Upper-Intermediate - Negotiating Rent (D0233)

A:xièxiè nǐ chōukòng dài wǒ láikàn fángzi 。zhè tào fángzi zhēn shūfu ,jiùshì wǒ xiǎng yào de 。
Thank you for taking the time to show me the apartment. The apartment is really good, exactly what I want.

B:shì ā 。zhè fángzi de cháoxiàng hǎo ,kètīng ,zhǔwò dōu cháo nán ,dōngnuǎnxiàliáng , cǎiguāng yòuhǎo 。nǐ diànfèi dōu néng shěng yīdàbǐ 。
It truly is. This apartment has excellent positioning. The living room and master bedroom all face south, keeping you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The apartment is also bright with natural light. You can save quite a bit on electricity bills.

A:zhè fángzi fánglíng duōshǎo ā ?
How long has the building been around?

B:qùnián èryuè jiāofáng ,cái yīniánbàn 。zhège xiǎoqū dàngcì gāo ,línjū xiāngchǔ dōu hěn róngqià 。érqiě wùyè fúwù yě hěn fùzé 。xiǎoqū èrshísì xiǎoshí yǒu bǎoān zhíqín ,lóudào dǎsǎo yě hěn zǐxì 。nǐ gānggang zìjǐ yě kàndào le ,lián dàtīng dōu hěn gānjìng 。
It was finished last February, so only a year and a half. This is an upscale neighborhood, and all the neighbors get along well. The management is also very responsible. Security guards are on duty 24 hours a day, and the cleaning of public areas is very thorough. Even the lobby is spotless, as you just saw.

A:jiùshì yā ,wǒ zūfángzi zuì kànzhòng xiǎoqū de zhěngtǐ huánjìng 。zhèlǐ guǎnlǐ de díquè búcuò ,érqiě lǜhuà yě hǎo 。zhèlǐ yī tī jǐ hù ā ?yǒu dìxià tíngchēcháng ma ?
Exactly. The overall environment of a neighborhood is at the top of my priorities. The management here really has done a great job, and all the greenery is nice. How many units does one elevator service? Is there any underground parking space?

B:yī tī liǎng hù ,hěn qīngjìng de 。xiǎoqū shì quán fēngbì dìxiàchēkù ,diàntī zhíjiē rù kù 。érqiě shèshī qíquán ,jiànshēnfáng ,shìnèi yóuyǒngchí ,wǎngqiúcháng yàngyàng dōu yǒu 。xiǎoqū pángbiān jiùshì dàmàicháng ,lí guǐdàojiāotōng yě zhǐyǒu shí fēnzhōng lùchéng 。
Two units per elevator, so it's really private. All of the parking space in the neighborhood is closed and underground, accessible directly by elevator. The neighborhood is also well-equipped with various facilities like a gym, indoor pool, tennis court... you name it. A shopping center is just around the corner. The subway station is only 10 minutes away.

A:nǐ yuè shuō wǒ yuè xǐhuan le 。yàobùshì zūjīn gāo le yīdiǎn ,wǒ kěndìng èrhuàbùshuō jiù qiānyuē 。
The more you tell me, the more I like it! I’d sign the contract right away if only the rent was a bit cheaper.

B:xiǎojie ā 。nǐ zìjǐ yě shuō le ,zhè tào fángzi hé xiǎoqū shì yīliú de 。zhème hǎo de shèshī hé dìduàn ,wǒ zhǐ shōu wǔqiān kuài ,juéduì chāozhí 。
Miss... you said yourself that this apartment and the neighborhood are of top quality. I am only charging 5000 yuan a month for such outstanding facilities and location. It's an amazing value.

A:wǒ zhīdao ,dànshì nǐ zhè fángzi cái liǎngfángyītīng ,érqiě miànji nàme xiǎo 。zàishuō ,zhuāngxiū yě hěn yībān 。rúguǒ zhuāngxiū dàowèi yīdiǎn ,wǔqiān kuài wǒ juéduì yuànyì gěi 。
I know, but this is only a two-bedroom unit, plus the total area is quite small. Besides, it's only modestly furnished. I'd be absolutely willing to pay 5000 yuan if it was more completely furnished.

B:wǒ zhèlǐ de zhuāngxiū shì jiǎnyuē fēnggé ,érqiě yòng de dōu shì zuìhǎo de cáiliào 。bùguò ,rúguǒ nǐ yīcìxìng fù yī nián de fángzū ,wǒ kěyǐ gěi nǐ dǎ ge jiǔ zhé 。
This is minimalist style, and I used the best materials. But maybe I could give you 10% off if you paid a full year's rent up front.

A:nǐ rúguǒ dǎ bā zhé ,wǒ xiànzài jiù qiān yī nián 。
I'd sign a full year contract right now if you gave me 20% off.

B:bā zhé bùxíng ,bā zhé shì zuìdījià 。wǒ zhè fángzi hěn jǐnqiào ,nǐ kě yào zhuāzhù jīhuì ā 。
20% off I can't do. 15% off is the industry's bottom line. My place is in high demand. Don't pass up this opportunity.


抽空 chōukòng to find time
朝向 cháoxiàng position
客厅 kètīng living room
主卧 zhǔwò master bedroom
冬暖夏凉 dōngnuǎnxiàliáng warm in winter, cool in summer
采光 cǎiguāng lighting
电费 diànfèi power bill
房龄 fánglíng age
档次 dàngcì grade
物业 wùyè management
小区 xiǎoqū area
保安 bǎoān security guard
租房子 zūfángzi to rent a house
绿化 lǜhuà greenery
停车场 tíngchēcháng parking lot
清静 qīngjìng quiet
地下车库 dìxiàchēkù underground parking lot
设施 shèshī facilities
大卖场 dàmàicháng shopping center
轨道交通 guǐdàojiāotōng subway station
租金 zūjīn rent
二话不说 èrhuàbùshuō without delay
签约 qiānyuē to sign a contract
地段 dìduàn location
超值 chāozhí surpassing value
两房一厅 liǎngfángyītīng a two-bedroom unit
紧俏 jǐnqiào in demand
房地产 fángdìchǎn real estate
炒房 chǎo fáng artificially inflate real estate prices
光线 guāngxiàn light
光照 guāngzhào illumination
机构 jīgòu organization, agency