Russian for English speakers 19

Lesson 19




51 - пятьдесят один

fifty one


52 - пятьдесят два

fifty two


53 - пятьдесят три

fifty three


54 - пятьдесят четыре

fifty four


55 - пятьдесят пять

fifty five


Девятнадцатый (19-й) урок

Nineteenth lesson



Lesson number nineteen (#19)

  Покажите !

Show (me)!


Покажите мне!

AK: Compare with
Show (you pl. to) me!

1 Мне нужна какая-нибудь игрушка (1). I need [to me necessary] any (kind of a) toy.

AK: It means "I need some kind of toy."
Word by word: To-me is-necessary any-kind-of toy.

2 Сколько лет вашему ребёнку? (2) How old (is) your child [how many years to your child]?
    AK: Word by word: How-many years to-your child.
3 Ему завтра будет шесть лет. He will be six to-morrow [to him tomorrow will be 6 years].
4 Пожалуйста. Вот лестница; Excuse me. Here-are (the) stairs;

AK: This means "Please, here's a stairway".

  игрушки (3) внизу.

toys (are) downstairs.


AK: игрушки внизу is "toys are /at down/"


Эта (4) игрушка хорошая...

This toy (feminine) (is) good,
  но я не то хочу... but it is not what I want
[but I (do) not this want],

AK: this means "but I want not that..."
Word by word: "but I not that I-want".

  вот лучше. that [here is] (is) better.
6 Жаль, здесь всё дорого... (It's a) pity; everything here (is) dear.
    AK: This means "It's a pity, here everything is expensive."
7 Я ищу дешёвый подарок... I am looking [look] for (a) cheap present [present cheap].
    AK: Compare: "I'm looking for not expensive present."
8 Может быть этот барабан? May-be this drum?
9 Нет, уж (5) спасибо; No thank you very-much ;

AK: This is some kind of joking pattern with уж (already).
Word by word: No, already thanks.

  барабан мне не нравится. (the) drum (does) not appeal to me.
    AK: This means "I don't like the drum."
10 Вот красивый альбом; Here-is (a) fine album ;

AK: красивый - beautiful

  цена небольшая: двенадцать рублей.

(the) price (feminine) (is) not high [big] ; 12 roubles.

11 Покажите... Это ваша последняя цена? Let me see [show (me)]. (Is) this your lowest [last] price?

Покажите мне - show (you pl.) to-me

  Всё-таки дорого. Anyway (it is) dear.
    AK: This means "It's still expensive."

какой-нибудь; какая-нибудь; какое-нибудь

(Of) any (kind) (masculine; feminine; neuter).

13 лучше; better;
  дешёвый; дешёвая; дешёвое.

cheap / inexpensive (masculine; feminine; neuter).

14 красивый; красивая; красивое; beautiful (m / f / n); price.
15 большой; большая; большое; great, big (m / f / n) :
  она мне нравится. she appeals to me.
    AK: This means "I like her."
16 дорогой; дорогая; дорогое; dear / expensive (m / f / n) ;

AK: дорогой can mean both "expensive" and "dear", like in
My dear father - Мой дорогой папа

  дорого (6);

dear / costly, expensive (adverb) :

  я ищу. I look for / I'm searching.


1 Ребёнку нужна игрушка.

(The) child needs to (the) child (is) necessary] (a) toy.

2 Ваша мать ждёт вас внизу. Your mother awaits you downstairs.
3 Покажите ей этот альбом; Show her this album;
  она будет очень рада. she will be very glad.
4 Какая красивая комната!

What (a) beautiful bedroom (feminine) !

5 Какой красивый подарок! What (a) beautiful present (masculine) !
6 Какое красивое пальто! What (a) beautiful overcoat ! (neuter).
7 Как вам нравится наш город? How (does) our town appeal to you?

AK: This means "What do you think about our town?"
Word-by word "How to-you is-likes-itself our town."


Игрушка toy, (from играть , to play) is feminine, as its final а shows.
Hence нужна and какая, feminine endings.
Let us take the sentence in the masculine, with, say, человек, man, which is masculine since ending with a consonant :
мне нужен какой-нибудь человек: I need any (kind of) a man.
And in the neuter, with слово, word, which is neuter since ending with an о :
мне нужно какое-нибудь слово: I need any (kind of) a word.


Ваш ребёнок (riebbiawnok) your child.
In the dative (case of recipient), to your child is : вашему ребёнку (riebbionkoo).
Of course that is puzzling; but remember only that the ending у indicates the dative for the masculine.


Игрушка: toy; игрушки: toys.
We see the feminine ending а changing into и in the plural.


Это, which we know, is this (impersonal pronoun) or this (demonstrative adjective) before a neuter (ending in о).
Before а feminine (ending in а) it naturally becomes эта,
and before a masculine (ending with consonant); it changes into этот.

то письмо
, this letter (neuter in о);
эта вода, this water (feminine in а);
этот обед, this dinner (masculine in consonant).


Уже : already;
Уж, really, truly (ironically).
Уж я не знаю: I really (do) not know.


In дорого (adverb), stress the first syllable.

Tweested English Section

Genders : we first make a rough study, confining ourselves to general lines.
Afterwards we shall see details.
For the agreement of adjectives, be content to day with recognizing their gender from their ending :
masculine ый, ий or ой;
feminine ая or а;
neuter ое.

Какая-нибудь (feminine) is in the masculine какой-нибудь and in the neuter какое-нибудь.
If you compare нибудь, with будет (will be), you see the relationship.
Какой-нибудь, any, is literally "how not be", however, or whatever it be.