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Lección Cincuenta y una (51)

  Se alquila un cuarto Apartment to let [lets itself an ap.].
1 He comprado el piano de Madrid, para orientarme mejor,
y he salido en busca de alojamiento.
I have bought a plan of M. to take my bearings better and I have gone out in search of (a) lodging.
2 En una hermosa casa de una calle junto al Parque,
veo un letrero en la puerta : « Se alquila un cuarto. »
In a fine house of a street contiguous with the Park,
I see a notice on [in] the door : Apartment to let.
3 El portero, de librea, gordo e imponente,
está en la entrada. Le pregunto :
The doorkeeper, in [of] livery, big and stately,
is at the entrance. I ask him :
4 Haga el favor, ¿qué tal es el cuarto que se alquila? Please, what is the apartment to let [that lets itself] like [such] ?
5 Principal, cinco habitaciones y cuarto de baño (1).
¿Quiere usted verlo?
First floor, 5 rooms and bath-room.
Do you want to see it?
6 No es lo que necesito; sin embargo,
pregunto por curiosidad :
- ¿Qué precio tiene?
- Sesenta duros, señor.
It's not what I need; however I ask out of curiosity :
- What's the price of it? - 60 douros, sir.
7 Calculo : sesenta duros, es decir trescientas pesetas al trimestre
son mil doscientas pesetas al ano. ¿Qué barato!
I calculate : 60 douros, that (is) to say, 300 p. [at] (each) quarter are 1.200 p. [at] a year.
How cheap it is!
8 No tengo la menor intención de alquilarlo,
pero deseo enterarme y pregunto :
I have not the least intention of renting it,
but I wish to get information and asks :
9 ¿Se paga un trimestre adelantado? -
No señor, sólo un mes adelantado y otro de fianza
o sean en total seiscientas pesetas.
One pays one quarter's rent in advance [advanced] ?
- No, sir, only one month in advance and another for a deposit,
that is a total [or are in t.] 600 pesetas.
10 Comprendo que aquí se alquilan los cuartos por meses y no por trimestres.
Digo :
I understand that apartments here are let by the month[s] and not by the quarter. I say :
11 ¿No hay una pensión en la casa?
- ¿Una pensión?
- Sí, busco una pensión.
Is there not a boarding-house in the block?
- A boarding-house?
- Yes, I'm looking for a boarding-house.
12 En esta calle no hay casas de huéspedes, señor,
me contesta el portero con desdén,
y me vuelve (2) la espalda sin más ceremonia.
In this street, there are no boarding-houses, sir,
the doorkeeper answers me with disdain,
and he turns his back [shoulder] on me without more ceremony.

1 ¿Qué tal ha pasado usted la noche? How [what such] have you passed the night?
2 Bastante bien, gracias;
los vecinos de arriba me han despertado cerca de las dos de la madrugada,
Well enough, thank you;
the neighbours [of] above have waked me about two in the morning;
3 pero he tenido la suerte de volver a dormirme casi en seguida. but I have had the luck to go to sleep again (see n. under) almost at once.
4 Ya se acostumbrará usted a dormir a pesar del ruido; You will sure [already] get used [accustom yourself] to sleeping in spite of the noise;
5 no olvide usted que España es un país muy ruidoso, Don't forget that Spain is a very noisy country,
6 y que a Madrid, le llaman " La Villa Ruidos ",
como a París " La Villa Luz ".
and that they call [at] M. the "City (of) Noise[s]",
as [at] Paris the "City (of) Light".
1 Cuarto means, according to the case, an apartment or a room.
- For "principal", see less. 56, par. 3.
2 Volver : to turn, turn over. The stressed o changes into ue in many irregular verbs.
  Volver is used for : to resume.
Dormir : to sleep; dormirse : to go lo sleep, fall asleep.

A Madrid le llaman: we have seen that the direct object is often preceded by a
when it is a person or a personified thing, which is the case here.
- Villa means villa or town(obsolete);
la villa was formerly a ciudad enjoying special privileges.