Russian for English speakers 1951


Russian for English speakers 20

Lesson 20




56 - пятьдесят шесть

fifty six


57 - пятьдесят семь

fifty seven


58 - пятьдесят восемь

fifty eight


59 - пятьдесят девять

fifty nine


Двадцатый (20-й) урок

Twentieth lesson



Lesson number twenty (#20)

  Холодно! (It is) cold!
1 Что вы гуляете без пальто! What, you go-out without (an) overcoat!

Что это вы гуляете без пальто!

AK : You can use Что это [что-эта] instead of only что
to make a stress on the whole fact of "walking around without an overcoat".


Неужели (1) вам не холодно?

Really, are you [to you (is it)] not cold?

AK : the meaning is "Really, isn't it cold to/for you?"

3 Немного холодно, но ничего; A little cold, but (it is) nothing;
    AK : this means "Cold a little, but it's nothing."
4 пальто у меня не готово; my overcoat [for me overcoat] (is) not ready;
5 портной мне его завтра принесёт. (the) tailor will-bring it to me tomorrow.
6 Нельзя без пальто; It-is-impossible (to do) without an overcoat;
  мороз уже сильный; не шутка. (the) frost (is) already strong; (it is) no joke.
7 Но я вижу, But I see
  что у вас есть всё-таки галоши (2). that at any rate you have galoshes. (overshoes),
8 А у вас шуба великолепная. But you have a splendid pelisse.

AK : шуба is a fur coat

9 Шуба эта (3) уже старая; This pelisse (is) already old.
10 у меня другая есть, новая. I have another, (a) new (one).
11 Защищаться надо вовремя,

One must protect-oneself [to defend oneself (is) necessary] in-time,


AK : meaning is "but you should protect-yourself when it's needed".

  не правда ли? (4). (is it) not true [(the) truth]?
12 Зима теперь очень близка; Winter (is) now very near;
13 не сегодня - завтра будет первый снег (5); Very soon [not to-day to-morrow] (the) first snow will fall [be].

AK: meaning is "very soon, there'll be a first snow".
не сегодня - завтра
is an idiom meaning "very soon".
будет is "will be"

14 и тогда будет уже поздно. and then (it) will-be too [already] late.
    AK: meaning is "and then, it'll be already late".
15 неужели? готовый; мороз; без. really? ready; frost; without.
16 великолепный; старый; старая; старое.

splendid; old (masculine, feminine, neuter)

17 новый; новая; новое;
сильный, сильная,
new (masculine, feminine, neuter);
strong (masculine, feminine, neuter)
18 немного; поздно; близко (6); холодно. A little; late; near; cold.


A song


Кипучая, могучая

Seething, mighty

AK: кипучая ~ boiling

  Никем непобедимая (7), invincible (by nobody to-be-vanquished).

AK: This means "defeatable by nobody".

Because we have double negation here (typical Russian negation),
непобедимая must be written in to words (не победимая), as we have it in the original book.
But, for all other purposes, there's no such word in Russian as "победимая", only "непобедимая".

20 Страна моя, Москва моя,
Ты самая любимая.
My country, my Moscow
Thou most [very] beloved.

AK : Ты самая любимая means "You are the most beloved".




Неужели formed with не, not, уже, already, and the interrogative particle ли,
means literally : (Is it) not already?, and marks surprise, astonishment.

Неужели = whether it is...?

2 Галоши or калоши, rubber galoshes which are worn over the shoes.

They are to be put over валенки - felt boots, to protect them from water.

3 Шуба эта or эта шуба.
The order of words is much less strict in Russian than in English.

The order of words is, still, important.
You must use standard/common words order, because changing it will change emphasis,
and you must understand really well what you're saying, before you try to do this.


Pronounce the two щ (sh'tch) in защищаться, very indistinctly,
almost suppressing the t sound.

защищаться  = to protect oneself
There's no "t sound" in щ.
Romanized transcription in the original book is clearly misleading.
Always listen carefully to the recording.


— In вовремя, the о is added to в for euphony.
The principal stress is on во.

In the original book вовремя is written во время, but it's one word now.


Не правда ли? (Is it) not true [(the) truth]?

In the original book it's written Не правда-ли?


Снег, show, is masculine; so is мороз, frost;
whereas зима, winter, is feminine.
But these different genders are no difficulty,
since the final letter of words characterizes them,
as we shall repeat in the next lesson.


Близко: near (adverb);
(masculine), близкая (feminine),
(short form : близка (feminine), близкое, near (adjective).

близка needs explanation.
I'll not theorize now what past of speech it might be,
but it's not just a "short form" of близкая (near or close, feminine).
близка means "in the state of being near".

means "in the state of being wide or ample",
not just a short form of широкая (wide feminine).


Никто: nobody
Никем: by nobody.
Победа (pabbieda) : victory.
Победить : to vanquish.

Победить кого-то is to defeat someone.

Tweested English Section

— You should now be sufficiently used to the Russian letters
to be able to do without the figured pronunciation.
Henceforth we shall only indicate it in special cases.

Go on reading over again, aloud, the preceding lessons, and listening to them if you have the records.
The first ones must be already familiar to you. In a short time, it will be the same with this one.