3135 しめきり 締め切り shimekiri cut-off, deadline 697
3136 しめきる 締め切る shimekiru to shut up, to close 697
3591 しんせつ 親切 shinsetsu kindness, gentleness 647 697
3934 せっかい 切開 sekkai clearing land, opening, incision 697
3941 せつじつ 切実 setsujitsu compelling, serious 697
3953 せつない 切ない setsunai sad, painful, oppressive 697
227   den electricity  
4909 ていでん 停電 teiden power failure 697
5027 でんき 電気 denki electricity 697
5029 でんきゅう 電球 denkyuu light bulb 697
5034 でんげん 電源 debgen power source 697
5041 でんし 電子 denshi electron 697
5043 でんしゃ 電車 densha electric train 697
5055 でんち 電池 denchi electric battery 697
5059 でんちゅう 電柱 denchuu telegraph pole 697
5061 でんとう 電灯 dentoo electric light 697
5066 でんぱ 電波 denpa electromagnetic wave 697
5069 でんぽう 電報 denpoo telegram 697
5073 でんりゅう 電流 denryuu electric current 697
5074 でんりょく 電力 denryoku electric power 697
5075 でんわ 電話 denwa phone 697
228   mai every, each 1998 697
6792 まいど 毎度 maıdo  each time 1998 697

mono もの (物、者)
Noun meaning: thing/one which..., person, (one's) belongings, what..., would often, it is common that..., generally tend to (do), indeed.
Unlike koto, the object expressed by mono must be concrete inanimate object.

1. Used as noun
Mono o motto taisetsu ni shite kudasai.
Please handle the things more carefully.

Watashi wa itou to iu mono desu.
I am a person called Ito. (My name is Ito)
(Using mono to refer to oneself is humble)

2. After pronoun/noun + no

''Kono kasa wa anata no mono desu ka.'' ''Iie, jon no mono desu.''
''Is this umbrella yours?'' ''No, it's John's.''
(mono may be dropped after the possessive no)

3. After dictionary form of verb/adjective

Kanojo ga kau mono wa burando mono bakari da.
The things she buys are all top-brand articles.

Watashi ga ima hoshii mono wa bideo kamera desu.
What I want now is a video camera.

4. After ta-form of verb/adjective

Anata no teepu rekoudaa wa watashi ga katta mono yori ii desu ne.
Your tape recorder is better than the one I bought, isn't it?

5. Followed by da/desu

Kyuuka o ikkagetsu totte mitai mono desu.
I'd like to take a one-month vacation if possible.

Dare demo atarashii mono ni kyoumi o motsu mono desu.
Anybody tends to take an interest in new things.

Tanoshii jikan no tatsu no wa hayai mono desu.
Pleasant time passes quickly indeed.

Watashi wa yoku uchi de paatii o hiraita mono desu.
I would often have parties at my house.

-> See also: koto, no
morau もらう
Verb meaning: get, be given, receive, have something (done), get (somebody) to (do something), get benefit (from somebody doing something)

The subject is usually the first person or his/her family member, but can also be the second person in question. The potential form, moraeru, is often used in question. The respectful form, itadaku, or its potential form, itadakeru, is used instead of morau when receiving something from someone of higher status or to whom the speaker wishes to show respect.

1. After object noun + o

Amerika ni iru yuujin kara tegami o moraimashita.
I got a letter from my friend in America.
(kara may be replaced by ni)

''Kono katarogu o moraemasu ka.'' ''Douzo.''
''Could I get this catalog?'' ''Sure.''

2. After te-form of verb

Yuujin kara o-kane o kashite moraimashita.
I was lent some money by a friend.

Sensei ni sakubun o mite itadakimashita.
I had my composition looked through by the teacher.

Minna ni kyoushitsu o souji shite moraimasu.
I will get you all to clean the classroom.

Kare ni tetsudatte moratta.
I got benefit from his helping me. (He kindly helped me.)

Sono hon o misete moraemasu ka.
Can I get you to show me the book?
(compare the above first person subject with the following second person subject:)

Sono hon o misete kuremasu ka.
Will you show me the book?
(the subject ''you'' does the favor for subject ''me'')

3. Used with tai-form

Kare ni sore o shite moraitai to omoimasu.
I think I want to get him to do that.

-> See also: ageru, itadaku, kureru
moshi もし
Adverb meaning: if, in case, when

It is used to stress the subjunctive when the action or state in the conditional clause is probable, improbable, unreal, or didn't happen. moshi + mo is even more emphatic.

1. At the beginning of conditional clause

Moshi ame nara chuushi desu.
In case of rain, it will be called off.

Moshi motto okane ga areba sore o kau no ni.
If I had more money, I would buy it.

Moshi anata no tasuke ga nakattara umaku ikanakatta darou.
If it had not been for your help, it probably would not have gone well.

-> See also: ba, nara, tara
mottomo もっとも

Adverb forming the superlative of adjective or adverb
It may be replaced with its informal equivalent ichiban (lit. ''number one'').

1. Before adjective

Kore wa ima made yonda uchi de mottomo omoshiroi hon desu.
This is the most interesting book that I have ever read.

2. Before adverb

Dare ga mottomo jouzu ni nihongo ga hanasemasu ka.
Who can speak Japanese the best?

3. Used with verb/adjective of emotion
Watashi wa kono e ga mottomo suki desu.
I like this painting best.

-> See also: ichiban

鷹森淑乃 - 止まないでHappy Rain
Takamori Yoshino - Tomaranaide Happy Rain
あなたの横顔 照らしてゆくわ


優しくしないで 抱いたりしないで

止まないでHappy Rain

もっと もっと もっと
きらめいてHappy Night
素敵な夜ね あなたの愛信じていい?

わたしのまなざし おびえているわ


いきなりキスして 瞳を見つめて

止まないでHappy Rain

もっと もっと もっと
ときめいてHappy Night
綺麗な夜ね わたしの恋感じていて!
