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Lección Cincuenta y siete (57)

  Rubio y moreno Fair and dark (-haired).
1 Desde anoche estoy en la "Pensión franco-suiza",
que no tiene nada de francés ni de suizo,
Since yesterday, I am at the "Franco-Swiss Boarding-House"
which has nothing French [n]or Swiss,
2 pues el dueño y los huéspedes son españoles;
yo soy aquí el único extranjero.
for the owner and boarders are Spanish;
I am the only foreigner here.
3 Hay algunos estudiantes (1), un teniente y un abogado,
que son estables, 
y dos matrimonios de provincias que visitan Madrid.
There are a few students, a lieutenant and a barrister,
who are permanent (boarders)
and 2 provincial couples who visit M.
4 Aunque se come en mesas independientes, la conversación es general, y la cena de anoche fue muy animada. Although people eat at separate tables, the conversation is general, and the dinner of yesterday night was very lively.
5 Me colocaron en la misma mesa que al abogado, y pronto entramos en conversación. They placed me at the same table with [at] the barrister, and soon we entered into conversation.
6 Después de cambiar algunas frases, me dió
su tarjeta (2) :
"Enrique Rubio
y yo le di la mía : "Pierre Lebrun".
After exchanging a few sentences, he gave me his card : Henry Rubio, and I gave him mine : Pierre Lebrun.
7 He olvidado casi todo el francés que aprendí en el colegio,
me dijo,
pero supongo que Pierre en francés es lo mismo que Pedro en español.
I've forgotten almost all the French that I learned at school,
be said to me,
but I suppose that Pierre, in French, is the same as Pedro in Spanish.
8 Sí, contesté.
Es un nombre muy corriente en todos los países.
Yes, I answered, it's a very current Christian name in all countries.
9 ¿Y el apellido de usted, qué significa?
¿El moreno? — Efectivamente.
And your family name, what does it mean?
The dark (one)? — (It does) indeed.
10 ¡Qué casualidad (3)!
Me llamo Rubio, y soy moreno, y usted se llama Moreno, y es rubio.
What a coincidence [chance]!
I'm called [(they) call me] "fair" and I am dark, and you're called " dark" and you are fair.
11 Tenemos que cambiar de apellido... o de pelo (4). We must [have that] change [of] name(s)... or hair(s). (3)

1 (Frases sueltas para practicar el verbo dar). Separate sentences, to practice (on) the verb dar (to give).
2 Yo le doy a usted mi palabra de que no lo sabía. I give you my word [of] that I did not know it.
3 ¡Qué me da usted? What do you give me?
4 Déme este mechero, ¡démelo! Give me this lighter, give it to me!
5 Yo daré más de lo que he prometido. I shall give more than [of that which] I have promised.
6 ¿Me dará usted tiempo? Will you give me time?
7 Yo le di las ochenta pesetas y él me dio un recibo. I gave him the 80 p,, and he gave me a receipt.
8 Todo lo que le daba yo, lo daba él a su primo. All that I gave him he was giving (or would give) [it] to his cousin.
9 (Yo) les he dado mi parecer. I have given them my opinion.
10 Ahora daremos una vuelta por ahí. Now we shall take [give] a stroll this way [by here].

1 Un estudiante, una estudianta, a (boy-), (girl-) student.
2 La tarjeta (tárHayta), the card;
la tarjeta postal, the post-card, but one says familiarly :
una postal; una (tarjeta) postal ilustrada, an illustrated p.c.
3 Pron. : casswáleeda.
By chance, por casualidad or casualmente.
4 El pelo, the hair (on head or body);
el cabello, los cabellos also mean the hair, hairs (on the head only), but are less current and slightly pretentious.
  Now, study tte first lesson over again (Alberto va a Paris) in the manner indicated less. 56, par, 1.
Owing to the special arrangement of (he text take a sheet of paper to mask the Spanish text and pronunciation when you translate the English sentences into Spanish.