Языки ::  Испанский







Lección Ciento una  (101)

  Delante del garage

Before [of-]the garage.

1 ¿Qué haces, Pedro?
— Estoy esperando al mozo del distribuidor para que me dé gasolina;
¿y tú? ¿acaso vienes por un auto de alquiler (1)?
¿Quieres que te lleve?
What are yon doing, Peter? ,
— I am waiting (for) the boy of the petrol-pump that he may give me petrol, arid you?...
Perhaps you come for a hired motor-car?
Do you want me to take you?

¡Ca, hombre! muchas gracias, ya tengo auto proprio (propio) (2)!
— ¿Y sabes conducir?

No, no, my dear (boy), thank you very much; now [already] I have my own car.
— And you know how to drive?
3 ¡Ya lo creo! Hace un mes que tengo carnet y quince días que compré mi coche :
un cabriolé casi nuevo, tres asientos cinco caballos.
I (should) think so! It is one month since I had my license and 15 days since I bought my car;
an almost new cabriolet, 3 seats, 5 HP.
4 Por mil pesetas lo tuve, una ganga que me encontró el garagista (3). I had it for one thousand pesetas, a bargain that the garage-man found me.
5 ¡Vaya! ¿y estás satisfecho con él?
— Pues así, así, nada más; pero conste que fué sólo por culpa mía (4).
— ¿Eso quiere decir que ya tuviste algún percance?
My! And you are satisfied with it?
— Well, so so, no more, but it's obvious that this has been only [by] my fault.
— Does this mean that you already had some accident?
6 Ahí está lo malo; vas a echar la cuenta :
el primer día que salí, se me fundió una biela por falta de aceite;
Here is (my) bad luck; you'll make a [the] reckoning :
on the first day I drove out, one of my rods was damaged through lack of oil;
7 tan pronto como volví a sacar el coche, tuve un reventón por desgaste de la cubierta; As soon as I began again to take out my car, I had a puncture owing to the worn state of a tyre;
8 luego, a los pocos días, me quedé en panne en medio de la carretera.
Por más que anduve con la manivela, no podía ponerme en marcha;
then a few days later [at f. d.], I had [remained in a] breakdown in the middle of the road;
crank the handle as I might [for more that I had a shot at the handle], I could not start [put me in march];
9 un chófer de taxis me sacó del apuro,:
figúrate que tenía la batería descargada, una bugía engrasada,
y además había agua en el carburador;
hubo que desarmarlo.
a taxi-driver helped me out of (my) trouble;
fancy that I had a discharged battery, a sooted up plug,
and in addition there was water in the carburettor (carburetor);
I had to take it to pieces.
10 Y luego para desquitarme de aquella parada forzosa, pillé una multa por exceso de velocidad. Then to take my revenge of that forced stop, I got a fine for excessive speed [excess of s.].

(To be continued.)

  En la zapatería. At the cobbler's shop.
1 Maestro, a ver si me puede poner unas medias suelas y enderezar los tacones a estos zapatos... Governor, let's see if you can put me half-soles and set right the heels of these shoes?
2 Dentro de dos días estarán listos, ¿verdad?...
Muy bien, además, necesitaría un par de botas por el estilo de éstas, de charol y con caña de ante...
In two days they'll be ready, won't they?
Very good, moreover, I should need a pair of boots of the type of those, of patent leather and with deerskin legs.
3 Con botones, no; prefiero con lazos...
¿Dice usted que 50 pesetas? Me parecen muy caras...
Not with buttons, I prefer laces...
You say that 50 pesetas...? They seem very dear to me?
4 Ya sabe usted que no me gusta regatear,
pero fíjese como desde algún tiempo acá bajaron los precios en todas las zapaterías...
You know that I don't like to haggle, but (you must) notice that for some time [in that] prices have gone down in all the shoe shops.
5 De seguro que en cualquier tienda de precio fijo encontraría los mismos bastante más baratos.,. (It's) quite sure that in any fixed-price shop, I should find the same rather cheaper.
6 Sí, ya sé que entre unos zapatos cosidos a mano y otros hechos completamente a máquina no hay comparación
por lo que se refiere a solidez, duración y comodidad...
Yes, I know that between a pair of hand-stitched shoes and others completely machine-made, there is no comparison as [what] regards solidity, wear and comfort.
7 Pero mire también que es mucha la diferencia de precio, casi de la mitad... But remark also that there is much difference in [of] price, of nearly the half,
8 ¡Vamos! estoy convencido que si me las pone usted a 45 pesetas, no salé usted perdiendo... Come! I am convinced that if you put them (down) at 45 pesetas, you won't come off a loser.
  It would be profitable to you to do with this text the same exercise as with la sastrería;
here the replies to be guessed are those of the master cobbler.


Vienes por, you come for.
We have already found similar phrases in which "por" is equivalent to " to get",
generally after a verb of motion (as in English)
: subir por, to go up for; bajar por, to go down for...; mandar por, to send for.
Remember the picturesque saying : ir por lana y volver trasquilado, to go for wool and come back shorn ("It's a case of the biter bit").


Propio = mío, that belongs to me.
¡Ca! an interjection reinforcing negation and doubt : Come! — Nonsense!


In motoring language, Spanish has borrowed many words to French, respecting the spelling and pronunciation more or less :
carnet (pr. carnay), cabriolé, garage (ga-raHay), garagista, panne (pan),
manivela (-bayla), chófer (tchoffay-r), taxis (tackseess), batería, bugía (booHeea).
Carnet de conducir, driving-license.
License is generally licencia.
Any crank, except a motor-car one, is generally : manubrio.


Conste, subj. of constar, to be evident;
me consta que, it's obvious to me that;
que te conste, or simply, conste: May it be evident to you, be certain that...