Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III

ÀÓÄÈÎ 383 | GRAMMAR I - 08.02


Grammar I - 08.02
Uses of Short Forms
  Quotations (represented, or quoted, speech)
  Quoted speech
と 言って いました

They said...
"so speaking were"

to itte imashita

あたし は 試験 が あります。 (Suu speaks:) I have an exam.

atashi-wa shiken-ga arimasu.

スー さん は、 
あたし は 試験 が あります
と 言って いました。
Sue said that there would be an exam tomorrow.

Suu san,
"I have an exam"
so have said (she said so).

suu san wa,
atashi-wa shiken-ga arimasu
to itte imashita.

  I think that... / I don't think that ("I think it's not that...")
と 思います

I think that...
"so thinking"

to omoimasu  
わたし は、
たけし さん は メアリー さん が 好きだ
と 思います。
I think Takeshi likes Mary.

Me / I,
Takeshi likes Mary,
so thinking.

takeshi-san-wa mearii-san-ga suki-da
to omoimasu.

わたし は、
メアリー さん は たけし さん が 好き じゃ ない 
と 思います
I don't think that Mary likes Takeshi.

Me / I,
Mary likes Takeshi not,
so thinking.

mearii-san-wa takeshi-san-ga suki ja nai
to omoimasu.
  Casual conversations

In the casual conversation use of short forms, question sentences do not end with the question particle ga , but with rising intonation alone.

  The da ending of na-adjectives and noun+desu construction is usually dropped.
  In casual conversation, hai (yes) and iie (no) are often replaced by the less formal un and uun.
  Negative requests and "I like doing..."