Russian for English speakers 1951



Russian for English speakers 12

Lesson 12



Pronunciation & Comments
Произношение и комментарии


30 - тридцать

30 - (tridcăt')



31 - тридцать один

31 - (tridcăt' odin)

thirty one


32 - тридцать два

32 - (tridcăt' dva)

thirty two


33 - тридцать три

33 - (tridcăt' tri)

thirty three


Двенадцатый (12-й) урок

(dvenădcătiy urok)

Twelfth lesson



(oorock nommĕr dvenădcăt')

Lesson number twelve (#12)

  Скажите ей (1)   Tell her

AK: скажите - you pl. tell - command

1 Когда и где вы можете её видеть?   When and where can you see her?

Когда и где вы сможете её увидеть?


AK: use this in a normal conversation.

2 Скажите ей, что я сегодня целый день дома,   Tell her that I (am) at home to-day all day,

AK: целый день дома - "whole day at home"


и могу ей дать только десять минут,
не больше;

  and can give her only ten minutes,
no more;

и я могу ей выделить только десять минут


AK: Use these phrases instead:
"and I can to-her allocate only ten minutes"

  и я могу ей уделить только десять минут    
4 как вы знаете,  

as you know,

  я сейчас очень занят.   I (am) now very busy.

(I'm very busy now.)

5 Хорошо; я ей скажу;   (Very) well; I tell her;

AK: It means "I will tell her"
скажу clearly refers to Future.

  а если она сегодня не может...   but if she cannot to-day...

AK: as you might guess, it's not a question, it's some kind of suggestion.
Or so it seems...


Тогда после завтра;

  Then after to-morrow;
  а что она именно хочет?   but what (does) she want exactly [exactly wants]?

Тогда - послезавтра


AK: "Then - /the day after tomorrow/".
послезавтра is written in one word now.
These two words mean:
после - after
- tomorrow

7 Она думает,
что вы можете ей найти место,
  She thinks
that you can find her a post,

место is place in general meaning.
Here, it refers to a рабочее место (место работы) - work-place .

8 потому что вы уже давно здесь   because [that] you (have been) here long already
[you (are) already long here],
  и хорошо знаете город.   and you know the town well.
9 Она гувернантка?   She (is a) governess?
10 Да; у неё (2) есть французский диплом;   Yes ; she has [to-her (is)] (a) French diploma;
11 она парижанка,   she (is a) Parisian,
  и говорит свободно по-английски.   and speaks English freely.
12 Сколько ей лет?   How old is she
[How many, to-her, years]?
  - Ей двадцать пять лет. (3)   — She is twenty five [to-her (are) twenty five years].
13 А кто ещё её рекомендует?  

And who also recommends her?


AK: word by word :
"A/and/but who more her recommends?"

14 Никто её здесь не знает.   Nobody here knows her
[nobody her here not knows].

AK: This means "No one know her here".

15 целый день; после; я занят; место.   all day; after; I (am) busy; post (place);

целый день - the whole day


найти; видеть (4); сколько; только.

  to find; to see; how many; only.
17 тогда; город; свободно.   then ; town ; freely.



1 Сколько вам лет?   How old are you
[how many, to-you, years]?
  Мне тридцать лет.   — I am thirty [to-me (are) 30 years].
2 Сколько ему лет?   How old is he?
3 Сколько вы думаете мне лет?   How old (do) you think I (am)?

AK: word by word
"/how many/ /you pl./ /are thinking/ to-me years?"

4 Я его больше не хочу видеть.   I will not see him any more
[I him more not want to see].
      AK: The whole meaning is
"I don't want to see him anymore."
5 Я ещё не говорю свободно по-русски.   I do not yet speak Russian freely.
      AK: word by word
"I still not speaking freely by-Russian."
i.e. I'm still not good in Russian.
6 Скажите ему, что я болен.   Tell him that I (am) ill.
7 Почему ей некогда?   Why has she not the time
[Why to-her (there-is) no-time]?

AK: некогда means /state of absence of free time/
So, she is busy.

8 Она француженка.   She (is a) Frenchwoman.




Here is ей (iĕ') to-her,
corresponding to ему to-him.

We have then :
она, she (subject) ;
её, her (accusative);
ей, to her (dative);

and similarly:
, его, ему.

2 See lesson 11, note 2.  
3 By the way, don't you neglect to learn how to count
by reading over and over again the numbers of the pages?

Two more verbs which do not end in ать:
найти, to find, which reminds you of идти [итти] (eetee),
and видеть, to see.

найти means "to find out" and is not a "basic" or "radical" verb.
найти describes completed action, but doesn't necessarily refers to the future.
It's some kind of derivative from "искать" - to look for, to search.

видеть means to be seeing.
смотреть means to be watching
The basic/radical form is наблюдать or созерцать - to watch, to contemplate,
and they describe rather /state of action/ than a pure action.

видеть, смотреть, наблюдать, созерцать are all in the Infinitive form.
(Continuous/Progressive verb form always has personal endings.)

  We are not yet proficient enough to begin conjugating them.  

Tweested English Section


Every day we come across new words and phrases.
We add them to our building, which will rise up by degrees, and at the same time grow stronger on its base.
It is not at random that we choose our daily texts ; each of them is a new stone that fits into its place.