Elementary - Cooking (B0173)

wǒ gāng xuéhuì zuò gōngbǎojīdīng 。
I’ve just learned how to make kung pao chicken.

shì ma ?zěnme zuò ?
Really? How do you make it?

xiān qiē jīdīng ,ránhòu chǎo ,zuìhòu jiā huāshēng 。
First cut the chicken into cubes, then stir fry it, and finally add the peanuts.

tīng qilai hěn jiǎndān 。wǒ yě shìshi 。
That sounds simple. I’ll give it a try too.


gāng just
学会 xuéhuì to learn how
huì can
zuò to make
宫保鸡丁 gōngbǎojīdīng kung pow chicken
xiān first
然后 ránhòu then
最后 zuìhòu finally
qiē to chop into
chǎo to stir-fry
jiā to add
听起来 tīng qilai to sound
简单 jiǎndān simple
shì to try
复杂 fùzá complicated
kǎo to bake
鸡翅 jīchì chicken wing
鸡蛋 jīdàn hen
yán salt
yóu oil
味精 wèijīng MSG