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Lección Cincuenta y ocho (58)

  Eso nos vendrá bien That will do us good [come to us good].
1 Si quiere usted, don Pedro, podemos tomar café juntos. If you want, don P., we can take coffee together.
2 ¿Decía usted?... Oh perdone, no había caído en ello (1).
Es la primera vez que me llaman don Pedro,
(What) were you saying? Oh pardon me, I had not understood [fallen into it].
It's the first time that somebody calls me don P.,
3 y me ha sorprendido.
No me figuraba que se trataba de mí.
and (it) has surprised me.
I did not imagine that I was concerned.
4 Se acostumbrará usted pronto.
Aquí es costumbre emplear el nombre, y no el apellido.
You will get used to it quickly.
Here it's the habit to use the Christian name, and not the family name.
5 ¿Adónde iremos (2)?
— En la esquina hay un café con orquesta, pero va poca gente, y se aburre uno;
Where shall we go?
— Round the corner there's a café with an orchestra, but few people go there, and one feels dull;
6 si a usted le gusta andar, iremos a un café más céntrico y más concurrido. if you like ([it pleases you] to walk, we shall go to a more central and more frequented.
7 Como usted quiera. Un paseíto (3) nos vendrá bien. As you [will] want. A short walk will do us good [come to us good],
8 Salimos don Enrique y yo, y nos dirigimos, hacia (4) el centro. We go out, don Enrique  and myself, and repair towards the centre.
9 Después del calor del día, agrada tomar el fresco. After the heat of the day, it is agreeable [agrees] to enjoy [take] the cool.
10 Llevo la cabeza muy alta :
ya no soy sencillamente Lebrun, soy don Pedro.
I carry my [the] head very high;
I am no more [already] simply Lebrun; I am don Pedro.

1 Algunas frases sueltas, con el verbo poder : A few separate sentences, with the verb poder (can or to be able; may or to be allowed).
2 ¿Puede usted ayudarme? Can you help me?
3 Lo siento, no puedo. I regret (it), I cannot.
4 ¿Podemos empezar? Can we begin?
5 ¿Podría usted venir por la tarde? Will you be able to come in the afternoon
6 No podré nunca acabar este trabajo. I shall never be able to finish this work.
7 Intenté, pero no pude. I tried, but I could not.
8 ¿No podía usted hacerlo de otro modo?
— No podía
Could you not (Were you not able to) do it in another way?
— I could not.
9 No he podido escaparme. I have not been able to escape.

1 Caer en ello : "to fall into it", to catch (the meaning), get it.
2 Where with an idea of motion, is adonde.
Where is he? : ¿Dónde está?;
Where (whither) does he go? : ¿Adónde va?
But this rule is often ignored.
La orquesta, the orchestra.
3 Un paseo (hard s), a walk, stroll;
un paseito, a short walk.
4 Hacia, towards, not to be mistaken for hacía, was doing.
Hacia (or : cerca de) las cuatro hacía mucho viento, Towards 4 there was [made] much wind.
 — Towards meaning in the direction of is always hacia, not cerca de, which is about.
  To-day you must read over again the 2nd lesson, translating from English into Spanish,
 and you must go on like this reading again one previous lesson for each new one.