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Lección Treinta y nueve (39)

  La lección del marino The sailor's lesson.
1 A ver, ¿cuántos kilogramos de distancia hay
desde Manila a Hong-Kong (1) ?
Let's see how many kilogrammes' distance is there
from Manilla to H. K.?
2 No sé... ¿Habrá quinientos? ¿Habrá setecientos (2) ? I don't know. Will there be 500? 700?
3 No seas tonto.
Kilogramo es una medida de peso (3).
Don't be silly.
Kilogramme is a measure of weight.
4 Tiene usted razón.
A ver, pregúnteme usted otra cosa.
You are right.
Let's see, ask me another question.
5 Si un Chino come con los palillos cuatro granos de arroz por segundo (4), If a Chinaman eats with sticks 4 grains of rice a second
6 y cada cubo tiene una cabida de cinco libras,
¿cuánto tardará en comerse el cubo (5) ?
and if every bucket has a capacity of 5 pounds,
how long will it take him [will he delay] to eat the whole bucket?
7 Pues tardará....a ver...a ver...; dice usted que... Well it will take... let's see... let's see... you say that...
8 No, no hay manera de averiguarlo.
Es un problema mal planteado porque no se dice
lo que pesa cada grano de arroz.
No there is no way to calculate it.
It's a badly put problem because one doesn't say
how much [what] weighs each grain of rice.
9 Tiene usted razón. Es verdad. You're right, it's true.
10 Es lo primero (6) que hay que ver en todo problema :
si está bien planteado;
porque si no lo está, todo esfuerzo es cosa perdida.
It's the first there is to see in a problem : whether it is well put;
because if it is not, all effort is [a] lost [thing].
  El Mar, por Pío Baroja

(The Sea, by Pío Baroja)

1 ¿Necesita usted algo?
¿Necesita usted de mí?
¿Puedo ayudarle?
Do you need something? Do you need me? Can I help
you ?
2 Muchas gracias, no necesito nada. Thank you, I need nothing.-
3 Estoy siempre a su disposición; I am always at your
[his] disposal
4 le basta a usted llamar, y acudiré en seguida; [it's enough (for you)] you have only to
ring me up [call] and I shall run up at once.
5 aquí tiene usted el botón del timbre. Here is
[you have] the bell-button.
6 ¿Ha venido el cartero?
- Aún (or .. todavía) no, pero no tardará;
Has the postman come? -
Not yet but he won't be long;
7 el último reparto se hace a estas horas. the last delivery takes place
[is made] at this hour (plur.)
    Sent. 3 : estoy and not soy;
it is not an essential, natural quality, but a transitory state.
I am ill : estoy enfermo.
Sent. 4 : la carta, the letter;
el cartero, the postman (letterman).

1 A ver, for : vamos a ver.
2 See numbers, less. 42, par. 2.
3 Peso (paysso).
4 El palo : the stick. - El palillo : the small stick.
5 Tardar en hacer una cosa : to take time to do a thing.
- Comerse una cosa : to eat up a thing.
6 Lo primero, the first thing.
Lo is a neuter article.
  You are now able to read modern Spanish authors;
and we shall frequently give you extracts from their works.

1) To buy cheap, 2) To sell dear :
1) comprar barato; 2) vender caro;
this is the dream of many a tradesman, and these are the two verbs that we ask you to study to-day,
after tomar and comer, less. 35.
- Then 3) salir de casa, to go out of one's home.
But salir is irregular in the present, 1st person :
yo salgo (él sale, ellos salen, regular)
and in all persons of the future :
yo saldré, él saldrá, ellos saldrán, I shall go out, he, they, will go out.
- For the other tenses, like vivir.