Intermediate - China’s Supergirl (C0060)

jīnnián ,Zhōngguó liúxíng wénhuà jiè zuì huǒ de shì yī ge diànshì jiémù ,jiào chāojí nǚshēng 。jiùxiàng Měiguó Oǔxiàng ,Chāojí Nǚshēng shì yī ge xuǎnxiù jiémù ,xuǎnchū zuì chūsè de nǚgēshǒu 。zuìhòu de shènglìzhě shì Lǐ Yǔchūn 。
This year the hottest thing in Chinese pop culture is a television program called “Super Girls”. Like American Idol, Super Girls is a talent show to pick out the most brilliant female singer. The final winner was Li Yuchun.


huǒ all the rage
电视节目 diànshì jiémù television program
超级女声 chāojí nǚshēng Super Girls
就像 jiùxiàng just like
偶像 ǒuxiàng idol
选秀 xuǎnxiù contestant
节目 jiémù program
选出 xuǎnchū to select
出色 chūsè outstanding
胜利者 shènglì zhě winner
女歌手 nǚ gēshǒu female singer
成名 chéngmíng become famous
冠军 guànjūn champion
初赛 chūsài initial heat
复赛 fùsài
决赛 juésài finals
选拔 xuǎnbá select sb. for promotion or special assignment