Intermediate - How's business? (C0144)

zuìjìn ,nǐ de shēngyi zěnmeyàng ?wǒ tīngshuō hěn búcuò 。
How is business recently? I've heard it’s not bad.

suīrán xiànzài shēngyi hěn hǎo ,dànshì shìchǎng jìngzhēng hěn jīliè 。wànyī jīngjì fāzhǎn fànghuǎn ,wǒ de shēngyi jiānghuì shòudào hěn dà de yǐngxiǎng 。
Although business is good now, the market is very competitive. If by chance the economy slows down, it will have a large effect on my business.

wǒ tóngyì nǐ duì jīngjì de kànfǎ 。érqiě xiànzài jìngzhēng díquè hěn jīliè 。nǐ zěnme zài zhè ge shìchǎng lǐ jìngzhēng ?
I agree about the economy. And competition is indeed tough at the moment. How can you compete in this market?

wǒ bìxū jiānchí shēngchǎn pǐnzhì gāo ,jiàgé hélǐ de chǎnpǐn 。zhǐyào wǒ zuò dào zhè yī diǎn ,jiù néng chíxù xīyǐn kèhù 。
I must continue to produce good quality products at a reasonable price. As long as I can do that, I can continue to attract customers.


竞争 jìngzhēng competition
激烈 jīliè intense
万一 wànyī just in case
放缓 fànghuǎn to slow down
看法 kànfǎ point of view
只要……就 zhǐyào ... jiù as long as
吸引 xīyǐn to attract
优势 yòushì superiority
景气 jǐngqì prosperity
不景气 bù jǐngqì not prosperity
经济危机 jīngjì wēijī economic crisis
降低 jiàngdī to reduce
成本 chéngběn cost
提高 tígāo to raise
利润 lìrùn profit
受欢迎 shòu huānyíng popular
价廉物美 jiàliánwùměi a bargain buy