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39 Lección Trece  
  Leo el periódico I read the paper.
1 Las montañas han desaparecido;
el campo es monótono y aburrido (1).

The mountains have disappeared;
the country is monotonous and dull.


Tomo mi periódico, que se titula « Ahora »,
y tiene mas de treinta páginas, con muchos grabados.

(I) take my paper, which is entitled [ent. itself] "Now"
and has more than 30 pages, with many pictures.
3 Comprendo muchas palabras, pero el sentido
de las frases se me escapa (2).
(I) understand many words, but the meaning of the sentences escapes [it] me.
4 Vamos a ver los anuncios, acaso entenderé mejor (3). Let us [go to] see the advertisements; perhaps (I) shall
understand better:
5 « Representantes : se necesitan
en todos los pueblos de todas las provincias de España.
Buena comisión. »
"Agents wanted [require themselves]
in all the localities of all the provinces of Spain.
Good commission.
6 Es muy fácil; no se necesita un diccionario para entenderlo (4). (It) is very easy; no need for [does not require itself] a dictionary to understand it.
7 Otro anuncio :
« Pensión Madrileña; baño, agua corriente (5), teléfono;
Another advertisement :
"Madrilenian boarding-house; bath-room, running water, telephone;
8 pensión completa desde nueve pesetas.
General Pardiñas 11, tercero. »
full board from 9 pesetas.
General P., 11, 3rd.

1 El corazón le tengo
de ver que sin motivo
me has olvidado.

[My heart is tortured to see that without reason you have forgotten me)
[the heart (I) have it martyred...].

In olvidado, the second d is uttered very low; you will often hear only : olvidao.

Him is le or lo: it is lo (S. lesson 28, par. 3).


Instead of an exercise, here Is to-day a popular "copla", or "couplet",
or rather verse : short and naive doggerel,
generally sung in a drawling tone.
Practice repeating them from memory-not for their literary value, but for the practice of the language.

1 El campo, the field or the country.
2 "Escapes itself (from) me "; we shall often find this construction.

Vamos a ver : "let us go to see " corresponds to : let's see.
- Entender is a synonym of comprender.

4 See less. 14, parag. 2.

The adjective current, in the masculine, is corriente;
adjectives in e don't vary in the feminine.
In sent. 8 : pensión completa, with an a, because the masc. is completo.
- Sent. 8 also : note desde, since, from, whilst despues means after.