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Beginner to Elementary Level Chinese Story 河平面馆 (He Ping Eatery) |
河平面馆 1 大山脚下,有一个叫"河平"的小面馆。 面馆是一对夫妻开的。 丈夫叫大河,妻子叫平平。 人们进山出山的时候,都会经过这个面馆。 平平负责招呼客人,大河负责做面。 两个人天天在一起。时间长了,因为一些小事,他们就会争吵起来。 |
hé píng miàn guǎn 1 Dàshān jiǎoxià, yǒu yī gè jiào “hé píng" de xiǎo miàn guǎn。 miàn guǎn shì yīduì fūqī kāi de。 zhàngfu jiào dàhé, qīzi jiào píngpíng。 rénmen jìn shān chū shān de shíhou, dōu huì jīngguò zhège miàn guǎn。 píngpíng fùzé zhāohu kèrén, dàhé fùzé zuò miàn。 liǎng gè rén tiāntiān zàiyīqǐ。 shíjiān cháng le, yīnwèi yīxiē xiǎoshì, tāmen jiù huì zhēngchǎo qǐlai。 |
He Ping Eatery 1 At the foot of a mountain, there was a small eatery called “He Ping Eatery”. It was run by a couple. The husband was called Da He, and the wife was Ping Ping. When people got in and out of the mountain, they had to go pass the eatery. Ping Ping took care of the customers, and Da He did the cooking. The two of them were together every day. With time passed by, they started to fight over trivia things. |
河平面馆 2 每一天中午,一位头发花白的老人都会来面馆吃面。 吃完面他就进山,傍晚的时候再下山回家。 平平好奇,问老人,"老人家进山工作?" "不是的,是去看我老伴儿。"老人答。 "噢。"平平点点头,但心里觉得奇怪。 |
hé píng miàn guǎn 2 měi yī tiān zhōngwǔ, yī wèi tóufa huābái de lǎorén dōu huì lái miàn guǎn chī miàn。 chī wán miàn tā jiù jìn shān, bàngwǎn de shíhou zài xiàshān huíjiā。 píngpíng hàoqí, wèn lǎorén,” lǎorénjiā jìn shān gōngzuò?” " bùshì de, shì qù kàn wǒ lǎobànr。" lǎorén dá。 " ō。" píngpíng diǎn diǎn tóu, dàn xīnli juéde qíguài。 |
He Ping Eatery 2 Each noon, a gray-haired old man would come to their eatery for lunch. After lunch, he would go into the mountains, and back out late in the afternoon and go home. Ping Ping was curious, so she asked, “Do you work in the mountains?” “No, I go there to see my wife.” The old man answered. “Uhm.” Ping Ping nodded, but thought that it was a bit weird. |
老人走后,她对大河念叨, "他为什么不和老伴儿住在一起?这样跑来跑去,不麻烦吗?" 大河没好气地说, "也许他老伴儿和你一样唠叨,他受不了她,所以每天只和她待半天。" 平平听了很生气,推了大河一下, "不爱听我唠叨你走啊!有本事去城里混出个样来,别只会在这儿惹我生气!" 因为这儿,两人又吵了半天,在面馆的客人劝说下,才停下来。 |
lǎorén zǒu hòu, tā duì dàhé niàndao, ”tā wèishénme bùhé lǎobànr zhù zàiyīqǐ? zhèyàng pǎo lái pǎo qù, bù máfan ma?" dàhé méi hǎo qì dì shuō, ”yěxǔ tā lǎobànr hé nǐ yīyàng láodao, tā shòubùliǎo tā, suǒyǐ měitiān zhǐ hé tā dāi bàntiān。" píngpíng tīng le hěn shēngqì, tuī le dàhé yīxià, ” bù ài tīng wǒ láodao nǐ zǒu ā! yǒu běnshì qù chéng lǐ hùn chū gè yàng lái, bié zhǐ huì zài zhèr rě wǒ shēngqì!" yīnwèi zhèr, liǎng rén yòu chǎo le bàntiān, zài miàn guǎn de kèrén quànshuō xià, cái tíngxiàlái。 |
When the old man left, she murmured to Da He, “Why he doesn’t live with his wife instead? Isn’t it too tiring to run back and force like this?” Da He answered in an unpleasant tone, “Maybe his wife is as nagging as you are, he can’t stand it, and can only bear to stay with her for half day.” Ping Ping was provoked and gave Da He a push, “If you don’t like my nagging then please leave! If you have the guts then go make a living in the city instead of making me mad here!” Because of that, the two of them started to quarrel with each other until their customers separated them. |
河平面馆 3 有一天,外面下暴雨, 从早上到中午一个客人都没有, 夫妻俩不知为了什么,又开始争吵。 这时,白发老人走了进来。 平平忙过去招呼他。 "老人家快请坐!今天雨那么大,您还来看老伴儿,她一定好感动呢!" 她一边说,一边用眼睛瞪大河。大河转身进了厨房。 "但愿吧。"老人抖了抖身上的雨水,"她走的时候也是个雨天。" 平平抬头看了看老人,"她走的时候?" |
hé píng miàn guǎn 3 yǒu yī tiān, wàimiàn xià bàoyǔ, cóng zǎoshang dào zhōngwǔ yī gè kèrén dōu méiyǒu, fūqī liǎ bùzhī wéi le shénme, yòu kāishǐ zhēngchǎo。 zhèshí, báifà lǎorén zǒu le jìnlái。 píngpíng máng guòqu zhāohu tā。 " lǎorénjiā kuài qǐng zuò! jīntiān yǔ nàme dà, nín hái láikàn lǎobànr, tā yīdìng hǎo gǎndòng ne!" tā yībiān shuō, yībiān yòng yǎnjing dèng dàhé。 dàhé zhuǎnshēn jìn le chúfáng。 " dànyuàn ba。" lǎorén dǒu le dǒu shēnshang de Yǔshuǐ," tā zǒu de shíhou yě shì gè yǔtiān。" píngpíng tái tóu kàn le kàn lǎorén," tā zǒu de shíhou?" |
He Ping Eatery 3 One day, it was pouring outside. From morning to noon, no one came. The couple started quarrelling again out of nowhere. Then the white-haired old man came in. Ping Ping stepped forward to greet him. “Please sit down, Sir! It’s raining so hard today. How happy your wife would be that you still come to visit her (in such weather)!” “I hope so.” The old man shook off the rain on his clothes, “It was also a raining day when she left.” Ping Ping raised her head and looked at the old man,”When she left?” |