Intermediate - Cooking Wings (C0211)

gàosù nǐ yī ge hǎo xiāoxi, yīhuì wǒ dǎsuàn kǎo jīchì gěi nǐ chī, nǐ yǒu kǒufú le.
Good news! I'm making you roasted chicken wings in a little while. You are in for a treat.
zhēnde ma? tài hǎole. kǎo jīchì yào zěnme zuò?
Really? That's fantastic. How do you make the wings?
hěn jiǎndān, bùguò bǐjiào fèi shíjiān. yào buyào hé wǒ yīqǐ lái?
It’s really simple, but takes some time. Do you want to join me?
hǎo de. xiān yào bǎ jīchì jiědòng ma?
Sure. Do you defrost the wings first?
duì, xiān yòng wēibōlú jiāng jīchì jiědòng, ránhòu bǎ jīchì fàng zài yī ge dà wǎn lǐ, túshàng shāokǎojiàng, fànghǎo cōng, Jiāng, yán, jījīng, ránhòu dào bàn wǎn jiàngyóu, jiāng jīchì jìnpāo liǎng ge xiǎoshí.
Yes. Start by defrosting the wings in the microwave. Put them in a large bowl and smear on some barbecue sauce. Marinate the wings for two hours in spring onion, ginger, salt, chicken essence and half a bowl of soy sauce.
á? hái yào jìnpāo liǎng ge xiǎoshí ā? bǐ wǒ xiǎngxiàng de yào máfan ne. ránhòu yào zuò xiē shénme?
What? You still have to marinate for two hours? That’s more work than I thought. What do we do after that?
ránhòu ná chūlai fàng zài kǎoxiāng lǐ kǎo èrshí fēnzhōng jiù hǎo le ā. qíshí yīdiǎn yě bù máfan de. fàng jiàngyóu lǐ jìnpāo shì wèile jiāng jīchì āzhì rùwèi, chī qǐlai gèng xiāng.
Then cook the chicken wings for 20 minutes in an oven and you're done! It's actually no trouble at all. Marinating lets the flavor really get absorbed so that they will taste better.
zhèyàng ā, nà wǒmen gǎnkuài kāishǐ dòngshǒu ba.
I see. Let's start now.

Key Vocabulary

打算dǎsuànto plan
kǎoto roast
鸡翅jīchìchicken wings
口福kǒufúa culinary treat
fèito cost
要不要yào buyàoto want or not want
解冻jiědòngto thaw
yòngto use
微波炉wēibōlúmicrowave oven
jiāngto take
fàngto put
涂上túshàngto smear on
烧烤酱shāokǎojiàngbarbecue sauce
放好fànghǎoto put
鸡精jījīngchicken essence
dàoto pour
酱油jiàngyóusoy sauce
浸泡jìnpāoto soak
想象xiǎngxiàngto imagine
入味rùwèito become flavorful
动手dòngshǒuto start work

Supplementary Vocabulary

火候huǒhòuduration and degree of heat in cooking etc.
福气fúqigood fortune
大饱眼福dàbǎoyǎnfùfeast one’s eyes on sth
打劫dǎjiéto rob