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Lección Cincuenta y dos (52)

  Para variar... For a change [to change]...
1 En el baile.
- Oye hija mía, ¿qué te ha dicho ese joven con quien acabas de bailar (1)
At the ball. -
Listen [hear] my daughter, what did (he) tell you, that young man with whom you have just danced [finish dancing] ?
2 Me ha dicho que antes de conocerme, el mundo era para él un desierto. He told me that before knowing me, the world was a desert for him.
3 Lo comprendo, pues baila como un camello. I understand him, for he dances like a camel.
4 En el apuro.
- ¿Y por qué no se muda usted a otro piso más pequeño y de menos precio? (2)
In trouble.
- And why don't you move (house) to another smaller and cheaper apartment?
5 Por que yo no puedo pagar ni el pequeño
ni el grande y en éste estoy más cómodo.
Because I can pay neither (for) the small one nor (for) the large one and in the latter I am more comfortable.
6 En la lechería.
- Déme usted un litro de leche de sesenta céntimos.
At the dairy
. - Give me a quart of milk at 60 centimes.
7 No queda más que de ochenta, pero la haremos en seguida. There remains only some at 80, but we'll make some (la, feminine) presently.
8 La razón.
- Estoy malo, doctor.
- ¿Qué siente usted?
The reason.
- I am unwell, doctor.
- What do you feel?
9 Un fastidio insoportable.
- Eso es que se escucha usted demasiado.
An unbearable dullness.
- That's because [that] you listen to yourself (= coddle yourself) too much.
10 El desconocido.
- ¿Quién es ese hombre?
- No lo sé; hace ya mucho tiempo que no le conozco (3).
The stranger.
- Who's that man?
- I don't know [it]; it's a long time since [it makes much time that] I did [don't] know him.

1 ¿Conoce usted a ese hombre? Do you know [at] that man?
2 Le (or : lo) conozco de vista hace ya varios meses,
pero no se como se llama.
I have known [know] him by sight for [it makes already] a few months, but I don't know how he is called.
3 Le (or : lo) encuentro muy a menudo por ahí, y siempre va solo. I very often meet him round here, and he is [goes] always alone.
4 La única vez que le vi acompañado fue en el café Toledo, el mes pasado. The only time I saw him accompanied was at the Toledo café , last [past] month.
5 ¿Y con quién estaba?
- Con un desconocido, que parecía extranjero.
And with whom was he?
- With a stranger, who looked foreign.
6 Adiós; me voy, que tengo prisa. Good bye, I'm going, for [that] I am in a hurry.
7 Adiós. ¡Oiga!
me han dicho que se va usted a mudar de casa;
¿es verdad?
- Sí, es cierto.
Good bye. I say,
they told me that you're going to move [from] house;
is it true?
- Yes it's right.
1 Oir, to hear, is irregular.
¡Oye! (aw-iay), ¡Oiga!, hear!, are said for : listen! or : I say, look here.
- A mother speaking of her daughter says :
mi hija, but speaking to her : hija, or hija mía.
- Joven (adj.) : young; used as a noun, it is a young man or girl :
un joven, una joven.
2 Mudar or mudarse, to change and also to move house (mudar de casa).
- As there is a confusion between cuarto, apartment, and cuarto, room,
one says piso (floor, story) to indicate that an apartment is meant.
3 Conocer, to know;
yo conozco, usted conoce, I, you know.
This irregular form is also found in parecer, to appear, seem :
yo parezco, usted parece, I, you seem.
- Yo lo conozco or yo le conozco, indifferently.
  Sent. 3 : often : a menudo; liter : at small (minute) intervals.
  Sent. 4 : every time alone can be replaced in English by one,
is translated by único, not by solo.