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Lección Sesenta y ocho (68)

  Recortes de periódicos Newspaper cuttings.
1 Robo en el tranvía.
— Cádiz, martes, 8 de Marzo.
— Al agente de seguros F. A., cuando viajaba en un tranvía,
Robbery in the tram.
— Cadiz, Tuesday, March 8th.
— As the insurance agent F. A. was travelling, on the tram,
2 le robaron la cartera, que contenía 6000 pesetas y su documentación. they stole his wallet, which contained 6.000 p. and his identity papers.
3 Para realizar el hecho,
el desconocido carterista tuvo que cortar la americana y el bolsillo interior del chaleco de su victima (1).
To perform his deed,
the unknown pickpocket had to cut the coat, and waistcoat inside pocket of his victim.
4 Accidente del trabajo.
— Córdoba, miércoles, 7 de Agosto.
— En una casa en construcción se rompió un andamio.
Injured while working [Accident of work].
— Cordoba, Wednesday, Aug, 7 th.
— In a house being built, a scaffolding broke
5 y cayeron diez obreros, de los cuales quedaron dos en grave estado (2). and ten workmen fell down, among whom 2 are [remained] in a serious condition.
6 Los demás también resultaron heridos, pero de carácter leve. The others were [resulted] also injured, but slightly [of light character].
7 Hay que cuidarse, y vale más que tome Vd. (3) en seguida las pastillas X. One must take care of oneself, and it is [worth] better that you should take at once the X lozenges.
8 Los resfriados, por benignos que parezcan (4) pueden tener malas consecuencias. Chills, benign as they may seem [for b. that they s.], may have evil consequences.
9 Ya sabrá que no son legitimas si la caja no lleva la firma X. (5). You will know for sure [already] that they are not genuine [legitimate] if they don't bear the signature X.

1 Málaga, lunes, 4 de Octubre. Malaga. Monday. Oct. 4th.
2 En un cortijo de Campanillas fué corneado por un toro Antonio Castro. In a farm of C, A. C. was horned by a bull,
3 que resultó con varias lesiones graves. and suffered [resulting] several serious injuries.
4 Fué trasladado al hospital de esta ciudad. He was taken to the hospital of this city.
  Los periódicos no son un modelo de claridad ni de elegancia en su estilo, pero constituyen uno de los mejores medios de conocer la vida de un país, y por eso conviene leerlos. The papers are not [a] model(s) of clarity [n]or elegance of style, but they afford one the best means to know the life of a country and for this it is suitable to read them.

1 Carterista (from (cartera), "wallet-man", pickpocket
Yo tuve, el tuvo, I, he had, preterite of tener.
La americana, the coat (from chaqueta americana, American coat).
2 Whose is cuyo only when denoting possession ;
el hombre cuyo nombre (or apellido) yo conozco, the man whose name I know;
el hombre del cual usted habla : the man of whom you speak.
3 Usted is often abridged into Vd., or simply V. (We know that usted comes from : Vuestra Merced.)
4 I have a cold, I have caught (a) cold : Tengo un resfriado, or Estoy resfriado.
I am cold : Tengo frío [I have c.].
— In the verbs of the parecer, conocer group, the z in found in all persons of the present subjunctive, whereas it is found only in the 1st person of the present indicative;
yo parezco, Vd. parece, ellos parecen, I seem (appear), you seem, they seem.
5 La caja (cáHa), the box, not the cage, which is la jaula (Ha-_woola).