Intermediate - Teaching English in China (C0202)

wǒ yǒu yī ge péngyou xiǎng lái Zhōngguó gōngzuò 。zhèlǐ zhǎo gōngzuò róngyì ma ?
I've got a friend who wants to work in China. Is it easy to get a job here?

nà yào kàn tā xiǎng gàn shénme 。bùguò ,jiāo yīngyǔ kǒuyǔ de jīhuì hěn duō 。
That depends on what he wants to do. But there are a lot of opportunities for teaching spoken English.

shìma ?xūyào jiàoshī zīge hé jīngyàn ma ?
Are there? Do you need teaching qualification and experience?

zuìhǎo yǒu 。bùguò ,zhè yě bù shì bìxū 。yībān ,dàxué bìyè jiù kěyǐ 。xuéxiào huì tígōng péixùn 。
That will be the best. But it is not essential. Normally a university degree will do. The school will offer training.

hái yǒu shénme tiáojiàn ?
Are there any other requirements?

jiāo kǒuyǔ gōutōng nénglì hěn zhòngyào 。lǎoshī zuìhǎo xìnggé kāilǎng ,shànyú jīfā xuésheng de jījíxìng 。
Communication skills are very important in teaching spoken English. Ideally, teachers should be sociable and personable, and good at motivating the students to participate.

yīdìng yào zuò quánzhí ma ?
Do you need to work full time?

bùyīdìng ,xiànzài hěn duō xuéxiào dōu xūyào jiānzhí lǎoshī 。
Not always. Many schools now need part-time teachers.

nàme xīnshuǐ zěnmeyàng ?xuéxiào huì fùzé zhùsù ma ?
What about the pay? Does the school take care of accommodation?

wàijiào de xīnshuǐ tǐng gāo de 。yǒuxiē xuéxiào huì fùzé zhùsù 。bùguò dà chéngshì de xuéxiào yībān bù tígōng 。
Expat teachers are quite well-paid. Some schools offer accommodation. But schools in big cities normally don't.


zhǎo to seek
工作 gōngzuò work
yào will
kàn to depend on
机会 jīhuì opportunity
资格 zīge qualification
经验 jīngyàn experience
必须 bìxū to need
提供 tígōng to provide
培训 péixùn training
条件 tiáojiàn condition
口语 kǒuyǔ spoken language
沟通 gōutōng communication
能力 nénglì capability
性格 xìnggé personality
开朗 kāilǎng carefree
善于 shànyú to excel at
激发 jīfā to arouse
积极性 jījíxìng activeness
全职 quánzhí full time
不一定 bùyīdìng not certainly
兼职 jiānzhí double occupation
薪水 xīnshuǐ salary
求职 qiúzhí to apply for a job
落差 luòchā drop in level (of water or ....)
重温 chóngwēn to review
简化 jiǎnhuà to simplify
外向 wàixiàng extroversion
内向 nèixiàng introverted
待遇 dàiyù pay
福利 fúlì material benefits