Russian for English speakers 14

Lesson 14


Pronunciation & Comments
Произношение и комментарии


36 - тридцать шесть

36 - (tridcăt' chèsst')

thirty six

37 - тридцать семь

37 - (tridcăt' s'èm')

thirty seven

38 - тридцать восемь

38 - (tridcăt' vossiem')

thirty eight

39 - тридцать девять

39 - (tridcăt' diéviĕt')

thirty nine


Четырнадцатый (14-й) урок

(chetyrnadcătiy urok)

Fourteenth lesson



(oorock nommĕr chetyrnadcăt')

Lesson number fourteen (#14)


— As far as it is possible, we shall endeavour not to overwhelm you with grammatical rules.
Our notes are indispensable explanations rather than rules.
However, it shall be necessary, one day, to give you declension or conjugation tables etc..
  But we want first to prepare you for it, by scattering difficulties and attacking them one by one,
so that, once gathered together, they may not look unsurmountable to you.
  May we hope that so far we have not subjected you to excessive work?

Interrogative form.
— Is the use of the interrogative particle ли quite clear to you?
Here are а few examples of it:

  Вы говорите: you speak.
Говорите ли вы? do you speak?
  Он здесь : he (is) here.
Здесь ли он? (is) he here?
Давно ли он здесь? (has) he (been) here (a) long time?
  Это вы: it (is) you.
Вы ли это? (is) it you?
  Он дома: he (is) at home.
Дома ли он ? (is) he at home?

Она у вас сегодня : she is at your house to-day.
У вас ли она сегодня? (is it) at your house (that) she (is) to-day? (or : is she at your house...?)
Она ли у вас сегодня? (is it) she (who is)... or: (is) she at your house to-day?
Сегодня ли она у вас? (is it) to-day (that) she (is) at your house?

  You see how supple and accurate a word ли is in a sentence.
The order of words
, besides, is much less strict in Russian than in English.
Do not expect to see the verb always preceded by the subject and followed by the object.
2 To be and to have.
— The verb to be is omitted in the present indicative, and you are already used to it :

я здесь, I'm here ("I here");
он дома
, he's at home, he's at his place ("he /at home/")


However, the infinitive быть, to be is used :


я хочу быть там: I want to be there.
Может быть: maybe.

  We also have есть, which corresponds to our "there is"
but is seldom used except in the meaning of to have, in the phrase :
у меня есть
: to me or with me there is: I have

The same :
у вас есть: you have ("to/at you is");
у него есть: he has ("to/at him is");
у неё есть: she has ("to/at her is").


Do you remember that его, him, to-him and её her, to-her,
become него and неё by euphony, after a preposition?
Для него, for him
для неё
, for her


Absence of predicate


Мне трудно : (it is) difficult for me ("to-me difficult").
We have with the same construction :
Мне довольно: (it is) enough for me ("to-me enough").
Вам нужно : (it is) needed for you (you need).
Вам надо: (it is) necessary for you (you must).
Это ему вредно: this (is) bad for him.
Мне хорошо: (it is) well for me, I feel well.
Ей невозможно: (it is) impossible for her ("to-her is-impossible", she can't take it (any longer) ).
Мне ничего : (it is) nothing for me, I don't care).

4 The ending in О of adverbs is also that of the neuter.
Without entering upon the question of genders — which, by the way, is quite simple.
— let us remark in passing that the final о indicates the neuter;
we met it only in слово (word) for nouns, and in это (this, it), a demonstrative.

The letter Г (gh) is sometimes sounded v, we saw it in
(iĕvaw), his ;
(civ'awdn'a), today

Tweested English Section


The Russian spelling has been altered in 1918;
but many publications issued since then outside Russia have kept the former spelling which included a few more letters.
We shall make them known to you later.
In the meantime, if by chance you should come across a Russian text with the old spelling,
do not be surprised to see letters that you do not know.
We do not yet teach you the handwritten letters, as you do not need for the moment to practice writing.

Let us say once more that all we ask of you is to understand the texts of the lessons and exercises
and to repeat aloud each paragraph of the lessons and each sentence of the exercises immediately after reading them.
Do not try to conclude to general rules from a particular case;
admit that you must act a little as a parrot and give their chance to your subconscious faculties of assimilation.
You must not try to plough too deep ; we first get into the general atmosphere of Russian, and we take care to avoid all unnecessary theory.
Your acquirements, vague al the start, will become more and more distinct just as does a photographic plate in a developing-bath.