Intermediate - Calligraphy (C0158)

lǎoshī ,nín kàn yīxià wǒ zhècì xiě de zì ba 。
Teacher, please take a look at the characters I wrote this time.

én ,kàn nǐ hěn yòngxīn 。nǐ de zì yīzhí dōu zài jìnbù 。
Um, I can see you’ve put in a lot of effort. Your writing is continually improving.

xièxie 。nín tuījiàn de zìtiě wǒ dōu mǎi le 。xīnshǎng zhèxie shūfǎjiā de zì zhēnshì yīzhǒng xiǎngshòu 。
Thank you. I’ve bought all the script books you recommended. It’s a joy to appreciate the writing of these great masters of calligraphy.

díquè shì 。wǒ juéde nǐ xiànzài zǒngdeláishuō yǐjīng yǒu shūfǎ de gǎnjué le 。zì xiě de hěn duānzhèng ,hěn xiùqì 。 dànshì ,hái bùgòu liúchàng 。nǐ duì zì de jiégòu zhǎngwò yě xūyào jìnbù 。
Exactly. I feel that you now have a general grasp of calligraphy. Your writing is neat and elegant, but lacks a flowing quality. Your handling and composition of characters also need improvement.

wǒ zhèng wèi zhège fāchóu ne 。wǒ hái zhuānmén mǎi le wénfángsìbǎo lái liànxí 。kěshì wǒ de héng hé nà hái shì xiě děi yǒuxiē biéniǔ 。
This is what I am troubled by. I also intentionally bought the ‘four treasures of the study’ to practice. But my horizontal strokes and right strokes still look awkward.

bié dānxīn ,zhǐyào zhùyì wò bǐ de zīshì hé línmó zìtiě ,jiù huì yuè xiě yuèhǎo 。
Don’t worry. As long as you pay more attention to how you hold the brush and copy more script books, you will write better and better.


欣赏 xīnshǎng to appreciate
享受 xiǎngshòu to enjoy
流畅 liúchàng fluid
别扭 bièniǔ awkward
临摹 línmó to copy (a model of calligraphy)
专门 zhuānmén specially
用心 yòngxīn sincere
推荐 tuījiàn to recommend
字帖 zìtiě copybook for calligraphy
端正 duānzhèng upright
秀气 xiùqì delicate
文房四宝 wénfángsìbǎo calligrapher
毛笔 máobǐ writing brush
墨水 mòshuǐ ink
砚台 yàntái ink-stone
笔锋 bǐfēng the tip of a writing brush
有劲 yǒujìn with strength
piě cast away
shù to erect
字体 zìtǐ font
楷体 kǎitǐ regular script
隶书 lìshū Han style of calligraphy
艺术 yìshù art
坚持 jiānchí to insist
毅力 yìlì perseverance