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Lección Cuarenta y seis (46)

  Madre e hijo (1)

Mother and son.

1 (Después de un disgusto con su padre,
Gonzalo se ha marchado para vivir independiente.
After [of] an estrangement with his father,
G. has departed to live independent(ly).
2 En una entrevista secreta,
su madre intenta hacerle regresar a casa,
pero él se niega.) (2).
In a secret interview,
his mother attempts to make him comeback to (his) house,
but he refuses (himself).
3 La Madre.
- ¿Y qué piensas hacer?
G. - Vivir... ¿Te parece poco?
M. - ¿Cómo?
G. - Ya veremos.
The mother.
- And what do you intend to do?
- G. : Live... (that) seems little to you?
- M. - How?
- G. - (We) [already] shall see.
4 Hasta ahora no me he muerto de hambre.
Esta noche he comido opíparamente... (3).
Until now I have not died of hunger.
To-night I have eaten my fill (See n..3).
5 ¿Y mañana?
G. - ¿Mañana? Quién sabe?
M. - Yo espero que tu orgullo no llegará a tanto
que no aceptes de mí...
M. - And to-morrow?
- G. To-morrow? Who knows ?
- M. - I hope that your pride will not go so far [to so much]
(as) that you should not accept from me...
6 G. - Inútil, mama.
Eso seria hacer trampas al destino.
G. - (It's) useless, mother.
That would be to cheat [play snares to] with [the] fate.
7 M. - ¿ Entonces no admites ni que yo te ayude? M. - Then you don't even [nor] admit that I help you?
8 G. - El saber que lo deseas me basta... G. - To know [the knowing] that you desire it suffices me...
9 M. - Gonzalo, hijo...
G. - Mamá, Ya me conoces.
Cuando digo que no, es que no.
M. - Gonz. (my) son...
- G. - Mother! You know me well [already].
When I say no, it is [that] no.
10 Con lo único (4) que transigiría, si acaso...
M. - ¿Con qué, hijo, con qué?
The only thing on [with] which I should make concessions,
if by chance [at case].
- M. - On what, my son, on what?
11 G. - Si papá me da sus excusas,
una vez por semana iré a casa a almorzar con vosotros,
a veros, charlar... (5). (Sigue.)

G. - If father makes [gives] me apologies,
once a [by] week, I shall go to (our) house to dine with you people [you-others],
to see you, to talk... (To be continued [follows].)

1 Vamos a leer otra vez la lección de hoy; We are going to read (an)other time the lesson of to-day;
2 pero vamos a suponer que madre e hijo se hablan de usted,

but we are going to suppose that mother and son say to each other [thems. speak of] usted

3 en vez de tutearse,

instead of saying

4 y vamos a hacer los cambios correspondientes, and we are going to make the corresponding changes,
5 comprobando con lo siguiente. verifying with the following :
    Comprobar : to "comprove", verify, check.
    Frase 3 : ...piensa usted... le parece a usted.
- 5 ...su orgullo... acepte (subjunctive, indicative : acepta).
- 7 admite ... le ayude (subj.; indic. : yo ayudo).
- 8 ...desea...
- 9 ...conoce usted.
- 11 ...con ustedes, a verles.

1 The theatre is excellent to learn Spanish such as it is spoken;
we shall make use of it by giving you extracts of up-to-date plays,
like the following, from El Balcón de la Felicidad of Honorio Maura.

pero él se hiega : here the pronoun él is necessary for the good understanding of the text.
- Madre e hijo : y becomes e, to avoid the hiatus, before i or hi.

3 Opíparamente, synonym of copiosamente, but more picturesque ("full to the teeth").

An adjective used as a noun, with neuter article lo.

5 Veros : see less. 49, par. 1.
  Destino also means post, job, particularly in civil service.
Obtuvo un destino en Gobernación : He obtained a post in the Home Office.