Upper-Intermediate - Phobias (D0271)

wǒmen zhōumò qù yóuyǒng ba !
Let’s go swimming this weekend!

wǒ bùhuì yóuyǒng ,lǎoshí shuō wǒ yǒudiǎn pà shuǐ 。
I can’t swim. To tell the truth, I’m a little afraid of the water.

á ,nǐ zhème dà le ,jūrán pà shuǐ ?
What? You’re this old, and scared of the water?

nǐ bié xiào wǒ 。wǒ shì zhēnde duì shuǐ kǒngjù 。měigerén nánmiǎn dōu yǒu zìjǐ hàipà de dōngxi 。nǐ kěndìng yě yǒu 。
Don’t laugh at me. I really have a phobia of water. Everyone has a fear of something. You must be afraid of something too.

wǒ díquè yǒu 。wǒ yǒu kǒnggāozhèng 。cóng gāochù wǎng xià kàn ,wǒ mǎshàng huì tóuyūn ,shuāngjiǎo fādǒu 。
I certainly am. I have acrophobia. When I look down from high places, I instantly get dizzy, and my legs start to shake.

shì ā ,zhèxiē hǎoxiàng dōu shì tiānshēng de 。jiù suàn niánlíng zài dà ,yě méi bànfǎ kèfú 。bǐrú shuō ,hǎo duō rén yǒu fēixíng kǒngjùzhèng 。qíngkuàng yánzhòng de shènzhì bùnéng zuò fēijī 。zhè duō bù fāngbiàn yā 。
Yes, it seems that these kinds of things are natural. Even as we get older, there’s no way to overcome them. For example, a lot of people have a fear of flying. It’s so serious that they can’t even travel by plane. It’s very inconvenient.

én ,wǒ de hǎopéngyou jiùshì zhèyàng 。hái yǒu hǎo duō rén yǒu yōubì kǒngjùzhèng ,zài xiáxiǎo de kōngjiān lǐ ,jiù huì gǎnjué tòubuguò qì ,shènzhì yào zhìxī 。
Yeah, my good friend is like that. There are also lots of people who have claustrophobia. When they are in confined spaces, they feel like they can’t breathe, even to the point that they feel like they are going to suffocate.

zhèxiē dōu shì bǐjiào chángjiàn de kǒngjùzhèng 。wǒ hái rènshi rén yǒu máofà kǒngjùzhèng ,kànjiàn tóufa jiù xiàng kànjiàn guǐ yīyàng 。nǐ shuō tā měitiān kàn zhe zìjǐ de tóufa zěnme shēnghuó ne ?
These are all the more common phobias. I also know some people have a phobia of hair. When they see hair, it’s just as scary to them as seeing a ghost. When they look at their own hair every day, how can they cope?

shì ā 。kànlai ,wǒmen liǎ de qíngkuàng hái méi nàme zāogāo 。
Yeah. I guess our situations aren’t really that bad.


to be afraid of
恐惧 kǒngjù to fear
难免 nánmiǎn to be hard to avoid
恐高症 kǒnggāozhèng acrophobia
克服 kèfú to overcome
幽闭恐惧症 yōubì kǒngjùzhèng claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces)
狭小 xiáxiǎo narrow
窒息 zhìxī to suffocate
恐惧症 kǒngjùzhèng phobia
狂犬病 kuángquǎnbìng rabies (lit. “crazy dog disease”)
恐高症 kǒnggāozhèng acrophobia
密闭 mìbì enclosed, airtight
浴缸 yùgāng bathtub
免除 miǎnchú prevent; avoid
居然 jūrán unexpectedly; to one’s surprise
竟然 jìngrán unexpectedly; to one’s surprise
不可置信 bùkězhìxìn cannot believe
戏剧性 xìjùxìng dramatic quality