Russian for English speakers 1951



Russian for English speakers 26

Lesson 26




74 - семьдесят четыре

seventy four


75 - семьдесят пять

seventy five


76 - семьдесят шесть

seventy six


77 - семьдесят семь

seventy seven


78 - семьдесят восемь

seventy eight


79 - семьдесят девять

seventy nine


Двадцать шестой (26-й) урок

Twenty sixth lesson



Lesson number twenty six (#26)

  На вокзале. At [on] the station
1 Проклятый извозчик,
я уверен, что мы опоздали (1).
Accursed cabman,
I (am) sure that we are late [became-late].

Всё равно, Гриша (2);
не один поезд, так другой.

No matter [all indifferent] Grisha,
if it is not one train, it's the other


[not (a) train, so (an)other].


AK: This means:
It's not important, Grisha. This train or another, we will board it.

3 Идите купить билеты
и спросите,
Go (and) take [buy] the tickets
and ask
  в котором часу (3) идёт поезд на Москву (4). at what time starts a train to [on] Moscow.

Не умею с ними объясниться (N. 4),

I cannot explain-myself with them [with them explain].

AK: i.e. I cannot talk with them.
Go you, yourself.

   идите сами (5), Go yourself.

а пока я сажусь

and meanwhile I will sit down
  и жду вас здесь с багажом. (6) and wait [I sit and wait] for you here with the luggage.

Ну и вот ..

Well, it's done [and here it is] !
  Я был в кассе (7). I have-been (was) at the booking-office.
7 Взять два места не так просто. Taking two seats [places] is not so simple.
8 А мы не опоздали: But we are not late [not became-late];
  поезд в семь часов. the train is at 7 o'clock [hours].

Значит, нам ждать ещё полчаса;

(That) means we have to wait [ for us wait] half-an-hour still;
    AK: Meaning "Then, we have to wait..."
10 мы успеем пойти в буфет. we have-the-time to go to the refreshment-room.
    AK: Meaning "We have time to go to a buffet (snacks room)"
11 С удовольствием; мне хочется пить. With pleasure, I am thirsty
    [for me (it) feels-like drinking].
12 А я голоден; пойдём. And [but] I am hungry; let's go.
13 Я умею; я имею; я успею. I know or can; I possess; I have-time.

AK: Я умею means "I know how to do"
Я успею ~ I'll be fast enough to do this


Вы умеете; вы имеете; вы успеете.

You know or can; you possess; you have-time.

AK: Вы умеете means "You pl. know how to do"
Вы имеете = You pl. have
Вы успеете = You pl. will be in time (you'll do/arrive in time)


Идите, пойдём, спросите; я был.

Go; let's go; ask; I was.

AK: Идите! is a command - Go! (you pl).



1 Боюсь, что я не успею объясниться. I fear that I have not the time to explain-myself.

AK: Correct translation is
"I'm afraid, that I will not have the time to explain-myself."

2 Вы не умеете с ними говорить как следует. You do not know (how) to speak to them in the right way
    [as (it) requires or suits].

AK: Meaning "You don't know how to talk to him the right way"
уметь = to know how to do

3  В котором часу ваш поезд? At what time is your train?

AK: Literally "at what hour (accusative)"

4 Он сам мне сказал, что не знает. He told me himself that he did [does] not know.
5 Поезд кажется опоздал на пять часов. The train, it seems, is five hours late.
    AK: The Russian wording implies that train has arrived late.
6  Мне больше ничего не хочется. I want no longer anything.

AK: meaning "I don't want anything ["nothing"] any longer"


Они ждут нас на вокзале.

They wait-for us at [on] the station.
8  Не хочется-ли вам пойти со мною? Do you not want to go with me?

 Не хочется ли вам пойти со мной?

AK: It's something like "Don't you want to come with me?"
9 Да, пойду с удовольствием. Yes, I will go with pleasure.




Опоздать corresponds to to become late, which explains its use in the preterit ;
я опоздал, I am late, I have become late.

It's totally and irrevocably completed action:
я опоздал - "At this present time I'm already late"


Гриша, familiar for Григорий, Gregory.


The time (hour) is час;
you find it in часу, часа, часов;
we have seen сейчас, now, at once, at this hour,
and полчаса [пол часа], half-hour.

часу = to an hour (dative, [to give] to an hour )
часа = an hour [accusative]
часов = of hours [accusative plural]

сейчас = сей час = this hour
meanings: 1) now, present time
2) at this hour
3) at one or right now


Proper names are also declined;
hence Москву, instead of Москва (masskva).

Москву = the Moscow (accusative)
Москва = the Moscow (nominative)


Я сам, I myself;
вы сами, you yourself or yourselves;
вы demands the plural, even (даже) if it represents only one person.

Я сам = I self or I alone


Nominative : багаж.

багаж = luggage or baggage


Я был, preterit of быть, to be;
касса (cf. cash) : the cashier's counter (nominative).

Я был = I was

  — You know who I am : Вы знаете, кто я.
— You know how to (can) speak Russian : Вы умеете говорить по-русски.

Tweested English Section

Don't forget to make references, as we told you (p. 60);
in the light of the following lessons, the dark corners will be gradually lighted up.
You can realize this now if you go back to the first lessons.
