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Lección Noventa y seis (96)

  Nuevos descubrimientos New discoveries.
1 Hoy al almorzar descubrí dos mundos nuevos.
Fueron primero los calamares en su tinta (1).
To day, while [in] having lunch, I have discovered two new worlds.
It was first the calamaries "in their ink".
2 Los empecé a comer tímidamente, pues el aspecto viscoso de aquellos bichos nadando en tinta de china me daba algún recelo; I have begun to eat them timidly, because the viscous aspect of these animals swimming in their Indian ink gave me some apprehension;
3 pero bien pronto me dejé convencer, por el tufillo de la salsa que halagaba al olfato de un modo irresistible, y mis convicción no tardó en volverse entusiasmo. but very quickly I let myself be convinced by the fumes of the sauce which flattered the nose in an irresistible way, and my conviction was not long in becoming enthusiasm.
4 Así aprendí que en materia culinaria no hay que tener prevención (2), y más importa el olfato que la vista (3). I have learnt thus that in culinary matters, one must not have prejudices and that smelling is more important than sight
5 Por eso, cuando a continuación me trajeron (4) una paella valenciana, arremetí con ella (5) sin reparar en lo disparatado (6) de su composición : That is why, when, afterwards, they have brought me a dish of Valencia rice, I have tackled it without paying attention to the disparity of its composition :
6 había que ver que sobre una base de arroz venían pimientos, tomates, guisantes, almejas, langostinos, algo de pescado, algo de pollo, algo de jamón y no sé qué más : un arca de Noé, señor. one had to see that on a base of rice, came pimentos, tomatoes, green peas, mussels, crayfish, a little fish, a little chicken, a little ham, and I don't know what more; a Noah's Ark, sir.
7 Pues bien, desde los primeros bocados me convencí que todo aquello se harmonizaba, formando una portentosa sinfonía de sabores. Well, from the first mouthfuls, I have convinced myself that all this was in harmony, forming a marvellous symphony of savours.
8 Estuve tocando la sinfonía hasta que perdí el aliento, y bien creo que, terminado el último compás, todavía me chupé los dedos. I played the symphony until I lost my breath, and I do think that, (once) ended the last bar, I still licked my fingers.

  En la Casa de Correos. At the Post-Office.
1 ¿Tienes que hacer?
— No.
— Entonces ven conmigo a la casa de Correos.
Have you (anything) lo do?
— No.
— Then come with me to the post-office.
2 ¿A qué vas?
— A ver si tengo algo en la lista de Correos;
además tengo que mandar un giro postal y yo solo no me sé arreglar.
For [at] what do you go (there)?
— To see if I have something poste restante;
moreover I must send a postal order and, by myself, I don't know how to manage.
3 Bueno, ya llegamos; adelante.
— Con permiso.
Good, we are [arrive] there already. Pass before (me).
— Pardon me [with permission].
4 Mira, ahí tienes varios papeles : estos son para valores declarados;
ésos para cheques postales;
aquéllos para paquetes y envíos certificados.
See, there you have several forms; these are for insured parcels;
those for postal cheques;
these others for registered parcels and letters.
5 Coge uno de esos amarillos que son los de los giros postales. Take one of these yellow ones which are those of the postal orders.
6 Ya está; dime ahora lo que he de hacer. Here you are; now tell me what I have to do.
7 Bien fácil es : escribe en estas líneas las señas del destinatario;
luego pon las tuyas en este sitio;
la suma que quieres mandar, la has de poner aquí en cifras y allí, más abajo, en letras.
It's very easy; write on these lines the address of the addressee,
then put yours in that place;
the sum you want to send you must put here in figures and there, lower down, in full [letters]..
8 ¿No hay más?
— No, hombre, haz lo que te digo y ten cuidado con los borrones, que siempre traen líos.
There is no(thing) more?
— No (old) boy; do all that I tell you and mind [have care with] the scrapings which always bring about unpleasantnesses.
9 Ya está terminado.
— Muy bien, ahora vete allá, a la taquilla número 8, y da tu papelito al empleado.
Here it is [already it's finished].
— Very well; now go there, to window number 8, and give your little paper to the clerk.

1 The calamari is a mollusk resembling the cuttlefish and like the latter, secreting a black liquid.
It is with this "ink" that they prepare the gravy which goes with it
The calamary is known on the Spanish coast under the name of chipirón.
2 Hay que, it is necessary (cf. to have to);
before an infinitive only;
había que
, it was being (or used to be) necessary;
hubo que, it was necessary;
habrá que, it will be necessary.
3 The five senses (los cincos sentidos) are :
el gusto, taste; la vista, sight; el oído, hearing; el olfato, smell; el tacto, touch, feeling.
4 Trajeron, they (somebody) brought me; irregul. past of traer;
traje, I brought; trajo, he brought;
si trajera, if I was bringing;
que yo trajese, that I (should) bring.
5 Arremeter con, to grapple with, attack, fall upon.
Don Quijote arremetió con los molinos de viento : Don Quixote fell upon the wind-mills.
6 Lo disparatado de : what is ill-matched in.
We shall see in the next revision lesson (n° 98), the special part of this neuter article lo.
  As in the preceding lesson, practice replacing by usted, in the exercise of La Casa de Correos; check
your verbs at the same time :

1 Tiene usted, ... venga, ...
— 2 va ...
— 4 mire usted, ... tiene
— 5 ... coja ...
— 6 dígame ...
— 7 escriba ... ponga ... quiere ... ha ...
— 8 ... haga ... le diga ... tenga.
— 9 ... vaya ... dé su papelito.
  The irregular forms of the imperative of .
Ven, come (from venir); ten, have (tener); pon, put (poner); haz, do (hacer); di, say (decir); díme, tell me; ve, go (ir); vete, go away.
You can also remember : sal, go out (salir), and , be (ser); sé bueno, hijo mío, be good my child [son].

The use of adelante, with a certain tone, is equivalent to an actual imperative : go forward, go before.
In a conversation, one will also say : ¡adelante! to encourage somebody to speak on.
In the same way : ¡arriba!, up, can be understood as : go up!
¡Arriba con la maleta, mozo! (come) up with the suitcase, boyl
¡Atrás! back : step back!
¡Abajo!, down :
get down!