Языки ::  Испанский







Lección Veintisiete (27)

  ¿Qué le parece a usted? (1) What does it seem to you?
1 El mejor castellano se habla aquí, en Valladolid;
aquí y en Burgos; en toda  Castilla la Vieja.
The best Castilian is spoken, here, in V.;
here and in B.; in all old Castile.
2 ¿Y en Madrid?
- En Madrid se habla  bien, pero el idioma del pueblo no es tan  puro (2).
And in M.?
- In M., they speak well, but the language of the people is not so pure.
3 ¿De manera que seria mejor para mi quedarme aquí?
Entonces voy a bajar (3).
So that it would be better for me to stay here?
Then I'm going to get out [down].
4 Quédese sentado.
En Madrid aprenderá usted muy bien, y no correrá el riesgo de aburrirse (4).
Remain seated.
In M. you'll learn very well, and won't run the risk of being dull.
5 ¿Y donde se habla el peor español?
- Es difícil de decir;
And where do they speak the worst Spanish ?
- It's difficult to say;
6 casi todas las provincias tienen su acento local; practically all the provinces have their local accent:
7 sin embargo, la gente culta habla correctamente.
En Andalucía, sin duda, es donde se pronuncia peor.
However, cultured people (singular) speak correctly.
(It is) in Andalusia, no doubt that [where] they speak [pronounce] worst.
8 ¿Y en Barcelona?
- No me hable usted de Barcelona;
los catalanes son unos vanidosos;
quieren hablar su dialecto Catalán,
en vez del idioma castellano (5),
And in Barcelona?
- Don't speak of B. to me;
Catalonians are conceited people;
they will speak their Catalonian dialect, instead of the Castilian language,
9 y dicen : ¡ « el idioma Catalán » y « el dialecto castellano »!
¿Qué le parece a usted?

and they say : " the Catalonian language" and " the Castilian dialect"!
What does it seem to you?

1 Copla
El naranjo de tu patio
cuando te acercas a él
se desprende de sus flores
y te las echa a los pies.
The orange-tree in the yard
- when you go near [to] it
- parts with its blossoms
- and throws them at your feet.

El naranjo, the orange-tree;
la naranja, the orange.
- Patio (hard t : pattio).
T is never sounded sh as in English (attention).
Spanish spells : atención.
- Cerca : near.
Acercarse, to draw near, approach.
Me acerco : I draw near.
- Echar : to throw.


"What seems him to his Honour?", What does it seem to you?, What do you think of it?
- Parecer, to appear, is very often used with this meaning.
- What do you think of this letter? : ¿Qué le parece (or ¿Qué le parece a usted) esta carta?
- I think that... : Me parece que...

2 El idioma is more current than la lengua.
How many languages do you know? : ¿Cuántos idiomas conoce usted?
-  Notice that idioma is masculine, in spite of final a.
- El pueblo, the people, but also : an inhabited place, village, etc...
3 Bajo : low; bajar : to lower or to go down.
4 Sentado : sitting, seated;
de pié : standing.
We have seen borrico, which is another name for burro, an ass;
hence: aburrir, to bore (transform into an ass),
and aburrirse: to feel dull.
I feel dull: Me aburro.

En vez de : instead of.
Let's recall : una vez, once [one time];
dos veces, twice [2 t.].
- De vez en cuando (or : de cuando en cuando : from time to time.
- El Catalán : Catalonian or the Catalonian;
el castellano : Castilian or the C. when speaking of the language,
el castellano means pure Spanish, such as it is spoken in Castile,
and el español, Spanish in general, with its various accents :
Andalusia. South America, etc.