Newbie - Drive faster! (A0121)

shīfu ,kāi kuài yīdiǎn ,hǎo ma ?
Driver, please drive faster, okay?

nǐ gǎn shíjiān ma ?
Are you in a hurry?

shìde 。rúguǒ wǒ chídào ,huì bèi kòu xīnshuǐ 。
Yes. If I’m late, I’ll get a deduction from my salary.

wǒ míngbai le 。
I understand.


师傅 shīfu master (driver)
kāi to drive
kuài fast
一点 yīdiǎn a bit
赶时间 gǎn shíjiān to be in a hurry
如果 rúguǒ if
迟到 chídào to arrive late
huì will
bèi /
kòu to dock
薪水 xīnshuǐ salary
明白 míngbai to understand
超速 chāosù exceed the speed limit
闯红灯 chuǎng hóngdēng to run or drive through a red light
罚款 fákuǎn to fine
抄近路 chāo jìnlù to take a short cut
高架公路 gāojià gōnglù overhead road