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Lección Setenta y cinco (75)

  Marieta cobra su primer cheque Marieta cashes her first cheque (check).
1 Sobre las ventanillas hay rótulos (1) de metal dorado con letras negras. Above the wickets there are golden metals signs with black letters.
2 Ella los va leyendo : Depósitos, Pagos,
Caja, Cuentas Corrientes... allí debe ser (2).
She reads [goes reading] them one after another : Deposits, Payments, Pay-desk, Banking-accounts... it must be here.
3 Se acerca a la ventanilla.
Un empleado joven la mira y tiende (3) la mano hacia ella.
She draws near the wicket. A young clerk looks at her and puts his hand forward.
4 Sin vacilar, pero temiendo equivocarse, Marieta alarga su cheque. Without hesitating, but fearing to make a mistake, Mar. hands over her cheque.
5 El empleado lo pone sobre su mesa y le da a cambio un papelito amarillo (4). The clerk puts it on his table and gives her in exchange a small yellow slip.
6 Marieta vacila.
¿Qué tendrá que hacer ahora?
Y para enterarse (5) pregunta :
— ¿Tendré que esperar mucho?
M. hesitates.
What will she have to do, now ?
And in order to find out, she asks :
— Shall I have to wait long?
7 El empleado sonríe y le contesta :
— No. Vaya a la caja y aguarde a que llamen su número.
Es cuestión de minutos.
The clerk smiles and answers her :
—No, go to the pay-desk and wait until [at that] they call (subj.) your number.
It's a question of (a few) minutes.
8 Marieta ve que el papelito amarillo lleva un
número : 636 (6), y ya más tranquila, se va hacia la caja.
M. sees that the small yellow slip bears a number : 636. And, already more reassured, she goes towards the pay-desk.
9 Está ahora más dueña de sí, y dedica la
espera a observar (7) cuanto le rodea.
She is now more mistress of herself [oneself], and occupies her time [the waiting] by observing all that [so much] surrounds her.
10 — ¡636! — oye decir al fin. Entrega su resguardo (8). 6361 she heard (somebody) say at last. She hands her acknowledgment of receipt.
11 ¿Me da veinte céntimos para el sello?
le dice el cajero.
Have you [do you give me] 20 centimes for the stamp?
the cashier tells her.
12 Los entrega y recibe a cambio un billete de quinientas pesetas. She hands them and receives in exchange a 500 p. note.
  (El Caballero Audaz.) (The Audacious Knight.)

  Disposiciones Aptitudes.
1 Un padre presenta su hijo a un banquero como dependiente. A father presents his son to a banker for a clerk.
2 ¿Tiene disposiciones para la banca? Has he aptitudes for banking?
3 Admirables, a los cinco años ya robaba la calderilla del cajón. Admirable; at 5 [years], he would already steal the small change in the [of the] cash-box.
  Equivocación. Misunderstanding.
4 Quisiera abrir una cuenta corriente. I [should] want to open an [running] account.
5 Muy bien señora. ¿Cuánto va a depositar? Very well, madam. How much are you going to deposit?
6 Quiero retirar (or : sacar) mil pesetas. I want to withdraw 1.000 p.!

1 Rótulo = letrero.
Cheque (pr. tchaikay).
2 Or debe de ser.
3 Tender : alargar.
4 A cambio, in exchange;
en cambio, on the other hand.
Papelito, dimin. of papel.
5 Enterarse = informarse.
6 Seiscientos treinta y seis.
7 Sala de espera : waiting-room.
Cuanto : todo lo que.
8 Entregar : to hand over, give, deliver.
Resguardo (pron. gwá).
  María, Mary has several dimin. : Mariquita, Maruja in Castilian and Marieta in Catalonian.
  Dependente : empleado.

EI banco : the bank (house) or the bench.
La banca : banking affairs, commerce.
El Banco de España : The Bank of Spain.
Una casa de banca; negocios de banca : a banking-house; banking business.
La calderilla : (small) change : moneda de cobre (copper), bronce (bronze), níquel, u otro metal no precioso.