Russian for English speakers 1951


Russian for English speakers 27

Lesson 27




80 - восемьдесят



81 - восемьдесят один

eighty one


Двадцать седьмой (27-й) урок

Twenty seventh lesson



Lesson number twenty seven (#27)

  В вагоне. In a railway-carriage
1 Хотите папиросу (1), гражданка? Do you want a cigarette, citizen (feminine)?
    AK: my fellow fem. citizen
2 Нет, я не курю;

No, I do not smoke;

  а вы, курите пожалуйста, but you smoke, please.

(а вы - курите, пожалуйста,)

AK: it's more appropriate punctuation IMHO
3 дым меня не беспокоит; the smoke does not trouble me.
4 напротив, мне даже приятно. on the contrary, (it is) even pleasant to me.
5 Вот спички проклятые,
не зажигаются (2).
What [here are| accursed matches;
(they) do not take |light themselves],
    AK: These damned matches,
won't light.
6 В коробке (3) остаётся только одна. In the box, (there) remains only one.
7 Осторожно! Нет, не годится; Mind! No, (it) is not worth (anything)
    AK: Careful/carefully! No, it's no good.
8 они наверно у вас мокрые. they surely [with you] (are) wet
    AK: they are probably wet.
9 (В купе (4) входит контролёр) - (Into the compartment steps [enters] the ticket-collector)
    AK: Auditor/tickets controller enters the compartment.
  Пожалуйте билеты... — Tickets, please
10 Спички есть у вас? Have you matches?
    AK: Do you have matches?
11 Нет, но вот зажигалка (5). No, but here-is a (cigarette)-lighter.
12 Благодарю вас; возьмите папиросу. (I) thank you; take a cigarette.
13 Благодарю, я курю только трубку (6) . (I) thank (you), I smoke only the pipe.
14 Я курю; вы курите; он курит;
мы курим; они курят; курить.

I smoke; you (pl.) smoke; he smokes;
we smoke, they smoke; to smoke.


ты куришь
она курит

- you (sing.) smoke
- she smokes

15 наверно; благодарю вас;

surely; (I) thank you;

  осторожно! mind!

is probably or maybe
means be careful! or Attention!

16 Мокрый; спичка; коробка. wet; match; box
  Песня A song
17 Мой муж арбуз My husband (is) a water-melon
    AK: water-melon= watermelon; арбуз is masculine
18 а я его дыня ; And I (am) his melon-lady

AK: melon-lady = melon; дыня is feminine

19 он меня вчерася (7) бил, he beat me yesterday
    AK: he was beating me yesterday
20 а я его ныне. and I (beat) him to-day.




The cigarette (nominative) : папироса or папироска.

папироска is diminutive - small cigarette


Here is the same sentence in the singular :
Вот спичка проклятая, не зажигается.

Damned match won't light.


Where is the box (nominative): Где коробка?
Give me the box (accusative) : Дайте мне коробку.
The match is in the box : Спичка в коробке.


Купе [купэ], the (train wagon) compartment, the coupé,
a foreign, imperfectly russified word,
is not declined (like пальто, бюро, etc.) (pron. coo-paih)
Входить, to enter; literally «in-go» : « в-ходить ».

Входить means to enter or to be entering.


Зажигать : to light up, to ignite
зажигаться, lit. to light up oneself
(in the sense of "to be lighted" - kind of passive form in this case);
зажигалка, a lighter ("an object that ignites", feminine)


Here is the pipe (nominative) : Вот трубка.
You see the pipe : Вы видите трубку.
The tobacco is in the pipe : Табак в трубке.

Вот трубка is more like "here is a pipe"
Вот эта трубка means "here is the/this pipe".


A corruption of вчера, yesterday.
Бить, to beat;
я бил, I beat or I was beating.
— Compare : быть, to be; я был, I was.

- вчерася is not a corruption per se, ся means "-self",
so result is more like "the same yesterday"
- бить here means "to thrash"


Do not forget that the е has a more liquid sound under the stress :
вы имеете, you possess, is sounded eemietiĕ.
Билет: beeltt - a ticket.


Tweested English Section

This song is a rather naive burden which does not mean much, but is very popular.

AK-NOTE: Never heard of this song before, it appears to be one of Esenin's jokes.