Russian for English speakers 30

Lesson 30




88 - восемьдесят восемь

eighty eight


89 - восемьдесят девять

eighty nine


90 - девяносто



91 - девяносто один

ninety one


Тридцатый (30-й) урок

Thirtieth lesson



Lesson number thirty (#30)

 Ещё стакан чаю (1) ?Another [again] glass of tea?

or Ещё стакан чая?

AK: чая (чаю) - "of tea" is "partitive genitive", it's used here to say "some amount of", "a little of"

1Вы любите музыку (2)?

(Do) you (pl.) like music?

2Конечно люблю; Of course (I) like (it);
 но не могу сказать, что я музыкант.but (I) cannot say that I (am) (a) musician.

но не могу сказать, что я знаток музыки.

AK: You should say "but I can't say that I'm a music expert"
знаток = the one who knows well, connoisseur

3Вечером, дома, In the evening, at home,
 я с удовольствием слушаю радио.I listen-in with pleasure to the radio.

AK: I listen to my radio with pleasure


А на концерт, в Оперу (3) вы не ходите ?

But (do) you not go to the concert, to the Opera [on concert., into Opera...]?


AK: But don't you go to the concert, (or visit the) Opera?

5Очень редко ;

Very seldom ;

 к вечеру я устаю, in the evening I am tired
 и ложусь спать довольно рано.and I go to bed [I lie-down sleep] early enough [enough early].

AK: Rarely.
Closer to the evening I'm becoming tired
(a little, no doubt)
and I go to bed pretty early.

6Вы, значит, не любитель музыки (2);It means (that) you (are) not a lover of music;

AK: You, (this) means, is no fan of music.

7для меня самое (4) большое удовольствие в жизни,

for me the greatest pleasure in (my) life,


AK: самое большое = greatest

8это слушать хорошую музыку (2).[this] (is) to listen-to good music.
9Ещё стакан чаю (1)?
— Пожалуйста.
Another glass of tea?
— If you please.
10С лимоном?
— Да, но без сахара (5).

With lemon?
— Yes, and but without sugar.

11Слушать, я слушаю, вы слушаете, он слушает,
мы слушаем, они слушают.

To listen-to; I listen, you pl. listen, he listens,
we listen, they listen.


AK: meaning of слушать is "to listen to something as a general action"
слушать музыку - to listen to some music
я слушаю музыку у меня дома - I listen (to) music at my place

is "to hear something now"
слышать музыку вдали - to hear some music (playing at distance) faraway
я слышу чью-то речь/голос
- I hear someone's speech/voice

12редко; рано; seldom; early, soon;

AK: рано means early
soon is скоро, вскоре

 самый; самая, самое.the most (masc. ; fem.; neuter).

стакан чаю or стакан чая; лимон; сахар.

a glass of tea; lemon; sugar.



1Я сейчас ложусь спать.

I go to bed [lie down sleep] at once (right) now.


AK: сейчас means now
at once - сейчас же, немедленно


Я сейчас же ложусь спать.

I go to bed immediately / at once.

2Вам хочется спать так рано?

You want to go to bed are sleepy so early?


спать means to sleep, but here it means rather "to go to bed"


Он сонный

He's sleepy, drowsy, lethargic, etc.


Она очень хочет спать

She wants to sleep very much


Да; я устал;
Да, я устал

Yes; I am tired;
  я сегодня много гулял.to-day I walked-about very much.

AK: I strolled around (for pleasure) a lot today

4Он редко ходит в театр.He seldom goes to the theatre.
5Дайте ей самый большой стакан, ей очень хочется пить.

Give her the largest [most large] glass, she is very thirsty.

6Я надеюсь, что вы хорошо будете спать.

I hope that you (pl.) will sleep well.

7Вчера вечером, мы были в театре. Yesterday evening we have been to [were at] the theatre (S. N. 3).
8Без музыки она не может жить.Without music, she cannot live.
9Он никогда не слушает то, что вы ему говорите.

He never listens to what you (pl.) tell (say, are saying) him.

10Он большой любитель водки.

He is a great fan lover of vodka.


AK: lover is любовник
Though it's possible to use "lover" in this English sentence,
любовник can't be used.
Russian equivalent for this particular case is "fan".

is "someone who loves doing something"
and the most literal translation is amateur (one who loves),
but it also means "unprofessional" without negative connotation.
Радиолюбитель - amateur of radio(technick)




Чаю, of tea is the irregular partitive genitive of чай, tea (s. N. 8).

дай мне немного чаю or немного чая - give me some tea, give (you pl.) me a "little quantity" of tea


Музыка, music, a feminine noun, becomes in the accusative музыку,
as палка, the stick, becomes палку, and трубка, the pipe, трубку.
The genitive (parag. 6) is музыки, of the music or of music;
палки, of the stick; трубки, of the pipe.


В Оперу, litter. "into (the) Opera".
We have here Опера in the accusative, and not in the prepositional "в Опере".
The reason is that the preposition в, in, into,
governs the accusative when there is an idea of motion from one place to another (S. N. 3, less. 35).

Prepositions do not "govern" cases.
There is no rules of "cases governing" in Russian.
Full sentence is я иду в Oперу - I go to the Opera(house), and the verb is идти в - to go to.
Compare: я вхожу в Оперу - I go/step into the Opera


Самый, самая, самое mean : the most.
Самый большой человек, the greatest [most great big] man;
самая красивая женщина, the most beautiful woman;
самое трудное упражнение, the most difficult exercise.

большой doesn't mean great in this particular phrase
величайчший is (spiritually) the greatest man


Whereas с, with, here requires the prepositional, без, without, governs the genitive.
Лимон, lemon; с лимоном, with lemon; без лимона, without lemon.
Сахар, sugar; с сахаром, with sugar; без сахара, or без сахару, without sugar.

Again, there is more to it.
с = вместе с - together with
без = не с - without
In this particular case "с" is a conjunction and NOT a preposition.
Hence an error in trying to define it as "prepositional case".

It's an instrumental case:
лимоном, лимонами - (to do it with/by) lemon/lemons
сахаром, сахарами/сахарами -
(to do it with/by) sugar/sugars

 ДОБАВОЧНОЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЕ. - ([dobavotchnoe], additional, extra exercise).
— Let us put in the
nominative, accusative, genitive and dative, all the nouns in the lesson. We have :

I will read them without translation,
listen to these words as music
(и вы услышите) and you'll hear the language melody.


Стакан, стакан, стакана, стакану.
— Чай, чай, чая / чаю (irreg.), чаю.
— Музыка, музыку, музыки, музыке.
— Музыкант, музыканта (
living creature), музыканта, музыканту.
— Вечер, вечер, вечера, вечеру.
— Дом, дом, дома, дому.
— Удовольствие, удовольствие, удовольствия, удовольствию.
— Радио,
(a foreign word, is not declined).
— Концерт, концерт, концерта, концерту.
Опера, оперу, оперы, опере.
— Жизнь (
a fem. noun), жизнь, жизни, жизни.
Лимон, лимон, лимона, лимону.
Сахар, сахар, сахара (or сахару), сахару.


Tweested English Section

In order to have a clearer view of declensions, read at once the parag. I of lesson 35.
We advise you to read it again after each lesson from 30 to 34, to fix it in your memory.

AK: Please don't do it.