Elementary - Mother's Birthday (B0091)

míngtiān shì wǒ māma de shēngrì 。
Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday.

shì ma ?lǐwù mǎihǎo le ma ?
Is that right? Have you bought the gift?

mǎihǎo le 。 wǒ mǎi le yī jiàn shímáo de wàitào sònggěi tā 。
I’ve bought one. I bought a fashionable coat to give her.

tā kěndìng hěn xǐhuan 。
She’ll certainly like it.


明天 míngtiān tomorrow
生日 shēngrì birthday
礼物 lǐwù gift
买好 mǎihǎo to have bought
时髦 shímáo fashion
外套 wàitào coat
送给 sònggěi to give to
肯定 kěndìng certainly
zhù express good wishes
快乐 kuàilè happy
开心 kāixīn glad
肯定 kěndìng sure
难忘 nánwàng unforgettable