Intermediate - Tai Chi (C0256)

wǒ zuìjìn kāishǐ liàn tàijíquán 。zhè zhēnshì yīzhǒng qímiào de quánshù 。
I've started to practice tai chi recently. It's really an amazing martial art.

tàijíquán bù shì lǎoniánrén de yùndòng ma ?yǒu shénme qímiào ne ?
Isn't tai chi an exercise for the elderly? What's amazing about it?

nǐ zhè kěshì dàcuòtècuò le 。tàijíquán bù jǐn jiéhé le jiànshēn yǔ bójī , hái bāohán le shēnkè de Zhōngguó gǔdiǎn zhéxué 。
You are seriously mistaken. Tai chi not only combines exercise and fighting skills, it also contains rich ancient Chinese philosophy.

shì ma ?nàme ,“tàijí ”zhège míngzi shì shénme yìsi ?
Does it? So what does the name "tai chi" mean?

“tàijí ”zhège cí de yìsi shì juéduì 、wéiyī 。tàijíquán bù jǐn zōnghé le Míngdài gè jiā quánfǎ ,hái bāohán le fēngfù de Zhōngguó chuántǒng wénhuà 。
The word "tai chi" means absolute and unequalled. Tai chi integrates different styles of martial art from the Ming Dynasty with qi gong (a system of deep-breathing exercises), Chinese medicine, and the five elements of yin and yang. Tai chi is rich with traditional Chinese cultural and philosophical thought.

wèishénme tàijíquán jiézòu zhème màn ?tā dàodǐ duì réntǐ yǒu shénme hǎochu ne ?
Why is tai chi so slow-paced? What good does it do the body anyways?

tàijíquán shǐzhōng chǔyú yùndòng zhīzhōng ,dòngzuò liánjiē jǐnmì ,liúchàng 。dǎ tàijíquán shí ,tèbié yāoqiú xīnjìng 。
Tai chi is perpetual motion. Its movements are closely connected and flowing. When practicing tai chi it is essential that state of mind, concentration, and breathing be inextricably connected. Tai chi particularly requires feeling and reacting through the body.

ō ,tīng qǐlai zhēn shēnào 。tàijíquán fēn liúpài ma ?
Oh, that sounds quite profound. Are there different schools of tai chi?

dāngrán ,tàijíquán yǒu xǔduō liúpài ,bùguò zuì zhǔyào de shì wǔ dà liúpài 。
Of course. There are many different schools of tai chi, but the main ones are the five key schools.


liàn to practice
太极拳 tàijíquán tai chi
奇妙 qímiào fantastic
大错特错 dàcuòtècuò very serious mistake
结合 jiéhé to fuse
包含 bāohán to contain
深刻 shēnkè profound
绝对 juéduì absolute
唯一 wéiyī only
丰富 fēngfù rich
传统 chuántǒng traditional
节奏 jiézòu rhythm
到底 dàodǐ after all
好处 hǎochu benefit
始终 shǐzhōng from start to finish
流派 liúpài school of thought
流畅 liúchàng fluidity
功夫 gōngfu Kung Fu
武术 wǔshù martial arts
健身操 jiànshēncāo calisthenics
八卦 bāguà the Eight Diagrams
以柔克刚 yǐróukègāng conquering the unyielding with the yielding