Russian for English speakers 1951




Russian for English speakers 16

Lesson 16



Pronunciation & Comments
Произношение и комментарии


42 - сорок два

42 - (sorăk dva)

forty two


43 - сорок три

43 - (sorăk tri)

forty three


44 - сорок четыре

44 - (sorăk tchetyrè)

forty four


45 - сорок пять

45 - (sorăk p'att')

forty five


46 - сорок шесть

46 - (sorăk chèsst')

forty six


47 - сорок семь

47 - (sorăk s'èm')

forty seven


Шестнадцатый (16-й) урок

(shesnădcătiy urok)

Sixteenth lesson



(oorock nommĕr shesnadcăt')

Lesson number sixteen (#16)

  Самовар кипит   (The) samovar boils
1 Накройте на стол;  

Lay (the) table [cover on (the) table];


AK: This means "cover the table!"
Please, cover the table = Пожалуйста, накройте на стол

  хочется кушать и пить. (1)   (we feel like eating and drinking [(to us) it-is-wanted to...].
2 Уверяю вас, я не голоден,   (I) assure you (that) I (am) not hungry,
  а что касается (2) жажды....   and as regards [(in) what regards] thirst...

AK: а что касается = "and regarding the ..." = and what about the ...

3 Я знаю, что вы пьёте,   I know that you drink
  даже когда вам не хочется пить.   even when you do not feel like drinking
[when to-you it (is) not wanted to drink].
      AK: word by word "/even if/ when /to you/ not want-itelf to-drink"
4 Напротив (3),   On the contrary
  у меня сейчас сильная жажда (4).   I am now very thirsty [to me is (a) strong thirst].
      AK: word by word "to/on me now strong thirst"
5 Вот закуски, водка (5) и квас;   Here-are hors-d'œuvre, vodka and kvass;
  чай сейчас готов.   tea (will be) ready presently.

AK: it's in the original book, and it's some kind of theatrical statement
word by word "tea now /is ready/"
  чай сейчас будет готов.  

AK: Use this phrase instead:
"tea now /will be/ ready".

6 Я умираю от жажды   I am dying (die) with thirst
      AK: this means "I'm dying of thirst'
  и бросаюсь (6) на квас.   and fall ("throw myself") upon (the) kvass.
      AK: this means "I'm rushing to the kvass"
7 Вы нетерпеливый (7) человек :   You (are an) impatient man;
  не можете ждать.   you cannot wait.
8 Извините,   Excuse (me);
  сегодня так жарко.   (it is) so hot to-day.
9 Вот наконец и самовар кипит;   Here-is at-last [and] (the) samovar (which) boils.
      AK: this means "and now, at last, samovar is boiling"
word by word: "/here is/ /at last/ and samovar /is boiling/".
10 давайте (8) пить чай.   Let us drink [give to drink] (the) tea.
      AK: this means "Lets drink the tea".
11 я пью; он, она пьёт;   I drink; he, she drinks;
   вы пьёте; пить.  

you (pl.) drink; to drink.

12 я умираю;   I die;
  я бросаюсь;   I fall upon, throw oneself;

AK: or "I'm rushing to" - я бросаюсь на...
"to thrown-onself-on" - бросаться(на)...

  накройте.   put (cover).

AK: this can mean "cover something"
or "put the food on table" - накройте стол

13 человек; терпение;   man, person; patience;
   наконец; даже.  

at last, finally; even.


AK: "even if..." - даже если...

14 жарко; напротив;   hot; on the contrary;

кушать ; уверять.

  to eat; to assure.



1 Уверяю вас,  

(I) assure you

  я могу ещё ждать.   (that) I can still wait.

я могу ещё подождать.


AK: use this phrase instead.

2 Я люблю у него кушать.   I like to eat at his house.
      (I like to eat at his place).
3 Что касается меня,   As regards myself,

AK: this means "As for me..."


мне больше ничего не хочется.

  I no more want anything [to-me more nothing (is) not wanted].

AK: this translates to "I don't want anything no more"

4 Вода уже давно кипит.   The water has boiled already long [ready since-long boils].

AK: this means "Water is boiling already for along time"
Word by word "water already long-ago boils"

5 Я бросаюсь на закуски.   I fall upon the hors-d'œuvre.
      AK: this means "I'm rushing to the appetizers/snacks"

Давайте кушать.

  Let us eat [give to eat].
7 Что вы пьёте?   What do you drink?




Literally: wants-itself (to) eat and drink.

хочется кушать и пить
хочется =
wants-itself , but it means "I want"

2 Do not mistake кажется: (it) "seems-itself"
for касается : (it) concerns, "regards-itself".
3 Напротив ; on the contrary.
Remember :
ваш папа против
: your papa is against (opposed) (lesson 8).
4 Сильная жажда must be explained.
Жажда, thirst, is a feminine noun, characterized by the ending а.
The adjective сильный agrees with the noun and becomes сильная.

Besides, we have (par. 2 and 6) жажды instead of жажда.
The reason is that the nominative (subject case) жажда [to me (is a) strong thirst]
becomes in the genitive жажды.
Why the genitive? Do not ask yet.

сильный = he's strong
сильная = she's strong


Водка (văwdkă), brandy, comes from вода (vaddah) water.
Note the shifting of stress.

Квас Kwass is a drink made out of fermented fruit or rye.

6 The ending юсь in бросаюсь is the reflexive form of verbs.
We have already seen (lesson 15) :
я боюсь, I fear (literally "I fear myself").

боюсь is a reflexive form, it means "I have fear/angst'


Нетерпеливый : score out не, and you have :
терпеливый, patient;
the patience will be терпение,
and to be patient терпеть.

терпеть means be tolerant of, to put up with
to be patient translates to быть терпеливым


Давайте, another form of дайте, is here used to form the imperative.
Давайте играть: let us play [give (us) to play].

дайте! - (you pl.) give me!
Давайте is something like "(you and me) give us to play"

Tweested English Section


This lesson is intricate, so we wish to repeat to you again
that you only have to understand the text, without trying to explain the how (как) and the why (почему).
The obscure passages wilt become clear of themselves.
Терпение! and let us pass on to the next lesson.