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Lección Ciento siete (107)

  En la botica (continuación) At the chemist's shop (continued).
1 Y aquella muela, ¿no se podía empastar (1) ?
— No, porque tardé demasiado en acudir al dentista y ahora no había más remedio (2) ;
pero luego mandaré ponerme una postiza con un bridge (3).
And that molar, it could not be filled?
— No because I delayed too much resorting to the dentist and now there was no other solution [remedy];
but soon I'll have a false tooth put in, with a bridge.
2 Eso es muy fácil...
Pues aquí tiene sus encargos. ¿Manda algo más (4)?

It's very easy.
— Well here are your purchases. Do you need [order] anything else?

3 Sí, un tubo de comprimidos de aspirina, por si me duele la cabeza esta tarde;
y ahora que me acuerdo, déme también un paquete de algodón en rama (5) y medio litro de agua de colonia (6).
Yes, a tube of aspirin tablets, in case [for if] I had a headache this afternoon;
and now that I remember, give me also a pack of cottonwool and a quart of Eau-de-Cologne.
4 Bueno, ahí lo tiene; mire bien si está todo.
-— Me parece que falta algo... efectivamente, ¿dónde está el sulfato de magnesia?

Good; here you are; look well if everything's there.
— It seems to me something's missing... as a matter of fact, where's the Epsom salts?

5 En su estómago de usted estará todavía (7)...
— ¡Como! el vaso que me dio usted...
It must be still in your stomach.
— What! that glass you gave me...
6 Pues, ¿no era para usted el purgante?
— No, señor, ¡era para mi suegra!...
Well, it was not for you, the purgative?
— No, sir, it was for my mother-in-law.
  Carta de agradecimiento. Letter of thanks :
  Señor Director del Laboratorio de Sinomata Cura

Muy señor mío,
To the Director of the Laboratory of Sinomata Cura

Dear Sir,
  Después de padecer dos meses con una úlcera varicosa en la espinilla y de haber ensayado muchas pomadas sin resultado, After suffering two months from a varicose ulcer on the shinbone and trying numerous ointments without any result,

un amigo me aconsejó el depurativo Sinomata Cura.

a friend recommended me the Sinomata Cura depurative.
  A los pocos días de usarlo, experimenté una notable mejoría, la cual se fué acentuando cada vez más hasta la fecha. After a few days [of using it] I felt a notable improvement which has increased more and more until to-day [the date].
  Hoy día no sólo ha desaparecido todo malestar, sino que puedo otra vez dedicarme de lleno a mis ocupaciones. To-day, not only all discomfort has disappeared, but I can again give myself entirely to my occupations.
  En agradecimiento a su depurativo, y considerando que tan milagroso tratamiento merece la más extensa publicidad, As a token of [in] gratitude for your depurative, and considering that such a miraculous cure deserves the largest publicity,
  le dirijo a usted la presente y le autorizo a hacer de ella el uso que crea más conveniente. I address to you this letter and allow you to make of it the use that you will think the most suitable.

Reiterándole mi más profundo agradecimiento, quedo de usted afmo y S.S. q.e.s.m.

Renewing my profoundest gratitude, I remain
  Tomás Cordero. Yours faithfully...

  Copia granadina
¡Dobla campana, campana dobla!
que tu triste sonido
me traen las olas.
¡Qué horas tan negras!
En su cajita la veo,
y la nieve de sus labios
¡aun en los míos la siento!
A copla of Granada.
— Toll the knell, toll the knell, bell
— now [that] thy sad sound
— the waves bring to me
— What (so) dark hours!
— In her little coffin I see her
— and the ice [snow] of her lips
— upon mine I feel it!

Doblar : to toll the knell (speaking of bells) (the proper meaning of doblar is to bend).
Repicar : to chime;
tocar a rebato : to ring the alarm-signal, alarm-bell.
Caja : case, box and also coffin, bier.

1 Empastar, liter. to paste = to fill or stop.
2 No hay más remedio, liter. : there is no other [more] remedy, a very current phrase, meaning that one is reduced to one solution, that there's nothing else to do.
3 Bridge, an English word, pron. britch in Spanish.

¿Manda algo más? liter. : do you order something more? Is there anything else you want?
When you have said gracias to somebody, he answers : mande usted, command, I am at your service.


Algodón en rama, liter. : cotton in branch, not spun. Also : uata.


Medio litro de..., Half a litre of.
Spanish does not use the indefinite article un before the words medio, otro and tal.

7 Estará todavía, future of probability : it will still be...
  Si no mata, cura : If it doesn't kill, it cures.
Explanation of the final abbreviations :
afmo y s. s.afectísimo y seguro servidor, most devoted and faithful [sure] servant.
q. e. s. m. = que estrecha su mano, who shakes [presses] your hand.

When one writes to one's superiors one says at the end of the letter :
q. s. m. b. = que su mano besa, who kisses your hand,
and more respectfully still to a lady : q. s. p. b. = que sua pies besa : who kisses your feet.

Ponerse a los pies de (una señora), to pay ones respects to (a lady).
A los píes de Vd., Señora : my respects, madam,

Expresiones a tu tía : my respects to your aunt,
an ironical phrase to intimate that you would be glad not to meet a person again.
But remember the word expresiones as meaning : my respects... my compliments to...
— Also : un buen recuerdo; un cariñoso saludo, my affectionate remembrance, greetings to.
— Between friends Spaniards often send one another in their letters : un cordial abrazo : a hearty hug.

— Instead of : haga el favor, that we know well, it is more polite and respectful to say :
sírvase usted, will you please...
Sírvase usted transmitir ; will you please forward.