
Story of China – 爱的往事 Memories of Love [Elementary Level]

爱的往事 5 Memories of Love
重新见到她的时侯她哭了。 When they finally reunited, she cried.
chóngxīn jiàndào tā de shí hóu tā kū le。  
"你怎么变得那么瘦?"她问。 “How could you become so thin?” She asked.
" nǐ zěnme biànde nàme shòu?" tā wèn。  
"瘦才健美嘛。"他答。 “Since I tried to keep my body in shape.” He answered.
" shòu cái jiànměi ma。" tā dá。  
They came to where she lived.
After the long separation, they’ve got lots of things to talk about.
tāmen láidào tā de zhùchù,
jiǔbiéchóngféng, yǒu shuō bù wán dehuà。
“Could you make cookies for me again please?”
He asked her while holding her close to himself,
as if he was a little hungry boy.
" néng zài wéi wǒ zuò yīcì diǎnxin ma?"
tā lǒu zhe tā wèn,
xiàng yī gè chánzuǐ de háizi。
“As long as you’re by my side,
I can keep making them for you for my whole life time.”
She answered.
" zhǐyào nǐ péi zhe wǒ,
zuò yībèizi dōu xíng。"
tā dá。
He gave her a bright smiled.
Then he looked down and fished out a delicate jewelry box.
tā xìngfú de xiào le。
ránhòu yī dītóu, mō chū yī gè jīngměi de shǒushì hé。
她的心呯呯直跳。 Her heart started pounding.
tā de xīn píng píng zhí tiào。  
"这是送给你的 …
“This is for you …
I’ve been thinking, it only shines when you wear it.”
" zhè shì sònggěi nǐ de …
yīzhí juéde, zhǐyǒu nǐ dàishang tā zuì měi。"

爱的往事 6 Memories of Love 6
She opened the jewelry box, expecting it to be a ring,
but seeing a stunningly elegant diamond necklace.
tā dǎkāi shǒushì hé, yǐ wéi huì shì yī méi jièzhi,
kàn dào de quèshì yī chuàn jíqí jīngměi de zuànshí xiàngliàn。
"喜欢吗?"他问。 “Do you like it?” He asked.
" xǐhuan ma?" tā wèn。  
“Yes I do. This is so beautiful and precious.
I had thought…”
She almost asked, but wasn’t sure how to phrase it.
" xǐhuan。 zhè tài měi yě tài guìzhòng le。
wǒ yuán yǐ wéi…"
tā xiǎng wèn tā, yòu bùzhī gāi rúhé wèn qǐ。
That night, she made him his favorite cookies
while wearing the beautiful necklace he gave her.
nàtiān wǎnshang, tā dài zhe tā sòng de xiàng liàn,
wéi tā zuò le yī fèn tā zuì ài chī de diǎnxin。
He was not feeling well in his stomach. He didn’t eat much,
 but looked at her with his aching soul.
tā wèi hěn nánshòu, chī dé bù duō,
què zǒngshì kàn zhe tā chūshén。
Later that night, she cuddled in his arms and fell asleep.
yè shēn le, tā tǎng zài tā de huái lǐ,
tián tián de shuì qù。
一觉醒来,枕边的他却不见了。 When she woke up in next morning, he was gone.
yījiàoxǐnglái, zhěn biān de tā què bùjiàn le。  
小桌上,留下了他写的纸条: On the small table, he left her a note:
xiǎo zhuō shàng, liúxià le tā xiě de zhǐtiáo:  
祝你一生, 没有我也一样美丽。"
“Sorry that I can’t be with you any more.
Please forget about me and start a new life.
Wish you a beautiful life, even without me.”
" duìbuqǐ, bùnéng jìxù péi nǐ le。
bǎ wǒ wàng le, chóngxīnkāishǐ ba。
zhù nǐ yīshēng, méiyǒu wǒ yě yīyàng měilì。"
她把纸条揉碎,心也跟着碎了。 She crumpled the note, while her heart was broken to pieces.
tā bǎ zhǐtiáo róusuì, xīn yě gēnzhe suì le。  
In retrospect, she realized that what happened yesterday
was just his way of dumping her!
huíxiǎng zuótiān de yīqiè, tā tūrán míngbai,
yuánlái shì tā wéi fēnshǒu bù xià de jú!

爱的往事 7 Memories of Love 7
两年后,她把自己嫁了。 Two years later, she settled down and get married.
liǎng nián hòu, tā bǎ zìjǐ jià le。  
就要搬出一直住着的小屋。 It was time for her to move out of her old little room.
jiùyào bān chū yīzhí zhù zhe de xiǎowū。  
While she was sorting out her stuff, she spot a small bag under her bed.
She figured that it must have been accidentally left by him.
qīnglǐ shí, tā fāxiàn chuáng xià yǒu gè xiǎobāo,
tā xiǎng le xiǎng, yīnggāi shì tā wàng zàinar de。
She opened the bag,
there was a ream of used cookie wrapper.
tā dǎkāi bāo,
fāxiàn lǐmiàn yǒu yī zhā yòng guò de diǎnxin bāozhuāngzhǐ。
每一张纸上,密密麻麻,写满了她的名字。 On each piece of wrapping paper, her name was written all over.
měiyī zhāng zhǐ shàng, mìmimámá, xiě mǎn le tā de míngzi。  
She got curious, she wanted to know,
when did her name got replaced by someone else.
tā hàoqí qilai, xiǎng zhīdào,
tā de míngzi shénmeshíhou huàn chéngle lìngyī gè tā。
When she flipped to the last page,
 a paper note slipped out and fell to the floor.
kàn dào zuìhòu yī yè,
yī zhāng zhǐpiàn huáluò xiàlai。
She picked it up. It was a diagnosis note from hospital.
tā shí qǐ tā,
shì yī zhāng xiě zhe tā míngzi de yīyuàn zhěnduàn dān。
诊断结果是:胃癌晚期。 It said: Terminal Gastric Cancer.
zhěnduàn jiéguǒ shì: wèi’ái wǎnqī。  

爱的往事 8 Memories of Love 8
After searching all she could, she finally came to his home town
and found his parents.
They then brought her to his tomb.
wèn biàn suǒyǒu néng dǎting de rén,
tā zhōngyú láidào tā de jiāxiāng,
zhǎodào tā de fùmǔ,
tāmen dài tā láidào ānzàng tā de dìfang。
On his tomb stone,
it was written that his life ended exactly the day he left her!
mùbēi shàng,
tā de shēngmìng jìng zhǐ yú líkāi tā de nà yī tiān!
With shaking hand,
she opened the prayers that his friend had written for him:
tā chàndǒu zhe,
fānkāi péngyou men wéi tā xiěxià de jì yǔ:
"在深秋的一个黎明, “In a deep autumn morning,
" zài shēnqiū de yī gè límíng,  
你坐上回乡的客车, you hop on the bus that headed home,
nǐ zuò shànghuí xiāng de kèchē,  
家里有盼你的老父母, your elderly parents were waiting for you at home,
jiālǐ yǒu pàn nǐ de lǎo fùmǔ,  
你尽力了, you tried with all you can,
nǐ jìnlì le,  
却没能坚持到终点站, but you couldn’t make it,
què méi néng jiānchí dào zhōngdiǎnzhàn,  
大出血, internal hemorrhage,
dà chūxuè,  
你再也没醒来, you never woke up again,
nǐ zàiyě méi xǐnglái,  
没来得及看他们最后一眼。 you didn’t even have the time to see them for the last time.
méi láidejí kàn tāmen zuìhòu yīyǎn。  
你永远地离开了, You forever left,
nǐ yǒngyuǎn de líkāi le,  
留下我们,你的往事,和我们对你的爱。" leaving us, your memories, and the love we cherished for you.”
liúxià wǒmen, nǐ de wǎngshì, hé wǒmen duì nǐ de ài。"  


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