Intermediate - Studying Chinese (C0157)

xià ge lǐbài ,wǒ jiāng kāishǐ shàng zhōngwénkè 。wǒ hěn kūnrǎo ,yīnwèi wǒ lái Zhōngguó yǐjīng bànnián le ,dànshì háishì bùnéng hé běndìrén yòng Zhōngwén jiāoliú 。
Next week I’m going to enroll in a Chinese course. I’m frustrated because I’ve been living in China for six months, yet I can’t communicate with the local people.

kěshì nǐ de rìcháng duìhuà yǐjīng hěn hǎo le 。
But your Chinese is good enough for daily living.

wǒ de mùbiāo shì liǎngnián nèi shuō liúlì de Zhōngwén 。xiànzài ,wǒ de tīnglì hé yǔfǎ háikěyǐ 。dànshì ,wǒ de cíhuìliàng yǒuxiàn 。tóngshí ,wǒ hái xūyào gǎishàn wǒ de fāyīn 。
My goal is to speak Chinese fluently in the next two years. Right now I can understand Chinese and my grammar is okay. However, my vocabulary is limited. Meanwhile, I need to improve my pronunciation as well.


困扰 kūnrǎo disturbed
目标 mùbiāo goal
流利 liúlì fluent
词汇量 cíhuìliàng vocabulary
有限 yǒuxiàn limited
改善 gǎishàn to improve
提高 tígāo to enhance
术语 shùyǔ technical term
外地 wàidì place other than where one is
糟糕 zāogāo bad
口音 kǒuyīn accent
进步 jìnbù progress
标准 biāozhǔn standard