Russian for English speakers 1951



Russian for English speakers 08

Lesson 08



Pronunciation & Comments
Произношение и комментарии


18 - восемнадцать

18 - (vosemnadcăt')


19 - девятнадцать

19 - (dev'atnadcăt')



20 - двадцать

20 - (dvadcăt')


21 - двадцать один

21 - (dvadcăt' odin)

twenty one

Восьмой (8-й) урок

(vos'moy urok)

Eighth lesson



(oorock nommĕr vosem')

Lesson number eight (#8)

— Нельзя (1)

May (or Can) one ? [(is it) possible?)
— (It is) impossible.

1 Можно ли (2) мне сегодня гулять?  

May I go-for-a-walk to-day?
[(is it) possible for-me to-day to walk]?


AK: Можно is "Allowed', like in "It's allowed", or "Sure".
- "Prohibited" or "Not possible" - is not a verb. It's an adjective of state, like "Useless!".


Можно ли мне сегодня погулять?


Use "погулять" to make the phrase more natural.

2 Нет, нельзя.
Ваш папа против.

No, you may not [(it is) impossible).
Your father (is) opposed (to it).
(Your father is against.)

3 Но я больше (3) не болен;
нужен воздух.

But I am no longer (more) ill [but I more (am) not ill);
I need air [to-me (is) necessary air].

4 Вы много гуляете (4);
это вам

You walk much;
this (is) bad for you [this, for-you bad] .


AK: гулять is "to promenade" or 'to rumble around", not exactly "to walk".

5 Как жаль;
я так люблю воздух...

What a pity !
I like air so much [I /so much/in this mode/ love air].

6 Сегодня, ваш папа дома.  

To-day, your papa is at-home.

7 Как я рад!   How glad I (am).
"How I glad!"

Он мне всегда читает то, что я люблю.


He always reads to me what [that which] I like.
(-> He always reads me what I want.)

9 Я гуляю; вы гуляете;
он гуляет; гулять.

I take-a-walk [walk] ; you (pl.) take-a-walk;
he takes а walk; to take a walk.


(он) болен; сегодня; (он) против.


(he is) ill; to-day; (he is) opposed ("against").

11 больше; много; воздух; как жаль!   more; much (or many); air; what a pity !



1 Он сегодня болен.   He (is) ill to-day.
2 Это очень жаль.  

It is a great [much] pity.
(So much pity.)


Очень жаль.
Как жаль!


AK: Use "Too sad." or
"What a pity!" to sound more natural.

3 Можно-ли начинать?
- Нет, нельзя ещё.
ещё (iĕshtshаw) May (one) begin [is it possible to begin]?
No, (one) may not yet.
  Можно ли начинать?
- Нет, ещё нельзя.

Use this orthography and words order, it's modern Russian.

4 Я её больше не люблю.   I like her no more [I her more not like].
5 Я думаю, что вино вам вредно.  

I think that wine is bad for-you.
(I think, that | the wine is bad for-you.)

6 Она много говорит.  

She speaks much.


Она слишком много говорит.


She speaks too much.

7 Пожалуйста, извините меня ещё раз.  

Please, excuse me once again [again once], [again, /one more time/].


Сейчас я вам скажу, почему он против.


Presently I [will] tell you why he (is) opposed (to it).


сейчас - "now, right now"
(я) скажу
- "I will tell", it's Future Tense




Можно means : one may, it is allowed to
Нельзя, on the contrary means : one may not, it is forbidden.

E.g., when knocking at a door, you will ask :
Можно? May one (come in)?

— And the answer will be :
Можно! one may,
or Нельзя! no, one may not.


Можно ли : the particle ли ("whether") indicates a question.

So :
он дома
, he (is) at home;
дома ли он? is he at home?

It's written Можно-ли in the original book, but the hyphen no longer needed.


In больше: more, you find the root of большевик, bolshevik.


Гулять : to take a walk.
Я гуляю : I stroll, I play with friends.


Я гуляю с друзьями.

"I meet (and maybe promenade) with friends."
Not necessarily "I walk with friends".

Tweested English Section


Как я рад! "How I glad !"
You will get used to it and think of pidgin English no longer.