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Lección Setenta y dos (72)

  Un viaje a París (1) A journey to Paris.
1 Don Bernabé creía que en Paris podría vender bien sus antigüedades;
pero no se decidla a ir solo de miedo a que le engañaran (2),
Don B. thought that in P. he could sell his curios easily;
but he did not make up his mind to go alone, for fear [at that] they should cheat him.
2 ¿Sabe usted lo que voy a hacer? me dijo.
— ¿Qué?
— Irme a Paris con mis compras.
— Muy bien.
Do you know what I'm going to do? he said to me. —
— Go to Paris with my purchases.
— Very well.
3 ¿Usted no tiene que ir a Paris por algo, don Luis?
— Yo, no.
— Vamos, le pago a usted el viaje.
— No, no. Tengo aquí mis negocios.
Have you not to go to P. for some reason [thing], D. Luis?
— I? No.
— Come (then), I pay the journey for you.
— No, no, I have my business here.
4 Insistió e insistió, y al fin quedamos (3) en que
él me daría mil pesetas para el viaje :
He insisted and insisted, and in the end we agreed [remained in] that he would give me 1.000 pesetas for the journey...
5 ida y vuelta y estancia (4), y el diez por ciento de la venta. there and back, and the stay and ten per cent on the sale.
6 Yo le acompañaría en Paris a hacer todas las gestiones (5) necesarias para el negocio;
pero luego quedaría libre.
I should accompany him in Paris to take all necessary steps for the business; but afterwards I should be [remain] free.
7 Nada de imposiciones (6) ni de vida en común. There would be no question [Nothing of] obligations nor life in common.
8 Cada cual comería y cenaría donde quisiera
(7) y se las arreglaría a su modo.
— Aceptado, dijo él.
Each of us [each who] would lunch and dine where he liked and would do [manage them] in his own way.
— Agreed, he said.
9 Don Bernabé y yo decidimos que iríamos a
París al comienzo del otoño (8).
(Pío Baroja.)
D. B. and I decided that we should go to Paris at the beginning of autumn.
(Pío Baroja.)

1 Aranjuez, segunda, ida y vuelta. Aranjuez, second-class, return.
2 Dése prisa, señor, que sale el tren dentro de dos minutos. Hurry up, sir, the train leaves in two minutes.
3 Voy corriendo.
— ¿En qué vía (andén) está el tren para Aranjuez?
I'm running.
— On which platform is the train to Ar.?
4 Andén segundo; corra usted, que va a salir. Platform 2; run, it*s going to start.
5 ¡Uf! ya estamos aquí, y por suerte hay un rincón libre. Ah ha (=what a relief!). Here we are and by luck there is a corner unengaged.
6 Menos mal que no tenía equipaje que facturar;
si no, hubiera perdido el tren
(or : el tren se hubiera ido delante de mis narices).
And it's lucky [less bad] that I had no luggage to register;
if not, I should have missed the train
(or : the train would have started [gone] before my nose.

1 A passage from a novel by Pío Baroja, one of the most appreciated Spanish writers.
2 Don't forget that ü is sounded (oo) after g.
De miedo a que, for fear that;
temiendo que..., fearing that (lest).
3 ¿ En qué quedamos?, "in what do we remain", what do we agree on, then?
— Let us recall that in verbs in ar the 1st persons plural of the present and preterite are alike.
Tomamos means : we take or we took according to the meaning of the sentence.
4 La estancia, the stay, sojourn (from estar);
la estación, the (railway) station or the season.
5 Gestiones (Hestee_owness) = pasos, diligencias.
6 Imposiciones = obligaciones = cargas (charges).
7 Yo quiero, usted quiere, I, you want;
yo quisiera, Vd. quisiera, I should like [want], you would like [want].
Cada cual = cada uno.
8 In verbs in ir, too, present and preterite are alike (1st pers. plur.) :
Decidir, to decide; decidimos, we decide or decided.
— There is a difference in the verbs in er only :
Beber, to drink; bebemos, we drink; bebimos, we drank.
Al comienzo = al principio.
  La nariz, the nose, is often found in the plural : las narices.
Se ha caído de narices : he has fallen on his nose.