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Chinese Short Story 心锁 Lock of The Heart [Elementary Level] |
心锁 | 24 |
“小吉呢?"她问。 | “Where is Xiaoji?” She asked. |
“ xiăo jí ne?" tā wèn。 | |
“在同学家,明天才回来。" 他答。 |
“She’s at her classmate’s home and will be back tomorrow.” He answered. |
“ zài tóngxué jiā, míngtiān cái huílai。"
tā dá。 |
女儿人生的转折,是因为林琳, 而女儿的世界里, 却没有林琳。 他想,这难道不是一种遗憾? |
It was because Lin Lin that his daughter could have a turning point in her life. However, ironically, Lin Lin has never been part of her life. Isn’t this sad in a way? He thought to himself. |
nǚ’ér rénshēng de zhuănzhé, shì yīnwèi lín lín,
ér nǚ’ér de shìjiè lĭ, què méiyŏu lín lín。 tā xiăng, zhè nándào bùshì yīzhŏng yíhàn? |
“这么多年来, 小吉一直是个快乐的孩子, 从没在那件事上纠缠过。 |
“Over the years, Xiaoji has been a very happy kid. She has never pestered on that since. |
“ zhème duōniánlái, xiăo jí yīzhí shì gè kuàilè de háizi, cóngméi zài nà jiàn shì shàng jiūchán guò。 |
这都得感谢你!" 说着,罗致远向林琳举了举咖啡杯。 |
I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for us.” He said, raising his coffee mug in solute to her feast. |
zhè dōu dei gănxiè nĭ!" shuō zhe, luózhì yuăn xiàng lín lín jŭ le jŭ kāfēi bēi。 |
“不用谢我,能帮上忙,对我来说, 其实是一种幸福。" 女人柔情似水地看着男人。 |
“No problem. It’s actually my pleasure to help. ” The woman gazed at the man with gentle eyes. |
“ bùyòngxiè wŏ, néng bāng shàng máng, duìwŏláishuō,
qíshí shì yīzhŏng xìngfú。" nǚrén róuqíngsìshuĭ dì kàn zhe nánrén。 |
心锁 | 25 |
十年前的一个清晨, 这个男人带着四岁的女儿, 落魄地等候在她的诊所外。 |
One morning ten years ago, this man, looking wearied, was waiting outside her clinic with his four-year old daughter. |
shí niánqián de yī gè qīngchén, zhège nánrén dài zhe sì suì de nǚ’ér, luòpò de děnghòu zài tā de zhěnsuŏ wài。 |
“医生,求你救救我女儿吧!" | “Doctor, please help my daughter!” |
“ yīshēng, qiú nĭ jiù jiù wŏ nǚ’ér ba!" | |
那个叫小吉的女孩子, 眼睛里看不到一丝光亮。 |
There was no spark in the little girl’s eyes. |
nàge jiào xiăo jí de nǚháizi, yănjing lĭ kàn bùdào yī sī guāngliàng。 |
她整天不说话,只做一件事 - 画画, 而且只画一个场景。 |
She didn’t speak a single word through out the day either. All she did was nothing but drawing, and she only drew one scene. |
tā zhěngtiān bù shuōhuà, zhĭ zuò yī jiàn shì - huà huà,
érqiě zhĭ huà yī gè chăngjĭng。 |
林琳了解了父女的经历后, 决心帮女孩子治癒心结。 |
After she knew what the father and daughter had been through, she decided to help the little girl to snap out of it. |
lín lín liăojiě le fùnǚ de jīnglì hòu, juéxīn bāng nǚháizi zhìyù xīnjié。 |
前后三个月的时间,她非常耐心地, 用当时的一种先进治疗方法, 打乱女孩对事故的记忆, 帮她淡忘事故本身。 |
She spent three months with full patience giving the most advanced treatment of that time to the girl. She tried to interfere the girl’s memory of the incident and helped her to forget what had really happened. |
qiánhòu sān gè yuè de shíjiān, tā fēicháng nàixīn de, yòng dāngshí de yīzhŏng xiānjìn zhìliáo fāngfă, dă luàn nǚhái duì shìgù de jìyì, bāng tā dànwàng shìgù běnshēn。 |
为了配合治疗, 她还建议罗致远尽量不要在女儿面前 提她的母亲。 |
To secure a better outcome, she also advised Luo Zhiyuan not to mention her mother in front of her if possible. |
wèile pèihé zhìliáo, tā hái jiànyì luózhì yuăn jĭnliàng bùyào zài nǚ’ér miànqián tí tā de mŭqīn。 |
心锁 | 26 |
三个月过后,小吉渐渐恢复本性, 走出自闭状态, 也不再画那种画了。 |
Three months later, Xiaoji gradually returned to herself and not closed up anymore. She stopped the worrisome drawing behaviour as well. |
sān gè yuè guòhòu, xiăo jí jiànjiàn huīfù běnxìng, zŏuchū zì bì zhuàngtài, yě bùzài huà nàzhŏng huà le。 |
男人感激地对林琳说, “再多的话,也不能表达我对你的感激, 我以为,失去妻子后,我还会失去女儿。 我真的好害怕, 怕她一辈子活在这样的阴影里。" |
The man said to Linlin gratefully, “I don’t know whether can I thank you enough. After I lost my wife, I thought I was going to lose my daughter as well. I was so terrified that she was going to live in the shadow for her lifetime. |
nánrén gănjī de duì lín lín shuō, “ zài duō dehuà, yě bùnéng biăodá wŏ duì nĭ de gănjī, wŏ yĭwéi, shīqù qīzi hòu, wŏ hái huì shīqù nǚ’ér。 wŏ zhēn de hăo hàipà, pà tā yībèizi huó zài zhèyàng de yīnyĭng lĭ。" |
“有我在,你放心吧! 如果她有什么变化请及时告诉我。" 林琳安慰他。 |
“Be rest assured when I’m around! If her situation changes please let me know as soon as possible.” Linlin comforted him. |
“ yŏu wŏ zài, nĭ fàngxīn ba! rúguŏ tā yŏu shénme biànhuà qĭng jíshí gàosu wŏ。" lín lín ānwèi tā。 |
而她也确实和他保持了五年的联系。 虽然只是偶尔通一次电话, 她特别珍惜他们的每一次交谈。 |
Thereafter, they did maintain their connection for five years. Although it was just a brief phone conversation from time to time, she cherished every moment they talked. |
ér tā yě quèshí hé tā băochí le wŭ nián de liánxì。 suīrán zhĭshì ŏu’ěr tōng yīcì diànhuà, tā tèbié zhēnxī tāmen de měi yīcì jiāotán。 |
转眼十年过去了, 林琳以为她和他的生活不会再相交了。 |
Ten years passed, Linlin thought they would never meet each other again. |
zhuănyăn shí nián guòqu le, lín lín yĭwéi tā hé tā de shēnghuó bùhuì zài xiāngjiāo le。 |
心锁 | 27 |
“有的时候,我们不得不相信缘分。 那天小吉走进我的办公室, 我一眼就认出了她。 我惊讶地差点儿叫出声。 |
“Sometimes we just need to have faith in our fate. When Xiaoji walked into my office, I recognized her right away. I almost screamed in my mind in surprise. |
“ yŏudeshíhòu, wŏmen bùdébù xiāngxìn yuánfèn。
nàtiān xiăo jí zŏujìn wŏ de bàngōngshì, wŏ yīyăn jiù rènchū le tā。 wŏ jīngyà de chàdiănr jiào chūshēng。 |
不过她并没认出我, 毕竟那么长时间了。" |
However she didn’t recognize me. After all, it had been such a long time.” |
bùguò tā bìng méi rènchū wŏ, bìjìng nàme cháng shíjiān le。" |
“她主动找你解决心理问题?!" 罗致远比林琳还惊讶。 |
“She saw you for psychological problem?!” Luo Zhiyuan was even more surprised. |
“ tā zhŭdòng zhăo nĭ jiějué xīnlĭ wèntí?!"
luó zhì yuăn bĭ lín lín hái jīngyà。 |
“没错。" 林琳把那天和小吉的对话 对罗致远重复了一遍。 |
“Exactly.” Lin Lin reiterated the whole conversation she had with Xiaoji before. |
“ méicuò。" lín lín bă nàtiān hé xiăo jí de duìhuà duì luó zhì yuăn chóngfù le yībiàn。 |
“原来是这样。 我知道她有个好朋友, 也是从柳镇搬过来的。 难道是她?"罗致远想到了安亚。 |
“I see. I know she had a good friend who was also moved here from Liu Town. Could it be her?” Luo Zhiyuan was thinking about Anya. |
“ yuánlái shì zhèyàng。 wŏ zhīdào tā yŏu gè hăopéngyou, yě shì cóng liŭ zhèn bān guòlái de。 nándào shì tā?" luó zhì yuăn xiăngdào le ānyà。 |
心锁 | 28 |
安亚坐在水房里,手里拿着一本书, 却无心去读。 |
Anya was sitting in the laundry room, a book in hand but not in the mood to read. |
ān yà zuò zài shuĭ fáng lĭ, shŏulĭ ná zhe yī běn shū,
què wúxīnqù dú。 |
她看了看周围。 方形的水池已经干枯。 上面落着一层枯叶。 |
She looked around. The square basin was all dried up. A layer of dry leaves covered the bottom. |
tā kàn le kàn zhōuwéi。 fāngxíng de shuĭchí yĭjīng gānkū。 shàngmian luò zhe yīcéng kūyè。 |
雨停了,小吉还没有出来。 安亚能听见音乐声隐隐传来。 小吉说过,她想单独待在里面。 |
The rain stopped, Xiaoji hadn’t come out. Anya could hear music sifting through the walls. Xiaoji had told her that she preferred to stay inside alone. |
yŭ tíng le, xiăo jí hái méiyŏu chūlái。
ān yà néng tīngjiàn yīnyuè shēng yĭnyĭn chuánlái。 xiăo jí shuō guò, tā xiăng dāndú dài zài lĭmiàn。 |
安亚来时问过她, "如果你发现 你爸对你妈的死确实付有责任, 你会怎么样?" |
Anya had asked her when they first came, ” If you find out your Dad was responsible for your Mom’s death, what will you do then?” |
ān yà lái shí wèn guò tā, "rúguŏ nĭ fāxiàn nĭ bà duì nĭ māde sĭ quèshí fù yŏuzérèn, nĭ huì zěnmeyàng?" |
小吉咬着嘴唇,半天才说, "我不知道… 我不知道我会不会原谅他。 也许会,也许不会。 但我有种感觉,我是记得整件事的经过的。 就是怎么也想不起来。" |
Xiaoji bit her lips and thought for a while, ” I don’t know … I don’t know if I can forgive him. Maybe I will, maybe not. I have the feeling that I actually remember the whole thing, but somehow I just can’t vision it.” |
xiăo jí yăo zhe zuĭchún, bàn tiāncái shuō, " wŏ bù zhīdào… wŏ bù zhīdào wŏ huìbùhuì yuánliàng tā。 yěxŭ huì, yěxŭ bùhuì。 dàn wŏ yŏuzhŏng gănjué, wŏ shì jìde zhěng jiàn shì de jīngguò de。 jiùshì zěnme yě xiăng bù qilai。" |