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Chinese City Girl’s Story – Li Man’s Resolution 李曼的决心 [Elementary Level] |
李曼的决心 8 | Li Man’s Resolution 8 |
“我在大学里读法律时, 和你一样,每天都不快乐。 我实现了我爸的理想。 |
“When I was studying laws in university, I was not a happy person, same as you now. I helped my Dad to realize his dream. |
“wǒ zài dàxué lǐ dú fǎlǜ shí, hé nǐ yīyàng, měitiān dōu bù kuàilè。 wǒ shíxiàn le wǒ bà de lǐxiǎng。 |
在别人眼里,我应该是快乐而自豪的。 我父母也这样认为。 但我一点都不快乐。" |
In other people’s eyes, I should have been happy and proud. My parent thought that way too. But the truth is, I was not happy at all.” |
zài biéren yǎn lǐ, wǒ yīnggāi shì kuàilè ér zìháo de。 wǒ fùmǔ yě zhèyàng rènwéi。 dàn wǒ yīdiǎn dōu bù kuàilè。" |
他这样开始讲述。 | He started to tell his story. |
tā zhèyàng kāishǐ jiǎngshù。 | |
“直到工作一年后,我才意识到, 我所拥有的,只是别人的梦想, |
“Not until a year later did I realize that all I had was someone else’s dreamed life. |
“zhídào gōngzuò yī nián hòu, wǒ cái yìshí dào, wǒ suǒ yōngyǒu de, zhǐshì biéren de mèngxiǎng, |
在别人的梦里是找不到自己的快乐的, 没有快乐的生活只会一步步走向绝望。 所以我逃出来了,开了自己的花店。" |
It’s not possible to find happiness in other people’s dream. A life without happiness will gradually fall into desperation. So I got out and opened my own flower store.” |
zài biéren de mèng lǐ shì zhǎobudào zìjǐ de kuàilè de, méiyǒu kuàilè de shēnghuó zhǐ huì yī bùbù zǒuxiàng juéwàng。 suǒyǐ wǒ táo chūlái le, kāi le zìjǐ de huādiàn。" |
“开花店是你的理想吗?"李曼问他。 | “Is it your dream to own a flower store?” Li Man asked. |
“kāi huādiàn shì nǐ de lǐxiǎng ma?" lǐ màn wèn tā。 | |
“谈不上理想, 但却是我喜欢又擅长的事。 |
“Let’s not talk about dreams, at least that’s something I’m good at and love to do. |
“ tánbushàng lǐxiǎng, dàn quèshì wǒ xǐhuan yòu shàncháng de shì。 |
小时候父母工作忙, 把我寄养在爷爷家。 |
My parents were both busy with their jobs when I was small. So they sent me to my grandpa’s home. |
xiǎoshíhou fùmǔ gōngzuò máng, bǎ wǒ jìyǎng zài yéye jiā。 |
爷爷喜欢养花, 他也教了我很多养花的知识。 所以我一直很喜欢养花。 |
Grandpa loved raising flowers. He also taught me a lot on how to raise them. Therefore I’ve always been fond of raising flowers. |
yéye xǐhuan yǎnghuā, tā yě jiāo le wǒ hěn duō yǎnghuā de zhīshi。 suǒyǐ wǒ yīzhí hěn xǐhuan yǎnghuā。 |
但父母对我的期望很高, 他们一直希望我能上大学,学法律, 毕业后找一份体面的工作。 |
However, my parents had high expectations on me. They’ve been hoping that I could go to university and study laws and find a decent job upon graduation. |
dàn fùmǔ duì wǒ de qīwàng hěn gāo, tāmen yīzhí xīwàng wǒ néng shàng dàxué, xué fălǜ, bìyè hòu zhǎo yī fèn tǐmiàn de gōngzuò。 |
他们坚决反对我开花店。 但我很高兴我坚持了我的想法。 开店四年来,我一天也没后悔过。" |
They were strongly against my intention to open a flower store. But I’m very happy I did insist on it. Over the four years taking care of this store, I’ve never had any regret on my decision.” |
tāmen jiānjué fǎnduì wǒ kāi huādiàn。
dàn wǒ hěn gāoxìng wǒ jiānchí le wǒ de xiǎngfǎ。 kāidiàn sì niánlái, wǒ yī tiān yě méi hòuhuǐ guò。" |
李曼的决心 9 | Li Man’s Resolution 9 |
在他的故事里,李曼看到了自己。 | In his story, Li Man saw herself. |
zài tā de gùshi lǐ, lǐ màn kàn dàoliǎo zìjǐ。 | |
几年来,她一直努力改变自己, 一心想过上让人羡慕的生活。 |
She had been trying hard to change herself over the years in hope to have her dreamed life. |
jǐniánlái, tā yīzhí nǔlì gǎibiàn zìjǐ,
yīxīn xiǎng guò shàng ràngrén xiànmù de shēnghuó。 |
如今她是不一样了, 有一份让人羡慕的工作和收入。 同时她也认识了不少的人。 但她却觉得越来越孤独,越来越不喜欢自己。 |
Now she had made the difference with a good job and income. She also met lots of people. However, she felt even more lonely. She didn’t even like herself any more. |
rújīn tā shì bùyīyàng le, yǒu yī fèn ràngrén xiànmù de gōngzuò hé shōurù。 tóngshí tā yě rènshi le bùshǎo de rén。 dàn tā què juéde yuèláiyuè gūdú, yuèláiyuè bù xǐhuan zìjǐ。 |
她带着面具过着每一天, 努力做着另外一个人, 但这个人却不快乐。 |
She went through her days wearing a mask and trying to impress others with a different personality. Yet that “person” of her was not happy. |
tā dài zhe miànjù guò zhe měiyī tiān, nǔlì zuò zhe lìngwài yīgèrén, dàn zhè gèrén què bù kuàilè。 |
李曼依偎在他的怀里, "你做得对,我也想做回自己。 我一直在追求过上别人羡慕的生活。 |
Li Man cuddled in his arms, “You did the right thing. I want to be myself again too. I had been chasing a life that others might envy. |
lǐ màn yīwēi zài tā de huái lǐ, "nǐ zuò de duì, wǒ yě xiǎng zuò huí zìjǐ。 wǒ yīzhí zài zhuīqiú guò shàng biéren xiànmù de shēnghuó。 |
可是, 直到今天我才发现, 如果在这种生活中,我不能做我自己, 那其实是一种痛苦,而不是快乐。" |
But until today haven’t I realized that it is actually a misery if I can’t be myself.” |
kěshì, zhídào jīntiān wǒ cái fāxiàn, rúguǒ zài zhèzhǒng shēnghuó zhōng, wǒ bùnéng zuò wǒ zìjǐ, nà qíshí shì yīzhǒng tòngkǔ, ér bùshì kuàilè。" |
听李曼这么一说,他把她搂得更紧了。 | Upon hearing it from Li Man, he tightened his arms around her. |
tīng lǐ màn zhème yīshuō, tā bǎ tā lǒu de gèng jǐn le。 | |
在他的怀里,她感受到冬天里的温暖, "我想好了,在新的一年里, 我要做回我自己, 要好好做你的爱人。" |
In his arms, she felt the warmth in winter. “I’ve made up my mind, in the new year, I’ll be myself again. I’ll be a good lover of you.” |
zài tā de huái lǐ, tā gǎn shòudào dōngtiān lǐ de wēnnuǎn, "wǒ xiǎng hǎole, zài xīn de yī nián lǐ, wǒ yào zuò huí wǒ zìjǐ, yào hǎohǎo zuò nǐ de àiren。" |
她刚说完, 新年的钟声就从不远的地方传来。 |
As soon as she said that, the New Year bell started ringing from not far. |
tā gāng shuō wán, xīnnián de zhōng shēng jiù cóngbù yuǎn de dìfang chuánlái。 |