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Lección Ochenta y seis (86)

  Un disgusto (1) A tiff.
1 Un día, al volver de la oficina, recibió don Tomás la desagradable noticia de que el almuerzo no estaba aún (2). One day, on returning from the office, don T. received the disagreeable news [of] that [the] lunch was not yet [ready].
2 La culpa de este retraso, según averiguó, no era de su mujer, sino del carbón, que no ardía (3). The responsibility of this delay, according to what he learnt [inquired], did not rest upon [was not of] his wife but indeed upon [of] the coal, which did not burn.
3 Muy contrariado agachó la cabeza, hundió ambas manos en los bolsillos del pantalón, pegó una patada en el suelo, (4) Much displeased, he bent his head, thrust both his hands in the pockets of his trousers, struck his foot on the ground,
4 dio algunos paseos por la cocina, y luego, con aire preocupado, empezó a rascarse el cogote (5). took [gave] a few walks in the kitchen and then, with (a) preoccupied look, began to scratch his head [nape].
5 Bueno, dijo, no hay mal que por bien no venga : me afeitaré. Well, he said, it's an ill wind that blows nobody good [there is no harm that for no good comes]; I will shave [me].
6 Se retiró a su cuarto, preparó el jabón, suavizó la navaja, y al ir a colgar el espejito de que servía para rasurarse (6), He retired to his room, prepared the soap, whetted the razor and, on going to hang the small mirror that he used for shaving,
7 vio que el clavo estaba un palmo más arriba de donde él lo puso (7). he saw that the nail was 20 centimeters (See note) higher than he had put it [more above of where he put it].
  (Sigue.) (To be continued.)

  En el hotel, At the hotel.
1 La camarera trae sábanas, y hace la cama. The maid brings sheets and makes the bed.
2 Haga el favor de ponerme (or: Póngame) una manta más, pues soy muy friolero. Will you please put (or Put) one blanket more, because I am very chilly.
3 Tráigame otra toalla, cepílleme este traje. Bring me another towel; brush me these clothes.
4 En cuanto llame súbame el desayuno : café con leche y tostadas. As soon as I call (subj.) bring me up my breakfast : coffee with milk and toasts.
5 Al armario le falta la llave y tiene la luna sucia. The wardrobe lacks a key, and the looking-glass is dirty.
6 El agua del lavabo sale fría. The water of the wash-basin comes out cold.
7 Deje correr un rato el grifo y saldrá caliente. Let the tap open a moment and it will come out hot.
8 ¿Dónde está el retrete? (or : el W.C., « water »). Where are the lavatories (singul.).

1 Disgusto, a scene, a tiff.
He tenido un disgusto con el dueño : I have had a tiff with the landlord.
No le hablo, estamos disgustados : I don't speak to him, we are angry (with each other) [have fallen out].
Eso no me disgusta : this does not displease me (contrary of eso no me gusta).
- Disgust, el asco;
to disgust, asquear.
That disgusts me : eso me asquea (asskay-a) or eso me da asco.
2 No estaba aún, was not yet.
The word listo, ready, is not necessary for the meaning.
We have seen : ¿Está la señora ? Is Mrs. X at home?
3 Averiguar (gwarr), to find out, establish.
La culpa es mía, the fault is mine.
Arder, to burn (be consumed). To burn something is : quemar (corruption of cremar; cf. cremation).
Me he quemado el chaleco con un cigarro, I have burnt my waistcoat with a cigarette.
Cuidado ¡que quema! Mind! it's burning.
4 Agachar : bajar.
Con la cabeza agachada : with head hanging down.
Yo me agaché para coger mí pañuelo : I stooped down to pick up my handkerchief.
Hundir, to sink; hondo, deep.
I thrust my hands in my pockets: Metí las manos en los bolsillos (Meter is to put or thrust).
No quiero meterme en este lío : I will not put myself into this scrape.
Pegar : 1° to stick; 2° to knock, beat, tap.
Le pegó una patada : he kicked him.
5 Hence acogotar, to knock senseless, pegar en el cogote.
6 Espejito, dimin. of espejo.
Rasurarse is less used than afeitarse.
To get reassured, tranquilizarse.
7 Un palmo, a span, an ancient measure, from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger, fingers apart.
Más arriba de or más alto que.
  Read the lesson again, putting the verbs in the present :
One day, returning from the office, don T. receives, etc...
Check under :
1 : ... recibe ... está.
— 2 averigua ... es ... arde.
— 3 agacha ... hunde ... pega.
— 4 da ... empieza.
— 5 dice ... afeito.
— 6 se retira ... prepara ... suaviza ... se sirve.
— 7 ve ... está ... pone.
  La manta : the blanket;
la mantilla : the mantilla;
el mantón : the shawl.

La luna : 1) the moon; 2) the looking-glass.
Un armario de luna : a mirror-wardrobe.

¿No le falta nada? : Do you need [lack] nothing?
Me hace falta (or : Necesito) un sacacorchos : I need a corkscrew.
¿Necesita Vd. algo más?
Nada más.

Un traje is rather a man's clothes, a suit of clothes.
— A woman's dress is : un vestido.