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  Lección Octava (8ͣ)  
  Iremos a España (We) shall go to Spain.
1 Hay diversos medios para aprender una lengua (1). There are divers means for Iearn(ing) a language.
2 Se pueden tomar lecciones en una escuela,
o con un profesor, o por correspondencia (2).
One can take lessons in a school,
or with a teacher, or by correspondence.
3 Se puede estudiar con un libro para aprender solo, sin profesor (3). One can study with a book to learn alone, without (a) teacher.
4 También se pueden emplear discos,
estudiando con más placer y menos esfuerzo (4).
One can also use [employ] records,
studying with more pleasure and less effort.
5 Pero de todos los medios,
ir al país es el más agradable y el más práctico...
But of all [the] means,
to go to (the) country is the most agreeable and the most convenient.
6 ¡Claro! Usted habla como un libro; Of course, you (your H.) speak like a book;
7 ¿cómo puedo yo ir a España para aprender el español?
Me falta tiempo, me falta dinero...
How can I go to Spain to learn [the] Spanish?
I lack time, I lack money [time fails me...].
8 No se preocupe usted, amigo mío;
mañana mismo iremos a España...
sin necesitar tiempo ni dinero.
Do not be preoccupied, my friend [friend my];
even to-morrow [to-m. even] (we) shall go to Spain...
without needing time nor money.

1 Mañana iré a la estación;
Carlos irá también; iremos todos.
To-morrow (I) shall go to the station;
Charles will go too; (we) shall all go.
2 ¿Ha visto usted mi libro de español? Have you [Has your H.] seen my book of Spanish?
3 Sí; es mas practico que el mío. Yes (it) is more convenient than [the] mine.
4 ¿Puede usted prestar dos o tres discos al amigo Pedro? Can you lend two or three records to [the] friend Pedro?
5 Dispense, no puedo; no presto mis (pron. meess) discos. Excuse (me, I) can't; (I do) not lend my records.
6 Es usted muy libre. (pron. leebry). You are quite free [is your H. q. f.].


To, in order to is para and not por. As you will see in the next sentence, por also means by.

Hay (a-ee) means there are as well as there is.

2 Lección loses its accent in the plural; owing to the addition of a syllable ending in s, it needs it no longer,
the stress being then normally on the last but one.
We put a fat o only because it dominates in the diphthong io.

Se puede is the usual phrase for one can;
in sent. 2, notice the use of the plural : se pueden.
Nearly all words ending in ión (plur. iones) are feminine.


Z is always sounded like the Spanish ci or ce, i. e., like the English hard th (S. 3rd lesson).
The English z does not exist.

  Without yet trying to learn the conjugation of verbs, let us examine them (distrustfully as if they were unknown insects).
We see three kinds : tomar, to take; aprender, to learn;
servir, to serve.
They are the three conjugations : infinitives in ar, er, ir.

The 1st person in the present always ends in o;
yo puedo - I can;
yo estudio, I study;
yo creo, I believe
 (We are speaking, of course, of regular verbs; we have seen the irregular yo sé, I know).
The 3rd person singular is in a for the infinitives in ar, and in e for the others.
Usted habla, your H. speaks;
usted puede, your H. can.
Simple remark by the way.