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Chinese Short Story 心锁 Lock of The Heart [Elementary Level] |
心锁 | 7 |
小吉寻声找去,那是厨房。 一个男人正背对他,手里挥着一把斧子, 疯狂地往地上砸去。 |
Xiaoji followed the sound to the kitchen. A man who was having his back to her was wielding an axe on the ground madly. |
xiăo jí xún shēng zhăo qù, nàshi chúfáng。
yī gè nánrén zhèng bèi duì tā, shŏulĭ huī zhe yī bă fŭzi, fēngkuáng de wăng dìshang zá qù。 |
一下,两下… 小吉的心狂跳不已。 她背贴着墙壁, 一步步蹭进房间。 |
One, two … Xiaoji’s heart was beating madly. As quiet as she could, she tiptoed into the room leaning her back against the wall. |
yīxià, liăngxià… xiăo jí de xīn kuáng tiào bùyĭ。
tā bèi tiē zhe qiángbì, yī bùbù cèng jìn fángjiān。 |
看清楚了! 男人砸的是地上的一把金色的小锁! |
It was clearer now! The man was hacking at a little golden lock on the floor! |
kàn qīngchu le! nánrén zá de shì dìshang de yī bă jīnsè de xiăo suŏ! |
锁开了。 男人低头掀起木门,跳了进去。 |
As soon as the lock was knocked open, the man opened the wooden door and jumped in. |
suŏ kāi le。 nánrén dītóu xiānqĭ mù mén, tiào le jìnqù。 |
转眼间,他吃力地抱着一个女人上来。 | In a brief moment, he emerged again holding a woman in his arm. |
zhuănyăn jiān, tā chīlì de bào zhe yī gè nǚrén shànglái。 | |
他把女人轻轻放在地上, 摇晃她,大声叫她的名字。 |
He laid the woman on the ground gently, shook her, and cried out her name. |
tā bă nǚrén qīngqīng fàng zài dìshang,
yáohuàng tā, dàshēng jiào tā de míngzi。 |
小吉惊恐地看着这一切, 几乎连呼吸都快停止。 |
Xiaoji watched the whole thing with horror to the point that she felt she could hardly breathe. |
xiăo jí jīngkŏng de kàn zhe zhè yīqiè, jīhū lián hūxī dōu kuài tíngzhĭ。 |
当男人抬起头,小吉能看清他的脸时, 恐惧最终占胜了她。 |
When the man raised up his head, Xiaoji finally recognized his face. She was overwhelmed by horror. |
dāng nánrén táiqĭ tóu, xiăo jí néng kànqīng tā de liăn shí,
kŏngjù zuìzhōng zhàn shèng le tā。 |
心锁 | 8 |
一声凄厉的尖叫,划破夜空。 | A scream pierced the night sky. |
yīshēng qīlì de jiānjiào, huápò yèkōng。 | |
有人拧亮屋里的台灯。 | Someone turned on the table lamp. |
yŏurén nĭng liàng wū lĭ de táidēng。 | |
紧接着是敲门声。 | Knocks on the door followed. |
jĭn jiēzhe shì qiāomén shēng。 | |
“怎么回事?" 一位女老师在门外大声问。 |
“What happened?” A woman teacher questioned from the other side of the door. |
“ zěnmehuíshì?" yī wèi nǚ lăoshī zài ménwài dàshēng wèn。 |
一个女孩开了门。 | A girl opened the door. |
yī gè nǚhái kāi le mén。 | |
另两个,则围到小吉的床边。 | The other two cuddled by the sides of Xiaoji’s bed. |
lìng liăng gè, zé wéi dào xiăo jí de chuángbiān。 | |
安亚把手放在小吉的背上, 轻声细语地安慰她。 |
Anya stroked her hand on Xiaoji’s back and comforted her in a tender tone. |
ān yà băshŏu fàng zài xiăo jí de bèi shàng,
qīngshēng xìyŭ de ānwèi tā。 |
“没什么大事,小吉做恶梦了。" 一个女生回答。 |
“Nothing serious, Xiaoji had a nightmare.” A girl explained. |
“ méishénme dàshì, xiăo jí zuò èmèng le。" yī gè nǚshēng huídá。 |
心锁 | 9 |
女老师过来看了一眼,安慰了小吉几句, |
The teacher had a look at Xiaoji and comforted her a little. Then she yawned and complained, “Do you girls have to tell ghost stories? Now no one gets a decent sleep.” |
nǚ lăoshī guò láikàn le yīyăn, ānwèi le xiăo jí jĭ jù,
dă zhe hāqian zéguài dào, “nĭmen zhèxiē nǚshēng, jiăng shénme guĭgùshi ma? găo de dàjiā dōu shuì bùhăo。" |
她出去后, 走廊上的门又一扇扇关上。 |
After she stepped out, the doors along the hallway closed shut one after another. |
tā chūqù hòu, zŏuláng shàng de mén yòu yī shàn shàn guānshàng。 |
女孩儿们各自回到自己的床上, 灯熄了,房间又重回黑暗。 |
Girls went back to their own beds. Lights were out and darkness returned. |
nǚháir men gèzì huídào zìjĭ de chuáng shàng, dēng xī le, fángjiān yòu chónghuí hēi’àn。 |
小吉躺在床上,看着天花板, 脸上还挂着未干的泪痕。 |
Xiaoji laid in bed with eyes staring at the ceiling. Her face was still wet with tears. |
xiăo jí tăng zài chuáng shàng, kàn zhe tiānhuābăn,
liăn shàng hái guà zhe wèi gān de lèihén。 |
她睡不着。刚才的梦太可怕了, 梦镜中的男人, 不是别人,正是她的爸爸! |
She couldn’t fall in sleep. The dream she had was just too horrible. The man in the dream was no one but her own Dad! |
tā shuì bùzháo。 gāngcái de mèng tài kěpà le,
mèng jìng zhòngdì nánrén, bùshì biéren, zhèngshì tā de bàba! |
心锁 | 10 |
一个月后。 | One month later. |
yī gè yuè hòu。 | |
心理门诊。 | Psychology clinic. |
xīnlĭ ménzhěn。 | |
林医生坐在电脑旁。 手边放着一杯热茶。 小吉坐在她的对面。面容憔悴。 |
Dr. Lin was sitting beside her computer with a cup of tea in her reach. Xiaoji sit across her with a fatigue look. |
lín yīshēng zuò zài diànnăo páng。 shŏubiān fàng zhe yī bēi rèchá。 xiăo jí zuò zài tā de duìmiàn。 miànróng qiáocuì。 |
“学校为什么要开这样的门诊?" 小吉问。 |
“Why we need to open a psychology clinic in the school?” Xiaoji asked. |
“ xuéxiào wèishénme yào kāi zhèyàng de ménzhěn?"
xiăo jí wèn。 |
“为了帮助青少年解决心理问题啊。" 林医生亲切地回答。 |
“To help teenagers with their psychological problems.” Answered Dr. Lin in an amicable manner. |
“ wèile bāngzhù qīngshàonián jiějué xīnlĭ wèntí ā。"
lín yīshēng qīnqiè de huídá。 |
“做恶梦算不算心理问题?" | “Does nightmare count for psychological problem?” |
“ zuò èmèng suàn bù suàn xīnlĭ wèntí?" | |
“仅仅是做梦,应该不算吧。" | “Having nightmare itself doesn’t.” |
“ jĭnjĭn shì zuòmèng, yīnggāi bù suàn ba。" | |
“同样的恶梦夜夜都做, 有一个月了, 算吗?" |
“What if having the same nightmare night after night for almost a month? Does it count then?” |
“ tóngyàng de èmèng yèyè dōu zuò, yŏu yī gè yuè le, suàn ma?" |
“如果恶梦不影响你的生活, 也不能算心理问题。" |
“If it doesn’t affect your daily life, then no.” |
“ rúguŏ èmèng bù yĭngxiăng nĭ de shēnghuó,
yě bùnéng suàn xīnlĭ wèntí。" |
“不,它严重影响了我的生活!" | “No, it seriously affects my daily life.” |
“ bù, tā yánzhòng yĭngxiăng le wŏ de shēnghuó!" | |
“噢?说来听听。" | “Oh really? Let’s hear about it.” |
“ ō? shuō lái tīng tīng。" |