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Chinese Short Story 心锁 Lock of The Heart [Elementary Level] |
心锁 | 44 |
林琳也渐渐成为她们家的常客。 | Gradually Lin Lin became a frequent visitor of her family. |
lín lín yě jiànjiàn chéngwéi tāmen jiāde chángkè。 | |
“林医生,你喜欢我爸多久了?" 小吉偷偷问林医生。 |
“Dr Lin, how long have you adored my Dad?” Xiaoji asked Dr. Lin in private. |
“ lín yīshēng, nĭ xĭhuan wŏ bà duōjiŭ le?"
xiăo jí tōutōu wèn lín yīshēng。 |
“从你五岁时, 你爸爸带你来我这儿看病开始。" |
“Since you were five when your Dad brought you to my clinic.” |
“ cóng nĭ wŭ suìshí, nĭ bàba dài nĭ lái wŏ zhèr kànbìng kāishĭ。" |
林琳并不回避,回答得十分坦率。 小吉有些吃惊,也很开心。 |
Lin Lin answered candidly instead of shooting about the bush. Xiaoji was a bit surprised, but she was happy to hear that. |
lín lín bìngbù huíbì, huídá de shífēn tănshuài。
“真的?有那么久?" 她呼闪着大眼睛,盯得林琳的脸都红了。 |
“Really? For that long?” She blinked her big sparkling eyes at Dr. Lin. That made her blush. |
“ zhēn de? yŏu nàme jiŭ?" tā hū shăn zhe dà yănjing, dīng de lín lín de liăn dōu hóng le。 |
“那好,我也告诉你一个秘密 -
我也喜欢你。 我希望你和爸爸能在一起。" |
“OK then, let me share my secret with you too – I adore you too. I wish you and Daddy live together.” |
“ nà hăo, wŏ yě gàosu nĭ yī gè mìmì -
wŏ yě xĭhuan nĭ。 wŏ xīwàng nĭ hé bàba néng zàiyīqĭ。" |
说完这句话,小吉转身出了门, 留下林琳和在厨房沏茶的爸爸。 |
Upon saying that, Xiaoji turned and stepped out, leaving Lin Lin and Daddy, who was making tea in the kitchen, alone. |
shuō wán zhè jù huà, xiăo jí zhuănshēn chū le mén,
liúxià lín lín hé zài chúfáng qī chá de bàba。 |
心锁 | 45 |
外面阳光灿烂, 好朋友安亚正在楼下等她。 |
It was full of sunshine outside. Best friend Anya was waiting for her downstairs. |
wàimiàn yángguāng cànlàn, hăopéngyou ān yà zhèngzài lóuxià děng tā。 |
小吉仰起脸,对着蓝天白云说, "妈妈,爸爸很快就不孤单了。 你放心,我还会每天和你说话, 你也不会孤单的。" |
Xiaoji raised her head to look at the blue sky and white cloud, “Mom, Dad won’t feel lonely anymore. Don’t worry, I’ll continue to be your company and chat with you. You won’t feel lonely either.” |
xiăo jí yăng qĭ liăn, duì zhe lántiān báiyún shuō, " māma, bàba hěn kuài jiù bù gūdān le。 nĭ fàngxīn, wŏ hái huì měitiān hé nĭ shuōhuà, nĭ yě bùhuì gūdān de。" |
说完,她一边向安亚挥动手臂, 一边飞快地跑下了楼。 |
Then, Xiaoji waved to Anya and rushed downstairs. |
shuō wán, tā yībiān xiàng ān yà huīdòng shŏubì,
yībiān fēikuài de păo xià le lóu。 |
对小吉来说,这一年, 记忆并不都美好, 但毫无疑问,它们都是最最珍贵的。 |
That year, Xiaoji didn’t have the best memories in her life, but undoubtedly, she had the most cherishable ones. |
duì xiăo jí láishuō, zhè yī nián, jìyì bìngbù dōu měihăo, dàn háowúyíwèn, tāmen dōu shì zuì zuì zhēnguì de。 |
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