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Quarante et unième (41e) Leçon  
"La Marseillaise" (1) " La Marseillaise "
1 Allons enfants de la patrie,
2 Le jour de gloire est arrivé.
3 Contre nous de la tyrannie (2),
4 L'étendard sanglant est levé! (bis)
5 Entendez-vous dans nos campagnes (3)
6 Mugir ces féroces soldats,
7 Qui viennent (4) jusque dans nos bras
8 Égorger (5) nos fils, nos compagnes (6) !
9 Aux armes, citoyens! Formez vos bataillons!
10 Marchons, marchons!
Qu'un sang impur abreuve (7) nos sillons!
— 1 Come (Let us go), children of the fatherland,
— 2 The day of glory has come (is arrived).
— 3 Against us, of (the) tyranny,
— 4 The blood-stained standard is upraised!
— 5 Do you hear in our fields ("countries"),
— 6 the shouts of (bellow) those ferocious soldiers,
— 7 Who are coming, right (till) into our arms
— 8 to slay (slit the throat of) our sons and our women (companions) !
— 9 To (the) arms, citizens ! Form up your battalions !
— 10 March on (Let us march), march on !
Let an impure blood soak our soil ("water" our furrows) !
  There is no exercise to-day,
but we ask you to learn the song by heart.
If you have our gramophone records, or if you know the tune of it, more or less.