MSP 122 |
Культурный контекст: Нравоучения из трёх символов.
三字经 |
10:20 |
dú shĭ shū, kăo shí lù。 tōng gŭ jīn, ruò qīn mù。 |
Read the history books, examine the records, connect the ancient with the present, and you'll be as close as an eyewitness. |
Прочти по Истории книги, |
口而诵,心而惟。 朝于斯,夕于斯。 |
Recite them with the mouth, examine them with your heart; do this in the morning; do this in the evening. |
Говори и декламируй, |
kŏu ér sòng, xīn ér wéi。 zhāo yú sī, xī yú sī。 |
昔仲尼,师项橐。 |
Formerly, Zhong Ni, took Xiang Tuo for his teacher. The ancient sages were virtuous, yet studied diligently. Zhong Ni was one of Confucius' names. Xiang Tuo was a prodigious seven year old. There is a story told of how he refused Confucius' request to move his play fortress from the middle of the road because, he argued, who had ever heard of moving buildings to make way for carriages? |
В прошлом "второй монах" Конфуций,
xī zhòng ní, shī xiàng
tuó。 gŭ shèngxián, shàng qín xué。 |
赵中令,读鲁论。 彼既仕,学且勤。 |
Grand Secretary Zhao studied the Analects. He, although already an official, studied diligently. Song Emperor Taizong asked Zhao Pu why he was reading the Analects, a book commonly taught to kids. Zhao replied: "With half of this book I helped your father gain the empire. With the other half I help you to preserve it." |
Джао4 "в командовании" (председатель Совета),
zhào zhōng lìng, dú lŭ lùn。 bĭ jì shì, xué qiě qín。 |
披蒲编,削竹简。 彼无书,且知勉。 |
Splitting reeds and weaving them, cutting bamboo slips. They had no books, yet knew how to exert themselves. Lu Wenshu was a too poor to be able to buy books. He braided reeds and copied borrowed books. Gongsun Hong cut bamboo slips to do the same. Both men served under the Han dynasty. |
[Некто] Открыл [и мастерил]
из камыша книги, резал бамбуковые дощечки Те [люди были] без книг, однако ("пока что") прилагали усилия |
pī pú biān, xiāo zhú jiăn。 bĭ wú shū, qiě zhī miăn。 |
头悬梁,锥刺股。 彼不教,自勤苦。 |
One tied his head to the roof beam; another pricked his thigh with an awl. They were not taught these, but came up on their own to toil hard. Sun Jing tied his hair to the roof beam to prevent from nodding off to sleep. He became a minister under the Qin dynasty. Su Qin set up an awl to prick himself awake if he nodded off. He became a prime minister. |
На голове
"крышу с коньком", |
tóu xuán liáng, zhuī cì gŭ。 bĭ bù jiāo, zì qín kŭ。 |
如囊萤,如映雪。 家虽贫,学不辍。 |
One put fireflies in a bag. |
Как в мешок светлячков [поместил
кто-то], как отражение снег (для света, блеска снег использовал) Семья хотя и бедная, учились не останавливаясь |
rú náng yíng, rú yìng xuě。 jiā suī pín, xué bù chuò。 |
11:22 |