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Chinese Short Story 心锁 Lock of The Heart [Elementary Level] |
心锁 | 19 |
“小吉,我理解。 这样吧,我在门边水房里守着, 你进去慢慢看。" |
“I understand, Xiaoji. Let me wait and watch out in the laundry room beside the door. You take your time looking inside.” |
“ xiăo jí, wŏ lĭjiě。 zhèyàng ba, wŏ zài mén biān shuĭ fáng lĭ shŏu zhe, nĭ jìnqù mànmàn kàn。" |
细雨从空中飘落, 在小小的宅院里, 溅起一层薄薄的雾。 |
The falling light rain splashed a thin layer of mist in the small courtyard. |
xìyŭ cóng kōngzhōng piāoluò, zài xiăoxiăo de zháiyuàn lĭ, jiàn qĭ yīcéng báo báo de wù。 |
小吉轻轻推开梦中的那扇门。 | Xiaoji pushed open the door that she had dreamed of. |
xiăo jí qīngqīng tuīkāi mèngzhōng de nà shàn mén。 | |
一步踏进去,立在眼前的, 果真是高高的衣橱。 她伸出颤抖的手,拉开那半开的门… |
Once inside, she encountered the tall cabinet right in front of her. She reached her trembling hand to the half-open cabinet door … |
yī bù tà jìnqù, lì zài yănqián de, guŏzhēn shi gāo gāo de yīchú。 tā shēnchū chàndŏu de shŏu, lākāi nà bàn kāi de mén… |
门里没有小女孩, 只有那个金发的洋娃娃,孤单地躺在角落。 |
There was no girl inside the door, but a doll with blonde hair lying alone in the corner. |
mén lĭ méiyŏu xiăo nǚhái, zhĭyŏu nàge jīn fā de yángwáwa, gūdān de tăng zài jiăoluò。 |
她们曾经是多好的伙伴啊! | How intimate the two of them had been in the old times? |
tāmen céngjīng shì duō hăo de huŏbàn ā! | |
心锁 | 20 |
小吉拾起她,为她拍去灰尘。 差点儿不记得了, 洋娃娃的手上还缝着一个小魔杖! |
Xiaoji picked her up and pat off the dust on her. She almost forgot that there was a little magic wand sowed to the doll’s hand! |
xiăojí shí qĭ tā, wéi tā pāi qù huīchén。
chàdiănr bù jìde le, yángwáwa de shŏu shàng hái féng zhe yī gè xiăo mózhàng! |
灰尘在暗淡的晨光中飞舞, 记忆,也在一点一点复活。 |
The dust danced happily in the morning sun beams. Memories came back to life little by little. |
huīchén zài àndàn de chén guāng zhōng fēiwŭ,
jìyì, yě zài yīdiănyīdiăn fùhuó。 |
衣橱旁的桌子上, 放着一个落满灰尘的CD播放机。 小吉插上电源,按下播放键。 |
On the table beside the cabinet stood a dust covered CD player. Xiaoji plugged it to the power and pressed down the play button. |
yīchú páng de zhuōzi shàng, fàng zhe yī gè luò măn huīchén de CD bōfàngjī。 xiăojí chāshang diànyuán, ànxià bōfàng jiàn。 |
那是一首母女情深的儿歌 -"小燕子"。 | It was an emotional mother-daughter song – “Little Swallow”. |
nàshi yī shŏu mŭnǚ qíng shēn de érgē -" xiăo yànzi"。 | |
她闭上眼睛,随歌声飘向遥远的往昔… | She closed her eyes and let herself drift away into the past… |
tā bìshang yănjing, suí gēshēng piāo xiàng yáoyuăn de wăngxī… |
心锁 | 21 |
“还记得,那一天妈妈作画时的背影。 她美丽的长发,高高地盘在脑后。 |
“I still remember looking at Mom’s back when she was sitting there and painting that day. |
“ hái jìde, nà yī tiān māma zuòhuà shí de bèiyĭng。
她没能画很长时间, 因为四岁大的我吵着 要人玩。 |
She wasn’t able to do her painting for too long. That was because her four-year old daughter, me, wanted her accompany. |
tā méi néng huà hěn cháng shíjiān, yīnwèi sì suì dà de wŏ chăo zhe yào rén wán。 |
我抱着洋娃娃, 那个时候,我叫她‘魔法公主’。 |
I was holding my doll. At that time, I called her “Magic Princess”. |
wŏ bào zhe yángwáwa, nàge shíhou, wŏ jiào tā ‘mófă gōngzhŭ’。 |
妈妈陪我玩了一会儿 ‘魔法公主’的游戏。 |
Mom played “Magic Princess” game with me for a while. |
māma péi wŏ wán le yīhuìr ‘mófă gōngzhŭ’ de yóuxì。 |
我说想吃饺子。 | Then I told her that I wanted to eat dumplings. |
wŏ shuō xiăng chī jiăozi。 | |
心锁 | 22 |
妈妈亲了亲我, 然后就去厨房准备包饺子。 |
Mom kissed me and then went to the kitchen to prepare for the dumplings. |
māma qīn le qīn wŏ, ránhòu jiù qù chúfáng zhŭnbèi bāojiăozi。 |
我还要妈妈陪, 妈妈再次亲了我,回到卧室, 打开CD机放儿歌给我听。 |
I begged for her company again. So she kissed me again and came back to the bedroom. She then turned on the CD player and played children’s songs for me. |
wŏ hái yào māma péi, māma zàicì qīn le wŏ, huídào wòshì, dăkāi CD jī fàng érgē gěi wŏ tīng。 |
后来呢? | What happened after that? |
hòulái ne? | |
后来很乱,好像什么都记得, 又好像什么都不记得。 |
My memories were confused after that. I felt like I remembered
everything, yet I couldn’t recall anything. |
hòulái hěn luàn, hăoxiàng shénme dōu jìde,
yòu hăoxiàng shénme dōu bù jìde。 |
后来爸爸回来了,什么时候回来的呢? | Some time later Dad came home. But when? |
hòulái bàba huílai le, shénme shíhou huílai de ne? | |
这个很重要,不是吗? 可是,我的记忆为什么那么混乱?" |
This is important, isn’t? However, why my memories were so messed up?” |
zhège hěn zhòngyào, bùshìma? kěshì, wŏ de jìyì wéi shénme nàme hùnluàn?" |
心锁 | 23 |
人的一生遇人无数, 至死不忘的,又会有几个? |
Among the countless people we met in our life, how many we’ll still remember in our death bed? |
rén de yīshēng yù rén wúshù, zhì sĭ bù wàng de, yòu huì yŏu jĭge? |
罗致远可以肯定, 林琳会是其中之一。 |
As for Luo Zhiyuan, it was certain that Lin Lin would be one of them that he wouldn’t forget. |
luózhì yuăn kěyĭ kěndìng, lín lín huì shì qízhōng zhīyī。 |
“恒远电器"旁的咖啡店里, 他和她相对而坐。 |
The two of them were seated across each other in the coffee shop beside “Hen Yuan Electronics”. |
“ héng yuăn diànqì" páng de kāfēidiàn lĭ,
tā hé tā xiāngduì ér zuò。 |
五年未见,她变化不大。 | She hadn’t changed much over the five years while they were apart. |
wŭ nián wèi jiàn, tā biànhuà bùdà。 | |
“怎么?真把我忘了?" | “Come on, did you forget all about me?” |
“ zěnme? zhēn bă wŏ wàng le?" | |
她笑问。 | She asked in a smile. |
tā xiào wèn。 | |
“怎么会?" | “Would it be slightly possible?” |
“ zěnme huì?" | |
这是真话。 罗致远不可能忘了她。 |
That’s the honest answer from him. Luo Zhiyuan could never forget her. |
zhè shì zhēn huà。 luózhì yuăn bùkěnéng wàng le tā。 |
在他最绝望的时候,是她, 向他伸出一双温暖的手。 |
It was she that lent her warm hand to him when he was most desperate. |
zài tā zuì juéwàng de shíhou, shì tā, xiàng tā shēnchū yī shuāng wēnnuăn de shŏu。 |